The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4355 One Shot Explodes A World!

Long Fei's voice came out faintly.

But this sentence is like a god of death, controlling life and death, cold and ruthless.

Especially at this time, a word.

Confirmed eyes, you are dead.

Simple and overbearing.

Insanely insane.


What's even weirder is that as Long Fei's voice fell, the changes in the whole world became more drastic.

All the power of the star, insanely, began to dissipate in the void.

And the auras of the people in the Starfall World began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Many people were devoured by all their strength in an instant, and they were sluggish.

"No no. It's my strength."

"Elder, help."

"Elder, kill him, kill him and we'll be fine."

Crying wildly, begging for help.

But it didn't work at all.

Because at this time, their elders are also unable to protect themselves.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

"Who are you? What have you done?"

The elder of the Starfall Realm coughed violently, and the whole person aged faster, and the Cultivation Base was directly cut off by most of it.

It was even more tragic than Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu before.

"Hahaha, get shy, get shy again."

"Just pretending to be in front of us, and saying that we are going to watch a show? Waiting for our Cultivation Base to be swallowed up?"

"What about now? Daddy is the one watching the show." Wang Yun laughed wildly.

All the unpleasantness disappeared at this time.

Looking at the people in the starfall world that is about to die, my heart is full of joy.

This is the real reverse.

The power that originally acted on them, because of Long Fei's arrival, directly reversed, swallowing the Cultivation Base of the local people in Nebula World.

On the contrary, they have no influence at all.

"Hahaha, you're right."

"Surely an adult is an adult, calmly, a word, a look, and a whole world of people."


Jiang Chunqiu complimented without limit.

On the other hand, Long Fei turned around lightly, looking at the two people whose whole body of Cultivation Base had completely dissipated, his eyes were slightly stunned.

Looking at the changes in the people in the Nebula world at this time, I already knew what was going on in my heart.

Immediately, he took Star Dan out.

In an instant, the world roared.

The power of countless Stars erupted in the Starfall World.

And these people from the Starfall World burst out with screams.

"Oh no!"

"No, please don't."

"Where's the Realm King? Lord Realm King, save us."

Helpless and helpless were written on their faces.

Because the power of the star that is raging in the sky was extracted from them.

Wang Yunhe and Jiang Chunqiu also looked at the Star Dan in Long Fei's hand, feeling the surging power above, and their faces became extremely heavy.

Long Fei was also lost in thought.

"No, how can you have such pure Star power? Why, our Starfall World is the master of Star Power."

The Elder of the Starfall World is almost insane, screaming madly.

Then, like a madman, he continued to draw the void with both hands, trying to draw down the power of the Star.

But, it doesn't help at all.

No response.

It seems that there is no power of Star that can be pulled by him.

"Do not!"

In an instant, the elder of the Starfall World was desperate, staring at Long Fei with a look of grief and indignation.

But Long Fei ignored it at all.

He looked at the Star Dan in his hand, guessing in his heart

"It turns out that there is such an operation."

"This f*ck starfall world is simply a world cultivated by Luoyuan."

"Furthermore, in this Starfall World, it is because of Luoyuan that they are proud of their cultivation. And the power they cultivate is just the waste products that Luoyuan abandoned and excreted."

Long Fei thought to himself, and instantly understood what was going on.

Feeling the rejection of the power of the star that is raging in the sky on this star, I also think that the space where Luoyuan was located before is only a space-time fault, and combined with the means by which the people of the starfall world have used the power of the star to pull the power of the star.

Everything can't be understood any more.

It is precisely because of this that now that he is in control of Star Dan, the people in the Nebula World, Cultivation Base will be weakened, and the power of Star will be swallowed up.

"Hahaha, if you say that, I don't need to shoot, this Nebula World can be destroyed directly?"

Long Fei's heart froze, it was not cool.

He has always been direct.

Simple violence, the most direct.

Just tough.

But to destroy a world, even if he is powerful, it will take a certain amount of time.

But now, a Star Dan directly brought him a monstrous surprise.

Quietly, you can destroy a world at the click of a finger.

How crazy is this?

At this time, the people of the Starfall World were completely lost, the oil was exhausted, the Cultivation Base all over the body had dissipated, and they became ordinary people.

Long Fei's eyes froze, he glanced at Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu, and said lightly.

"Wait, I will reunite your strength for you." Long Fei said.

Then, Long Fei made a seal with both hands.

Super pill refining technique, the method of refining void.

Whirring whirring!

In an instant, the power of the star that was raging in the sky became extremely quiet in an instant, and one after another madly swept into Long Fei's hands, and then merged with each other, and finally directly turned into two Medicine Pills.

It's fast, ridiculously fast.

It's almost done in an instant.

This kind of speed, even Long Fei, felt extremely shocked.

"Damn, it's the system that broke it out. No one else has this speed." Long Fei thought to himself.

How much power does this star have?

Basically the Cultivation Base of the entire Nebula world.

It's hard to count, but it's fused into two Medicine Pills, which can be completed in a matter of seconds. Who can say that it's not awesome?

On the other side, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu were also completely stunned by Long Fei's methods.

"Sir. This is for us?" Wang Yun asked tentatively.

Can't believe it at all.

"Of course it's for you. If you swallow it, your Cultivation Base should be able to recover, maybe even stronger." Long Fei said.

It is impossible for him to give the Star Dan refined by Luo Yuan to the two of them.

But these Star powers, Long Fei doesn't care at all.

"grown ups."

The two said with excitement in their eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and refine. When I destroy the Starfall World, let's go to work." Long Fei said, and before turning around, he put the Star Dan back into the space.

Now, the entire Starfall World, including the strongest Elder, has also become a waste.

In other words, this task of destroying the Starfall World is only one step away.

"You actually ruined my Star Realm, just wait, my Realm King will definitely let you refine your life and make your life better than death." The elder of the Starfall Realm said bitterly.

"The realm king? Ridiculous. If the realm king you are talking about is the existence in that layer of space."

"Then let me tell you directly, he has been killed by the daddy." Long Fei said with a calm expression.

Then, a long spear appeared directly in his hand.

"Meteorite!" Long Fei swiped his hands and shot his spear.

In an instant, a force of destruction erupted above the long spear and instantly fell on the Starfall Realm.



All of a sudden, the long spear blasted directly into the meteor world, and the entire world began to erupt with endless roars.

And the people of the entire Meteorite Realm were instantly swallowed up and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the system's prompt sound frantically sounded, and the series continued. "Ding Ding Ding"

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