The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4361 Bullying In The World

However, Yaya was still pleading with her face.

full of bitterness.

Tears of despair have washed the tender cheeks.

She wanted to break free and stop Hong Qiuye from taking action.

But Hong Qiuye's determination was too firm, and no one could stop it.

Because, long after they descended on Monster World, Hong Qiuye already had such a plan in his heart.

"Yaya, be good. As long as you live, there is hope."

"But, I have to take action. They are all Long Fei's brothers."

"I absolutely can't watch them helplessly, they are being tortured like this." Hong Qiuye said with a bleak smile.

Then he turned around, continued lurking, and looked in the direction of the Star Palace.

At this time, there were several figures hanging above the void of the Star Palace.

It was also at this time that he began to roar wildly.

"Star Monster World King, dog thing."

"Just rely on you, still want to use us to seduce our boss?"

"Even if you die, daddy will never let you succeed." Li Yuanba opened his eyes angrily, insanely insane.

But at this time, the King of Monster World laughed loudly.

"Hahaha, death? Do you think you can still control your life and death now?"

"The dog thing that's overpowering."

"The fire of Star, burn it for me!" King Star Monster World shouted.

And as his voice fell, an incomparably huge star demon roared hysterically.

Blood flowed from his eyes.

Extremely unwilling!

However, he couldn't control it at all. It seems that the power of King Hoshi Monster World has been instilled in his soul, and as long as it is the order of King Hoshi Monster World, he simply cannot refuse.

So, in the constant roar, the star demon spewed out the fire of the star one by one, burning Li Yuanba and the others.

Boom boom boom!

The void is surging, the power of the Star's fire reflects the sky and the earth, rendering the entire void into a fiery red.

but. At this time, Li Yuanba and the others did not speak out.

Even the fire of the Star made their souls feel the pain.

Feeling that life is not as good as death, one by one gritted his teeth and insisted.

Because they know who the star demon is in front of them.

They even had smiles on their faces.

"Xiao Wudi, it's okay, don't struggle."

"Use your strongest power to burn us."

"Then live well, and when the boss comes, he will definitely save you out." Li Yuanba's skin was scorched all over his body, his flesh and blood were tumbling, black and red.

But still enduring the pain, he smiled.

"Yes, Xiao Wudi, don't struggle. We can endure this pain."

"Yes, as long as you are safe and sound, you will be fine."

"Also, don't cry. Your father is an invincible existence across the world. Your name is Xiao Wudi, how can you cry?"

"Hahaha Xiao Wudi, we're fine."

Immediately, Zhang Yue, Li Wuxin, Tianling, Lin Yousheng and others spoke one after another.

Their constant comfort is that they don't want Xiao Wudi to have a psychological burden to bear the power of the King of Monster World.

At this moment, they are still thinking about Xiao Wudi.

As always, they can die, but Xiao Wudi can't do anything.

Nothing else, just because he is Long Fei's son.

And Long Fei is their boss.

This is enough.

At this time, in the entire void, there was a burst of laughter.

"Hahaha, is this the son of that traitor?"

"Hahaha, my own people kill my own people, it's awesome."

"Lord Realm King, it's really a good trick."

"There's a good show to watch now."

The people of Wanjie laughed wildly, with contempt and smug smiles in their eyes.

Can't be suppressed at all.

Because the more miserable Long Fei's brothers are, the closer they are to success.

As for whether Long Fei will come?

They never think about it.

Because as long as these people are there, they are not afraid that the dragon will not come.

Moreover, they had already learned about Long Fei's temperament from Zun Zhou, and they didn't believe that Long Fei would give up his own brother and son.

At this moment, the king of Monster World had a ruthless look on his face, and said indifferently.

"Jie Jie, is this uncle and nephew's deep affection?"

"Okay, then let's add another fire to this seat to see how affectionate you are."

"Star Monster Voice! Dang!" King Star Monster World shouted loudly.



Suddenly, above the endless void, the light of the mother star of the Star Demon World suddenly shone down.

"If you want to court death, then it depends on how much you can bear."

"Xing Yao Wanjie obeys orders. Now, under the light of Star, you can control this beast."

"This seat has to see how many times they can withstand the attack of Star's fire." Star Monster World King Coldly said.

All of a sudden, the world is surging.

This kind of power, they dreamed of.

Immediately, there was a past who stood up, pulled the light of Star in his hand, turned it into a whip, and slammed it violently.


A whip directly hit the Star Demon above the void.


hysterical roar.

It's like tearing, making people tremble in their souls.

"Star Monster World King, you bastard."

"You kind of target us, what's the deal with a child?"

"Fuck your ancestors!" Li Yuanba went crazy and struggled frantically.

The whole body was chained by Star enough to create blood ditch.

But don't stop at all.

"Hahaha, what, are you angry? That's what this seat wants."

"Come on, isn't it affectionate? Isn't it okay to die?"

"Don't you want to hurt him?"

"Then I'm afraid that I will let the people of Wanjie hurt him and humiliate him."

"How is it? Are you happy?"

"Hahaha!" The King of Monster World laughed loudly, and there was a ferocious look in his eyes.

Then, he looked at the people from the Star Demon Myriad Realms.

"Come on, don't stop, let me control one by one."

"If anyone can kill this beast, let him break through the control of Star and explode the power of the source, this seat will directly let him replace the world of beasts and become the tenth super-powerful world."

The King of Star Monster World said.

A face of greed.

Many realm kings are puzzled, but in the face of such an opportunity, who wants to give up.

Super strong world, this part-time job is a fatal temptation for them.

"Haha, I'm coming!"


Another realm king shot.

clap clap clap!

clap clap!

one by one.

Whip after whip.

In the blink of an eye, the Star Demon, transformed by Xiao Wudi, was already scarred and bruised all over.

Li Yuanba and the others also roared furiously, struggling frantically one by one, trying to break free from the control of the Star chain.

But basically, there is no way.

I can only watch helplessly, the humiliation of Myriad Realms.

Yes, it's humiliation.

Their hearts are bleeding, and they can't wait to break free and go out to bear all this for Xiao Wudi.

However, this Star chain firmly imprisoned them.

At this time, in the void.

Hong Qiuye also burst into tears.

She sees all this in her eyes and listens in her heart.

I can't stand it either.

Whisper! Between the backhands, she pulled out the long sword directly, and cut out the darkness with one sword: "Who dares to hurt him? Give me death!"

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