The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4362 Sun God Slash!

Kill with a sword!

The slashing void swept in.

Puff puff puff!

Countless star Monster World kings were directly beheaded by Hong Qiuye with one sword.

Bloody Void.

At this moment, the people of Star Demon Myriad Realms also reacted.

"There are killers."

"It's not the killer, it should be the same party. Seeing us being so humiliated, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I jumped out on the initiative."

"Just one person, how dare you be so arrogant?"

Everyone's eyes were not good, and they looked at Hong Qiuye in the void.

"Hahaha, sure enough, you are hiding in my star Monster World. Do you think this seat can't feel anything?"

"If you hadn't treated them like this, you would have appeared?"

"Unfortunately, only one came." King Star Monster World said.

It seemed that everything was already under his control.

Below, the people of the Star Demon Myriad Realms looked stunned.

"It turns out that this is the case. It turns out that the adults have long known that they still have such a layout, so I knelt down."

"This should be the thief's woman, she really looks extraordinary. I don't know."

"Hahaha, then you have to let the adults come first. But before this ten thousand people, it is indeed the first time in all ages."

Countless lewd voices appeared, and their eyes reflected light. Looking at Hong Qiuye, they were all about to move.

At this time, the King of Monster World was also moved, looking at Hong Qiuye, the tip of his tongue ran across his lips, extremely lewd.

"Hahaha, you're right. If you come here once before the crowd, I won't believe it, then Long Fei can really hold back."

"Besides, this woman is so beautiful, and she is much stronger than the women in my star demon world. How can a Long Fei, such a waste-like thing, deserve such a perfect woman."

"Only this seat is eligible to have it."

The King of Monster World moved, and his eyes moved on Hong Qiuye again and again, extremely greedy.

Full of evil and lust.

But Hong Qiuye's face was icy cold as he stood with his sword in hand.

For these eyes and words, listen but not hear.

In her heart, there is only one word, kill!

At this point, she was completely overwhelmed with killing intent.

My own life and death have been completely ignored, and I don't care at all.

She only knew that if Long Fei was here, even if he tried his best, he would never hurt Xiao Wudi and humiliate his own brothers.

And she is Long Fei's woman, that's enough.

At this time, Li Yuanba and others were even more crazy.

The moment Hong Qiuye appeared, they really went crazy.

Even more desperately trying to break free.

"Sister-in-law, let's go!"

"This is their conspiracy."

"Don't be fooled, let's go!"

Several people roared wildly.

Eyes filled with blood and tears, endless madness.

At this moment, they hated themselves immensely.

If they hadn't despised others too much, they wouldn't be where they are today.

Xiao Wudi was framed, and they were deeply imprisoned. Now that even Hong Qiuye has appeared and caught everyone's eyes, the result will definitely not be much better.

For them, this is simply a fatal blow.

What is even more painful is that they can only watch helplessly, and nothing can be done.

"Sister-in-law. Hurry up, hurry up!"

"Leave us alone, let's go!"

The sound was like weeping blood, with grief and anger in the powerlessness, and pleading in the pain.

But at this time, the King of Monster World snorted coldly.

"Let's go? At this time, do you still want to go?"

"Totally impossible!"

"Also, if I don't believe it, there is only one person here."

"Come on, whoever captures this woman now will become the second person to occupy him after this seat." King Monster World said.

But this sentence directly aroused the desire of these people.

One by one, guarding against all the light, they looked at Hong Qiuye.

"Hahaha, Lord Realm King has spoken, what are we waiting for, such a perfect woman, I haven't enjoyed it yet."

"Everyone has a share in capturing him."

"Hahaha, daddy can't wait now. Go!"

Suddenly, the sky is flying.

Almost in an instant, all the realm kings of the star demon descended to the ten thousand realms.

Because they know in their hearts that this is the performance of meritorious service.

Moreover, Hong Qiuye was so beautiful, and he was also a realm king, which made them hungry and thirsty.

Brush brush!

In an instant, countless forces burst out.

A brain swept the direction of Hong Qiuye in the void.

And Hong Qiuye also raised the long sword in his hand at this time.

With determination in his eyes.

"The sword of the sun god, the light of luck, cut!"

A sword swept across the sky, and Hong Qiuye swung his sword brazenly.

She has no way out.

Even if there are ten thousand people, she can only make a move.


Sword Ray wreaked havoc, and with one sword, Hong Qiuye's power exploded to the extreme.

But this power is not aimed at the people of the world, but the king of the star Monster World.

Her goal is only this one.

As long as the culprit is killed, everything will be resolved.

The power that bound Li Yuanba and others would disappear.

Little Invincible will return to normal.

Everything will end.



At this time, the power of the Star Demon Myriad Realm King also erupted, sweeping the void, and in just a blink of an eye, the entire void was submerged in it.

Hong Qiuye's figure also instantly disappeared into the void.

It was directly submerged by the flood of power.

"Do not!"


"You bunch of dogs, some kind of let the daddy go, I'll do it with you!"

Angry, crazy, hysterical.

This scene directly made Li Yuanba and the others feel like madmen in an instant.

However, it was useless at all, countless Star chains stubbornly pierced them and fixed them on the void.

Even struggling is in vain.


The Star demon transformed by Xiao Wudi also roared.

The whole body twitched, and blood and tears continued to flow.

Although he was controlled by the King of the Star Monster World, his consciousness was still his own. At this time, seeing Hong Qiuye being drowned by the power of the King of the World, his heart was aching, and life was better than death.

And at this time, the King of Monster World laughed out loud.

"Kill me? Even this tiny Cultivation Base wants to kill me?"

"Out of control."

"You don't need to take action, these people will be able to take you down!" The King of Monster World said lightly, with a very indifferent tone.

There is endless contempt in his eyes.

The King of the Worlds also burst into laughter

"Haha, what can a woman do?"

"But don't worry, my lord, we all suppressed him when we shot. At most, he will be seriously injured, and he will never be killed."

"After all, it would be too much of a loss for such a good beauty to be killed."


The sky is empty, a burst of arrogant and lewd smiles.

However, in the midst of their laughter, a cold voice was drowned out of the void and came out.

"A bunch of thieves, even if I die today, I won't let your conspiracy succeed."

"The sword of the sun god, the power of luck."

"Sun God Slash!" "Kill!"

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