The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4363 Miserable

Hong Qiuye's voice came out coldly.

The determination is incomparable, and it seems to have a death wish.


And as Hong Qiuye's voice fell, a sword light suddenly appeared.

Brush brush!

This sword, the rays of light soar to the sky, extremely surging.

It also has the power of endless luck, surging between the heavens and the earth.

Rumble, boom!

The power of luck is extremely violent, sweeping over, and when turning around, the power of the King of the Worlds is directly impacted.

form a stance against each other.

And Hong Qiuye also pulled out at this time, throwing a sword, stabbing into the void.


Hong Qiuye's figure rose into the sky, the flames burst, Sword intent Ling Tian.

The sharp killing intent rubbed against the void, burning the void.

As if at this moment, Hong Qiuye is the long sword, and the long sword is her.

The true unity of man and sword.

If Aya is here, he will be amazed.

Because Hong Qiuye at this time really brought the power of the sword to the extreme, even if she was not as good as her.

On the other hand, the eyes of King Hoshi Monster World also changed slightly.

"The power of one world?"

"I can't think of it, there is such a means in the world of the Yang God? Use the body of a realm to smelt a realm into a sword?"


King Star Monster World spoke lightly, and pointed to the void with one hand.

Suddenly, above the entire void, tens of thousands of Stars suddenly appeared.

Brush brush!

The light of countless stars is shining brightly in the sky at this moment.

"However, that's all. Even that old thing is locked in the Star cage by this seat. What is your power?"


A look of disdain flowed in the eyes of the star Monster World King, and his lips parted lightly.


Suddenly, among the tens of thousands of stars in the void, one star suddenly fell.

Directly broke the void, and suddenly came.


The falling Star slammed into the sword glow around Hong Qiuye.


Immediately afterwards, a roar sounded suddenly.

Whoosh whoosh!

Countless sword lights were raging at this time, circling the void, as if to smash the star.

But how big the star is, even if Hong Qiuye is a man and a sword at this time, using his experience in the world of the sun god to merge into one sword, in front of this kind of power, it seems a little insignificant.

In just a moment, the sword power was a little weak.

And the power of this star is still extremely surging.

"Do not!"

"The power of luck! Condensate!"

Hong Qiuye was in a state of grief and anger, and fought a bloody battle.

At this time, her blue shirt was already stained with blood, but her eyes were still unwilling.

I want to fight with strength and condense a sword again.

However, it is simply not enough.

At this time, the king of Monster World moved, and in one step, he crossed the starry sky and came directly to Hong Qiuye's side.

"Is it still stubborn? But without strength, no matter how stubborn, it is still an ant."

"Give me the town!" King Xing Monster World roared and stretched out his palm.

The entire fallen Star immediately began to annihilate.

But the surging power went, ignoring all of it and being absorbed by him.

And on his palm, a powerful and extreme aura gradually burst out.

It seems that one of his palms is a Star.


Then, the King of Monster World suddenly shot, and fell with a palm, directly annihilating the remaining Sword intent in the void.

"Come on, struggle? Don't you want to kill me?"

"This seat is waiting for you here, do you still dare to use your sword?"

"Can you still use the sword?"

"Tsk tsk, the Meridians are about to break, and you still want to kill me? Do you have the capital?" said the King of Monster World.

Hong Qiuye looked at King Xing Monster World angrily, with trembling hands, he raised his long sword again.

At this time, she was unable to use the sword at all, just like the king of Monster World said.

The Meridians in her entire body were already on the verge of collapse after cutting out that sword, and she was completely powerless.

However, Hong Qiuye still insisted on raising his long sword.

But it turned directly to his own heart.

she. I have decided to cut myself off.

The next moment, Hong Qiuye's eyes looked towards the void, as if he was waiting for something to come.

Finally, with a bleak smile, "I'm sorry, husband."

"I failed to protect them."

"But I will never let them defile me in the slightest."

Hong Qiuye said in his heart, and then suddenly waved his sword.

But, at this moment.

The King of Star Monster World moved, and with a wave of his hands, a star ray flashed past, directly turning into a chain, sweeping the long sword in Hong Qiuye's hand, pulling it hard, and breaking away directly

"Want to die? Even if you want to die, you have to ask me if I agree with the woman you like."

The King of Star Monster World said.

With that said, his body stepped forward, stretched out his hands, and was about to pull Hong Qiuye into his own arms.

Hong Qiuye's eyes were full of anger, with despair after another, and tears flowed from the corners of his eyes.

However, it is completely powerless.

"Bu Longfei, where are you?"

"help me!"

"help me!"

In an instant, Hong Qiuye's heart collapsed.

She is not afraid of death, but what she is most afraid of is being humiliated and humiliating Long Fei.

"Haha, Long Fei? That little beast doesn't know where to hide now?"

"You still expect him to come here?"

"Don't think about it, he doesn't dare at all."

"Also, no one can save you."

The king of Monster World smiled and was extremely ferocious.

With a sudden movement, he grabbed Hong Qiuye again.

But suddenly, the expression of King Hoshi Monster World changed, and the hands that were stretched out instantly shrank back.

"Well? Is there anyone else?" King Xing Monster World's face froze.

Gloomy and embarrassing.

It's like the duck that got in hand, flew away.

And at this time, the space in front of Hong Qiuye fluctuated, and countless ripples oscillated, as if distorted.

"Husband, is that you?" Hong Qiuye also looked over, full of hope.

"Autumn leaves, go!"

Hong Qiuye led it quietly, wondering if Long Fei was coming. But was interrupted by a squeak.

Immediately afterwards, a figure walked out of the void in front of him, grabbed Hong Qiuye, and then submerged into the distortion again.

It is Yurou!

Not only him, but also Aoya and Liu Luoxi.

The three of them had already guessed Hong Qiuye's plan, so they let You Rou continue to deduce it.

Originally, he wanted to take the opportunity to attack the King of Monster World with a fatal blow.

However, the King of Star Monster World is too strong, and they are completely beyond their ability to deal with it.

We can only void the plan and save Hong Qiuye at this time.

However, King Hoshi Monster World stood still, as if he didn't care at all.

Until the distorted space in front of him disappeared, there was no trace of the existence of Hong Qiuye and others in the whole world.

Star Monster World Wang Cai raised his head lightly, and a sneer was drawn on the corner of his mouth.

"Do you think you can leave now?"

"Originally, if you didn't move, it would be difficult for this seat to find you."

"But, it's uneasy."

"Now, if you want to escape, it's too late!"

"Star formation, now!"

brush! In an instant, all the stars shine, the void collapses, and everything, nothing to hide.

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