The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4367 The Opportunity Of Little Invincible



A roar shook the world.

A roar of the void.

Long Fei was completely lost.

Cry constantly!

"why why!"

"Daddy went all the way from Tianwu Continent to this Myriad Realm Star. What he wanted was freedom, detachment, protection, and peace."

"Why, to target me like this, what did I do wrong with Long Fei?"


Long Fei roared furiously, his heart was exhausted, his eyes had turned red, and in his pupils, there were still violent winds.

"Sir, calm down."

"Master Young should not be dead yet."

"You can't just say a word from the other side, and you will be beaten directly."

"You are the strongest man under the stars, how could you give up so easily!"

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu also spoke quickly.

Especially Wang Yun, even more excited.

He was already ready for a big fight.

However, it was completely unexpected that Long Fei had collapsed before it even started.

But Long Fei, exhausted at this time, was completely immersed in deep self-blame, and could not listen to these words at all.

At this moment, the King of Monster World suddenly got up and looked at Long Fei who was kneeling in the void, almost collapsed, with a reckless expression on his face.

"Haha, have you lost your mind?"

"Trash is trash."

"The loss-making king has prepared so many great shows. It seems that they are all useless."

"Come on, kill him."

The King of Star Monster World said.

Very disdainful.

Especially when he saw that Long Fei's mind was lost at this time, he didn't take it to heart.

"Haha, I'm coming!"

Immediately, a realm king walked out.

A look of grimness and madness.

"Haha, do you think the rebels of the ancient world are so powerful?"

"So fragile?"

"It's just the death of a son, and it collapsed? Garbage!"

"Since you are so annoyed, let daddy fulfill you and send you to see your son!"

The man laughed.

In one step, it was above the void, and then a punch was thrown.

But at this moment, Wang Yun moved.

Originally, Wang Yun was already full of anger.

Seeing that Long Fei lost his mind at this time, his killing intent burst out even more.

"Lao Jiang, go and rescue Young Master."

"It really can't be done, take the master away."

"Where there is life, there is hope."

"Here, leave it to me." Wang Yun whispered.

Then, he turned around abruptly, and slammed directly at the king of Monster World.

"You bunch of bastards, trying to move adults, trying to kill daddy."

Wang Yun shouted loudly, and arrogant fighting intent filled the world.


Wang Yun made his move brazenly, with a speed that far surpassed that of the realm king of the star demon.

Moreover, the difference is not even a star and a half.

His punch, which came out late and was idle, directly punched the man's chest.


The king's body shot by the star Monster World went straight out of the bandit, and was punched through the chest by Wang Yun.


The King of Monster World's eyes were bleak, and he said a word of you with difficulty, as if he couldn't believe that he would not be the enemy of the opponent with one punch.

There was unwillingness and regret in his eyes.

It's just that the world has no chance to come back.

Otherwise, he would never pretend.

Killing a realm king with one punch, Wang Yun's fighting spirit instantly increased by another level

"Come on, who else is there?"

"The scumbags of the King of Monster World, you are doing this to my lord."

"Have the ability to be tough!"

Wang Yun roared furiously.

He is the realm king of the war world, and he fights all his life.

The most disdain is these conspiracies.

But until now, seeing Long Fei, who is invincible and invincible, has been defeated.

His heart was filled with hatred.

The only thought is to kill them all.

In the distance, King Star Monster World also had a frosty look on his face.

Seeing that the real king who was sitting down was so easily beheaded by Wang Yun, his face became angry.

"Hmph, I have a bit of ability, but it is already comparable to the level of the general super power world."

"I really can't see that Long Fei, this bastard, still has some ability, and he can actually gather you."

"However, it is useless after all. In front of this seat, no matter how strong you are, you are still a waste."

"Come on, keep going."

The King of Star Monster World spoke coldly.

But he didn't mean to take action at all, he just looked at Long Fei.

It seems that he wanted to see if Long Fei was really broken because of Xiao Wudi.

Whoosh whoosh.

Also at this time, with the order of the star Monster World king.

One after another figure flew up directly.

"Hmph, I advise you to be good. A person, no matter how powerful, is definitely not our opponent."

"Everyone is a realm king, even if you are strong, where can you be strong?"

"Suffer to death!"

An unruly sound came from the mouth of the King of the Star Demon Myriad Realms.

This time, there were more than a dozen people who shot.

But at this time, there was no fear on Wang Yun's face, instead, there was a determination to have a good fight.

It's like a back-to-back battle!

Unstable life and death!


Wang Yun drank heavily, his own Battle World Crazy Blade appeared in his hand, and he fought fiercely.

In an instant, the entire void was full of power roaring, and swords, lights and swords were everywhere.

At this time, Jiang Chunqiu was not idle either, but taking advantage of the chaos, he directly transformed into a divine light, carried Xiao Wudi away from the ground, and came to Long Fei again.

At this time, Long Fei seemed to be inspired by something.

After all, father and son are connected.

At the moment when Xiao Wudi was carried over by Jiang Chunqiu, Long Fei's hazy eyes turned into a kind of deep love, and he looked over.


Long Fei murmured, instinctively, holding Xiao Wudi in his own arms.

However, suddenly.

Long Fei only felt a darkness in front of him, and an extremely strong pulling force swept over.

It acts directly on his soul, pulling him frantically into the darkness.

But Long Fei did not refuse at all.

This moment of clarity made him instantly aware that this kind of power must be related to Xiao Wudi.

Even, it is related to the life and death of Xiao Wudi.

For a moment, Long Fei only felt that his own soul had traveled through all time and space in an instant.

In every time and space, Long Fei seemed to see Xiao Wudi's figure.

And in every time and space, Xiao Wudi is smiling at himself. Then, a voice entered Long Fei's heart

"Father, I'm fine. When I'm done walking the Underworld Road, I'll be back with the Six Paths of Palm."

The voice was very light, but every word struck Long Fei's heart.

At this time, all darkness disappeared.

Long Fei also opened his eyes at this time.

"This is definitely not an illusion, my son... not dead!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Not dead, my invincibility is not dead. This is a chance!"

Suddenly, Long Fei laughed.

Tears burst into his eyes.

"grown ups……"

Jiang Chunqiu was extremely uneasy in his heart, and spoke in a low voice.

But it was directly interrupted by Long Fei.

Gradually, Long Fei stood up, turned his eyes, and glanced at his own brother.

Glancing at own woman.

In the end, Xiao Wudi was handed over to Jiang Chunqiu.

"Everything you have endured, today, I will pay back everything for you!"

"I want the entire Star Demon world to be baptized with blood, the suffering you endured."

"Gods, get ready to tremble!" Long Fei said lightly.

Long Fei's voice was cold and ruthless, like a judgment on heaven and earth.

At this point, he is the true God.

All beliefs, all powers in the world are all bubbles, and because of him, this time is eternal.

In an instant, King Hoshi Monster World's expression changed.

Suddenly he looked up and looked at Long Fei in disbelief.

At this moment, he actually felt that all the violence and evil thoughts in Long Fei's heart had disappeared.

It seems that even the anger has disappeared.

"Impossible, your son is dead, can you not be angry?" King Star Monster World asked rhetorically.

Unbelievable eyes.

The change in this moment was beyond his imagination.

It was clear that Long Fei had been lost a moment ago, as if he was about to fall into the boundless abyss.

But now, just like this, he broke free from the abyss.

Moreover, it seems that he can see through the falsehood of the world and take a step further.

This change made his heart tremble.

Because, Cultivation Base, like him, is even more aware that this kind of emotion, this kind of state of mind, even if the group is in Zun Zhou, it may not be possible to achieve.

As long as you are human, you have seven emotions and six desires.

Have what you want and care about.

However, Long Fei's performance at this moment seemed to ignore all these.

Who can do this?

Only the true invincible heart, invincible heart, invincible people.

All will be ignored.

"Who told you that my son died?" At this time, Long Fei also said.

He stared at the king of the Monster World with a calm expression on his face.

"But then again, daddy would like to thank you."

"If it wasn't for you, my son wouldn't have such a chance." Long Fei said indifferently.

After speaking, Long Fei's footsteps moved, walking in the void.

Moreover, his hands also probed into the star in the void time and time again.

Click click!

The chains of Stars were torn off by Long Fei at this moment.

Moreover, even the star light on Liu Luoxi was crushed by Long Fei violently.

He couldn't bear the power of Long Fei at all.

It seems that these hands are the Dao Fa, the power of the universe, these Stars are directly ashamed and collapse in an instant.

The whole process seems to be slow, but in Long Fei's operation, it is only a breath of time.

After doing all this, Long Fei directly asked Tianyan Beast to transmit the power of Tianyan to open up another world.

Send the figures of several people into it.

Jiang Chunqiu was no exception, and he entered in an instant.

At this time, the people below were stunned.

One by one, they stared blankly at the void.

It seemed to be immobilized, motionless.

Only the King of Monster World, at this time, knew clearly what Long Fei had done before.

"It's impossible that this is the power of the law of my star Monster World, how can you easily erase it." The king of Star Monster World said in a trembling voice.

The unruly color disappeared.

Originally, he thought he was strong enough.

Even before, when Long Fei regained his clarity, he didn't take it seriously.

There was no hurry to get out.

But now, there was an ominous premonition in his heart.

"You're so arrogant, you set up such a conspiracy against daddy. Don't you know?"

"Are Daddy's rules?" Long Fei said softly, freeing himself from the void.

Immediately, he fell.

A long gun appeared in his hand.


With a single stroke of the spear, it points directly at the king of Monster World

"Daddy has long said that my rule is, God blocks kill God, Buddha blocks kill Buddha."

"Destroy life, kill!"

As soon as the spear thrust came out, Long Fei's figure also burst out instantly with the shadow of the spear.


As the spear passed by, the endless roar exploded, the world turned upside down, and the sun and the moon did not shine.

It's like destroying the world.

Puff puff puff.

The sound of a throat bursting also followed.

I saw that within the range that Longfei's spear passed, the throats of the realm kings of the Star Demon Myriad Realms were directly pierced by Longfei.

Dead body.

Even, they haven't responded yet.

They are still immersed in the excitement of wanting to kill Wang Yun.

It was directly cut off and fell down instantly.

Immediately, countless panicked sounds exploded.

"One shot."

"He killed hundreds of realm kings with one shot. God, is this still a human?"

"Lord Bujie, hurry up and suppress this son."

"He's a devil!"

All of a sudden, the realm king of the star demon myriad realms reacted.

His face was slapped with the blood of the real world king, and he immediately began to beg for mercy.

At this moment, they finally know how brainless they are.

He even wanted to kill Long Fei.

Because it turns out that their strength is simply not enough for Long Fei to abuse vegetables.

Star Monster World King's brow is also wrinkled

"Boy, you are too arrogant."

"Don't think you'll be awesome if your mood changes suddenly."

"I'm not afraid of you, but I just want to see what kind of power you have," said the King of Monster World in a deep voice.

getting colder.

He didn't expect things to develop to this point.

In his plan, as long as Long Fei appears, it will become his stepping stone.

In one leap, he set off the beginning of the road to rule all worlds.

As long as Long Fei is powerfully beheaded, all of this can be achieved.

"Then what are you talking about, come on." "I also want you to know what will happen to those who plot against Daddy's brothers and women and force Daddy's father and son to kill each other. But now, Daddy wants you to see with your own eyes, Your world, in the hands of daddy, will be annihilated with a single shot." Long Fei said:


How strong is the King of Star Monster World, he doesn't know and doesn't care.

However, since the other party has touched his inverse scales and stepped on his minefield.

That is to fight everything, Long Fei will also kill the opponent.

This is his principle.

Those who offend me will be punished!

Even if it spans ten thousand miles of time and space, and steps through ten thousand worlds of Star, it will not hesitate.

However, between the words, the long spear in Long Fei's hand still did not stop.

Basically every breath time, Long Fei will stab a shot.



"Cut the sky!"

"Reverse Immortal!"

Falling Abyss Nine Strikes!

Long Fei didn't drop a shot.

Stab out in an instant!

And, a shot is better than a shot.

By the time his voice fell, a rescue gun had been stabbed in his hand.

At this time, the world of nothingness has been stained with blood.

Under the star Monster World, the king of all realms, there is not one in a hundred.

Above the void, Wang Yun had already entered the heaven and earth when Long Fei shot.

Across the barrier, he clearly saw Long Fei's invincible posture.

"Terror. The power of adults is really invincible."

"One long spear killed the king of ten thousand realms."

"And, without breaking a sweat."

Wang Yun clicked his tongue and said in horror.

Jiang Chunqiu glanced at Xiao Wudi in his arms, then looked at Long Fei again.

"I never doubted this. When they threatened with Young Master, it was all doomed."

"Moreover, the mad killing of adults is not the end. On the contrary, I think it is just the beginning."

"Nine Heavens, the heavens and the world, really shouldn't provoke adults." Jiang Chunqiu said, with a profound meaning.

Wang Yun was slightly taken aback.

But immediately, I want to understand something.

Because now, Long Fei has changed.

Thinking of this, Wang Yun nodded and said, "That's right, your lord is no longer the lord you used to be. This time, the entire Myriad Realms will just wait for the blood to flow into a river."

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