The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4368 Another Ancient Class

Under the void, Long Fei was unparalleled in rage.

One shot swept the King of Ten Thousand Realms.

Cold-blooded contempt!

At this time, Long Fei shot nine shots, and his body was not stained with blood.

Talking and laughing, the world is full of invincibility, and the flames are invincible.

"This is your Star Demon Myriad Realms?" Long Fei said indifferently.

His eyes narrowed, with a bit of sarcasm.

This result was already determined in Long Fei's heart when he entered Monster World.

Dragons have inverse scales, and whoever touches them dies.

The people of the Star Demon Myriad Realms insulted his brother and his woman.

Can't stand it!

These people accompany him to fight countless planes, life and death go hand in hand.

Long Fei will never allow anyone to insult.

This time, Xing Monster World has touched the blood line, there is only one word of death in Long Fei's heart, no one can do it.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant."

"This seat just doesn't make a move. Once this seat makes a move, you have to kneel down obediently."

"It's just a bunch of rubbish, do you really think that you are invincible?" said Wang Hansheng, the star of Monster World.

Looking at Long Fei indifferently, in the pupils, ten thousand stars flickered, and one after another tyrannical force revolved around the body, as if it was brewing a big move.

"Arrogant? Daddy is used to being arrogant, what can you do?"

"I don't want you to bite me!"

"As for invincibility, I'm sorry, daddy still feels that he is invincible. Even if he is, there is an enemy, but it will definitely not be you."

Unruly, mad, and invincible.

At this time, Long Fei rendered the will of the invincible world to the extreme.

As time goes by, the sun and the moon, the primordial energy of chaos, all appear one after another, wrapping around Long Fei's shoulders and the top of his head, showing a bit of arrogance.

"Hmph, make-up"

"Long Fei, I have to say that this seat admits to underestimating you, but now, you are still dead."

"Star Meteorite Formation, come out!" said the King of Star Monster World.


In an instant, the void surged, and countless stars appeared in an instant.

Brush brush!

The light of all stars shines and roars into the void.

"Boy, have fun."

"This is an unusual gluttonous feast that this seat has prepared for you."

"Remember, don't die too fast, or this seat will be disappointed." King Star Monster World said.

Have no fear!

It seems that Long Fei is settled.

Long Fei also suddenly raised his head at this time.

I saw endless starlight surging between madness, vast and powerful.

The powers are also different.

When it burst out, it was like a star demon beast, madly violent.

Even above each star, a kind of devouring power faintly circulated, swallowing up the blood of the realm kings of the star demons and worlds killed by Long Fei.

Rumble boom!

The blood poured backwards, and on the top of the countercurrent Star, an extremely terrifying scene was formed above this void.

Long Fei's eyes remained the same, calm.

The spear moved and pointed straight to the sky.

It was also at this time that the Star that merged with the Blood Essence, the King of All Realms, suddenly changed again, and it turned into a star monster, roaring into the void.

"Star Crack!"

Long Fei's lips parted lightly, Luo Yuan's eighth shot, outrageously attacked.


One shot provoked a profound light, pointing directly at the sky.

At this time, on the Star in the void, the figure of a star demon suddenly appeared, and the whole body was red, as if stained with blood, extremely sinister.


With a roar, the Star Demon suddenly swooped down towards Long Fei, his body filled with coquettish and explosive power.

But Long Fei did not move.

Holding the spear in hand, do not dodge or dodge.

At this time, the robbing light of the star crack has also blasted into the sky.

Almost in the blink of an eye, it collided with this Star Demon.

In the distance, the star Monster World King's eyes are also fixed in the void.

Full of viciousness.

It seemed that he wanted to watch Long Fei be crushed into ashes under the power of this star demon.

However, at the moment when Long Fei's spear and the power of the Star Demon collided, his eyes changed.

The expression on his face instantly froze.

"It's impossible!" King Monster World's expression turned cold.

The scene in front of him made his heart suddenly change.

Because he is the King of the Star Monster World, he knows the most about his own Star Meteor Formation.

Nature has absolute confidence.

What's more, now Star is fused with the blood of the king of the world, and the power is multiplied.

In this case, he didn't think Long Fei could break free at all.

However, Long Fei gave him a slap in the face.

I saw that above the void at this time, Long Fei raised his spear high, a long spear that was nearly ten thousand feet tall, directly piercing the body of the Star Demon, and the power of the Star began to leak out crazily.


Constantly screaming, constantly struggling.

It seems that he wants to break free from Long Fei's control.

"You still want to struggle? Even if you turn into a demon, you are still a Star's body after all."

"As long as it's Star, then this shot will burst you."

"Blast me!"

Long Fei opened his mouth coldly and drank it coldly.

The ten thousand zhang long spear trembled suddenly!

Then, an incomparably huge Star Demon exploded.

Blast directly in the void, forming a huge mushroom cloud.

In the end, it vanished into thin air and ceased to exist.

"Is this your method? Star Meteor Formation? But that's it."

"Also f*ck die, drop a hammer."

"Give me a blast!" Long Fei said lightly, and then his eyes were stunned, and in an instant, the spear was vertical and horizontal again.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, the entire void was stirred up by Long Fei.

The spears danced across the world.

Puff puff!

Bang bang bang!


Do the same, shot after shot.

Long Fei seemed to be tireless, wandering above the void.

And with every shot he fired, a Star demon fell.

And in the Star Divine Array, one star after another dimmed.

In just a few breaths, the star marks one after the other were directly blown up by Long Fei's gun and no longer existed.

And Long Fei seems to have been addicted to it.

In the ruthless slaughter, the iron-blooded method makes the entire starry sky chill.

Especially in the world of Tianyan, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu were completely confused.

Looking at Long Fei, his face was horrified.

Because, the current Long Fei just confirmed what they said before.

A prophecy!

Rivers of blood!

The King of Monster World was also completely shocked at this time. He never imagined that Long Fei's strength was so strong.

Faintly, his mind has also changed.

However, at this moment, Long Fei, who had overturned the Star Meteor Formation with a long spear, had already turned his attention to him.

"Now, what else do you have?"

Long Fei's eyes were cold, and he said indifferently.

"Means? Hmph, little bastard, this seat is afraid of this seat's methods, you can't bear it."

"It just so happened that your strength did not disappoint this seat."

"If that's the case, then give me death!" Xing Monster World Wang Yi drank.

As soon as he moved, the figure disappeared directly.

The next time it appears, it will directly transform into a super huge Star demon.

The size of the figure is simply indescribable.

And Long Fei's eyes also brightened, "Ancient boss?"

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