The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4369 Forbidden Power

Long Fei's eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The higher the Cultivation Base, the fewer bosses.

Especially after the system changes, it is even more difficult to encounter bosses.

Even the realm king of all realms is not even a super monster.

Just like before, he beheaded wildly and exploded with one shot.

The system didn't respond at all, it didn't even count as a bit of experience, and some were just frenzy.

However, without a boss, no amount of rage value is useless.

But now, the King of Monster World can directly become the boss, which is precisely for Long Fei to quench his thirst.

"Hahaha, cool, this time, daddy wants to see what can happen to such a hard-to-find boss."

Long Fei's heart was instantly full of energy, and the killing intent was even more monstrous.

Originally, King Star Monster World had done so many things, and it was already a dead end.

Now, showing attributes is a boss.

Long Fei couldn't let him go.

This is his character.

It's impossible to let go of the boss.

"Little bastard, see, this is the power of this seat."

"Your brother, your woman, and the power of your son have all been absorbed by this seat."

"Now this seat is the representative of invincibility. Do you think you are qualified to shout in front of this seat?"

"The ants of the ancient world, overthinking their abilities, still want to turn the sky upside down?" The King of the Star Monster World, who incarnated as a star demon, became even more violent.

A single sound can make the entire void roar, like thunder falling from the sky, causing a sensation in the world.

At this time, Long Fei also put away the spear.

Although the spear is a gun, it is not enough to face the boss.

Immediately, the Blade of the Realm King appeared directly in Long Fei's hands.

"Whoever has the loudest voice is arrogant."

"If you are invincible, can you still be a thousand-year-old second child?"


Long Fei sighed and said disdainfully.

"Ah, ah, courting death!"

"Give it to me!"

In an instant, King Hoshi Monster World seemed to be stabbed by Long Fei.

Directly furious, directly opened his mouth, and swallowed the starry sky.

Below, Long Fei's face is also certain, with a move of his hands, holding the blade of the realm king, he directly slashes out a knife "Crazy Dragon Town Realm!"

There is no accident, it is the skill that comes up.

Star Monster World King gave Long Fei a very unusual feeling.

Especially after turning into a star demon, this kind of power made Long Fei feel a huge tear on his body.

There was a kind of blood resonance, which seemed to be pulled out of the body.

So, it's a straight cut.


A knife fell, a mad dragon came out!

The ten thousand zhang mad dragon roared in the sky, and the scales exuded an endless ferocious aura.

Take the world by storm.

And the body of the mad dragon is also vertical and horizontal, reloading towards the star monster transformed by the king of the star Monster World.

Star Monster World King's face also changed slightly, but just for a moment, it turned into madness and greed "Is this your power?"

"The realm king of the ancient world? Hahaha, I can't believe that you, a traitor, turned out to be the realm king of the ancient world."

"But this is the best, wait for this seat to swallow your power. No matter what the mystery of the ancient world, it will be in this seat's pocket, swallow it for me!"

In an instant, a more violent devouring power erupted from the King Monster World, and his mouth turned into a black hole, swallowing the sea.

Even the void was devoured by him, and the entire world shrank sharply in seconds.

It seems that it is crazy to swallow the entire area where the Star World is located.

At this time, Long Fei was also involuntarily involved in the vortex of devouring.

"Damn, is it that fierce?"

Long Fei's face also changed greatly.

He knew too well how strong his physical power was.

With the power of the flesh alone, ordinary realm kings can be obliterated at will.

Even the original King of Beasts and the King of Northern Dipper, Long Fei had the confidence to suppress them with pure physical strength.

However, at this time, even the devouring power of the King of the Star Monster World could not be resisted.

How to make Long Fei not shocked.

At this moment, Long Fei was too surprised.

The King of Star Monster World also has a brand-new identification.

"Crazy Dragon Town, kill me!"

However, no matter how much he thinks about it, Long Fei will never be caught off guard.

The power of King Xing Monster World is too strange. If he is swallowed up, he still doesn't know that something uncontrollable happens. Long Fei will never condone this kind of thing.

Therefore, in an instant, Long Fei slashed again.


Immediately, another mad dragon was born, and suddenly slammed into Long Fei's body, blocking the devouring power of the sky.

Long Fei seized the opportunity, pulled out, and stood directly above the void.

At this time, the power of the two ten thousand zhang mad dragons was directly swallowed up, and the two dragon bodies gradually disappeared under the violent swallowing power.

"Hahaha, how is it? Little beast, are you struggling again?"

"I don't believe it, what else can you do?"

"Moreover, your move has no effect on me at all. As much as you come, this seat can swallow as much."

"When your power disappears, this seat will see you turn into a dog in front of this seat and be the humblest star demon."


The King of Star Monster World couldn't stop laughing, and his body was even bigger.

It seems that this time swallowed, merged with the void, and the power surged again.

Long Fei's eyes gradually flashed a dignified look.

"Devouring? Could this be the rule of the Star Demon Myriad Realms?"

Long Fei thought to himself.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

Because now, ordinary power has no damage to the king of the star Monster World.

And Long Fei couldn't see all the attributes of the King of Monster World at all.

It's impossible to even find a weakness.

After all, at this time, the king of Monster World is too huge, spanning the universe, and the naked eye can't see through the whole body.

For a time, Long Fei also began to think about the power he had now.

"I also have the power of rules."

"However, the second sword of the Realm King's Blade, there is no way to unblock it now."

"Although Seven Star Fist is also a power of rules, it is impossible to swallow the rules."

"what else?"

Long Fei's mind turned rapidly, and his eyes kept searching in the system, trying to find a power that contained rules.

Suddenly, Long Fei's eyes lit up. Among the system skills, a power flashing with forbidden words came into Long Fei's eyes.


"What is this?"

"System, when did I get the 'ban' skill?" Long Fei hurriedly hooked up with the system.

"Ding, this skill is 'Hand of the Great Way'. After the system is approved, this skill is too powerful, so it is set as a forbidden power, and the player can use it once at the first-level. Moreover, the player needs to fill up energy before using it for the second time. "

"Every time you fill it, you need the power of a rule."

The system responded.

And Long Fei also reacted at this time.

"Hand of the Great Dao?" "Tsk tsk, I almost forgot about this. Just right, I will try it with the Hand of the Great Dao this time to see how strong the skill that can even be set as a taboo power in the system is." Long Fei I thought to myself, looked up slightly, and said with a cold snort.

Said, "System, activate the hand of the avenue!"

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