The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4379 Undead Beast

The brilliance circulated and disappeared.

As time went by, the speed of Long Fei's descent became slower and slower.

At this time, the sky is dark and the earth is dark, and all the light has no connection with this place.

As far as the eye can see, the whole is a dark world.

As if darkness is the only theme here.

Not only that, this dark breath shuttled, and even caused Long Fei's perception ability to continue to decline, and alerts came from above the flesh.


With a cold snort, Long Fei's body shook.

A flash of fire appeared from his hand.

However, this light just appeared for a moment, and it was directly swallowed by the endless darkness.

No trace was left.

Long Fei's eyes condensed, as if he did not give up, and once again condensed a red fire.

But the ending is still without any accident, and it goes out in an instant.

"Sir, this place is very strange. This kind of atmosphere is so cold."

"It seems to be the same as the power of Starfall World, even more overbearing. I actually feel that the lifespan in my body is constantly shrinking."

Life is different from life.

Life is an illusory existence.

Back then, when he was still on the lower planes of the ancient world, Long Fei once refined Shouyuan Dan.

But at that time, everything was in the hands of the god of fate.

But now, let alone himself, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu, any one, can dominate the ancient world. It was the original Emperor Xuan who couldn't even jump up and down in front of the two of them.

In other words, they basically have endless lifespan.

Heaven and earth perish and I am immortal; sun and moon perish and I am Immortal.

The alternation of withering and prosperity has long been detached from the outside world.

Who can control their life essence?

Who dares to dictate their lifespan?

But now, the strangeness of this place is actually devouring their lifespan.

Even Long Fei can't be calm.

Moreover, Long Fei also felt some kind of power, and he was constantly breaking through his own body defense, trying to wreak havoc in it.

If it weren't for his physical power being too powerful, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to resist it either.

"Devouring lifespan? Among the Thirteen Great Emperors, are there still others?" Long Fei was startled and became cautious.

However, at this moment, a stomping sound appeared, and the real space began to roar.




In an instant, countless spatial fulcrums collapsed.

Accidentally, the three figures of Long Fei fell instantly.

"Damn, is this going to be buried alive?"

Long Fei's heart moved, and he turned over to regain control.

But Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu were not so lucky.

Long Fei's eyes were extremely cold, and he wanted to see what was there, but when he saw Jiang Chunqiu's reaction, he swooped down while shaking his head.

In an instant, Long Fei held up his hands and pulled the bodies of the two to prevent them from continuing to land.

But at this moment, another stomping came directly.

Press hard.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu stooped down instantly and vomited blood.

Even Long Fei felt his shoulders sink, as if the entire sky had collapsed.

"I f*ck, it's endless, right?"

"Daddy wants to see what it is."

Long Fei shouted angrily, and a faint green fire appeared in his hand again.


This is something that was drawn by lottery when the system was in the ancient world, and it has never disappeared.

Even more vigorous.

In the midst of the fiery light, it was even more connected with Long Fei's heart, jumping constantly on Long Fei's palm.

And this time, the entire dark space was instantly flooded with light.

"Xinhuo, hahaha, the fire never goes out."

"Things unearthed by the system are awesome." Long Fei was overjoyed, his mind moved, and the fire was thrown directly into the void by Long Fei.

In an instant, the fire rose, the endless light appeared, and the darkness shone brightly, instantly illuminating the world.

No dark corners exist anymore.


And at this moment, a roar sounded.

Long Fei was startled, his eyes lifted slightly, and he saw an indescribable giant beast filling the void.


The star demon transformed by King Bixing Monster World did not give in at all.

What is even more terrifying is that this giant beast is full of the power of decay.

It seems that this is not a god at all, but an existence that has been dead for more than a few years.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu also reacted at this time and moved to Long Fei's side.

"Undead? Undead behemoth?"

"Sir, what is this?"

The two were terrified, and fear was written in their pupils.

Eyes were split, staring at the giant beast above the void.

Long Fei pondered and remained silent.

It's not that he doesn't want to say it, but he also doesn't know what it is about this thing.

Even the system can't tell what it is.

There is no boss light, nor any attribute introduction.

It's as if this thing is not a living body at all.

"Roar, damn it, dare to break into the forbidden space of the starry sky."

At this time, the giant beast opened his mouth, and one after another extremely terrifying power erupted from the giant beast.

Long Fei's eyes became more complicated, because at this moment, he actually sensed three different powers from this undead beast.

The power of decay, the power of longevity. Even the power of the Netherworld.

For a time, Long Fei was immediately stunned, and he couldn't understand why.

But the undead beast above the void would not give Long Fei the time to think about it.




The three forces exploded in an instant, sweeping the entire space.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth moved, coldness erupted, and before turning around, he pushed Jiang Chunqiu and Wang Yun aside, backhanded directly, Luo Yuan spear shot, and stabbed out brazenly.


Suddenly, a roar resounded for thousands of miles, a huge tentacle instant fortress, and all kinds of unspeakable substances fell from the void.

A look of disgust flashed in Long Fei's eyes, and he swiped his spear and spun the light to form a shield to protect his body.

Whoa whoa whoa!

Blood rains drifting above the void.

With a strong corrosiveness, all the forces touched are annihilated into powder under the power of this undead behemoth.

However, he couldn't touch Long Fei at all.

Long Fei is isolated from each other, like another world, Wanfa will not invade.

Moreover, above the void, the power of the fire also exploded instantly at this time. It seemed that he felt the anger in Long Fei's heart, and the light was even hotter, scorching the world.

In just an instant, these forces were directly dissolved and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Long Fei's heart was settled, and when he raised his head, he was ready to take the initiative to attack.


"It seems that the ancient Great Emperor is not as simple as I thought."

"The power of the three emperors can actually be merged into one,,,, this is a bit awesome."

"However, that's it, no matter how much power you have, you can't stop Daddy's footsteps." "Cut!"

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