The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4380 Three Emperor Corpses

Long Fei's spear in hand, a little void.

Puff puff puff!

Nine thorns in the sky.

Don't hold back.



At this time, above the entire void, the undead beast also erupted into a roar.


Large swathes of carrion and blood rained down from the sky.

The power of decay, the power of the ghost, and the power of immortality are instantly intertwined, and the entire space is changing and extremely violent.

And the power of fire, at this moment, also broke out.


The ray of fire burns the void like the sun is in the sky, and the flames seem to contain supreme will, sweeping the void.

crackling crackling.

Countless crisp sounds erupted between heaven and earth. Under the illumination of the power of fire, these forces were visible to the naked eye and disappeared directly.

Long Fei's eyes became more and more satisfied.

"Brilliant, I always thought this was an irrelevant system item."

"I didn't expect it to be so awesome. Could it be the nemesis of the Thirteenth Great Emperor?"

The more he thought about it, the more excited Long Fei felt.

If this is the case, then this trip will become faster.

Because from the most ancient world, Long Fei has never been disappointed by this shining fire.

The abyss demon prison breaks the plane, and the evil spirit is illuminated in the longevity tomb.

Now, in this place where all worlds intersect, it seems that it has long been connected to its own power.

Moreover, the power of this dazzling fire is more powerful than the original, I don't know how many times, this is what really shocked Long Fei.

In other words, this is a power.

rather than any system props.

Thinking of this, Long Fei was determined.

And at this time, the undead beast above the void was completely furious.

The huge body has been riddled with holes that Long Fei has stabbed, and countless powers are tyrannized.

And the system also presents his attributes at this time.

"The Three Emperor Corpse Insect is an ancient boss."

"Unlimited blood."

"Defense a trillion."

"Attack skill lethal tentacles."

"Describe the species derived from the power of the three emperors' corpses. It is extremely evil, can live many people's lives, and enhance its own strength."

Seeing such a second technique of such a system, Long Fei's eyes instantly lit up.

At this time, the light of the boss also began to appear on the three emperor corpses, which was extremely dazzling.

In an instant, Long Fei was excited.

The light of this boss is even more tyrannical than the previous Luoyuan Great Emperor.

"Three Emperor Corpse Bugs? Could it be that this is the fusion of the Three Emperors?"

In an instant, a shrewdness flashed in Long Fei's eyes.

Didn't think of it at all.

Originally, I just thought it was a guarding monster in this space, but I didn't expect it to be a super boss at all.


Long Fei's heart was filled with killing intent.

In the face of the boss, never bow your head.

This is Long Fei's standard.

Below, Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu also came over.

At this time, their faces were extremely embarrassed.

It can be said that under the oppression of these three emperors corpse worms, their whole people are in a state of sluggishness.

Cultivation Base's aura is still tyrannical.

However, it feels like dying.

One after another invisible power, from them, was like a cocoon, and was gradually pulled out.

However, under the power of Shining Fire, this kind of existence has nothing to hide in Long Fei's eyes.

"Sir. What the hell is this? I feel like my lifespan is about to be swallowed up." Wang Yun said, with extreme horror in his eyes.

Jiang Chunqiu was the same, looking at Long Fei with eyes full of help.

"It's okay, it's just a few old things that even rotted out the bones, the power derived from it."

"Brilliant fire, burn!"

Get a big drink.

Immediately, if the fire above the void came directly to two firelights, the silhouettes of Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu were instantly removed from the firelight.

In an instant, the strange power on the body of the two was directly removed by this dazzling power.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu's expressions turned, and a look of joy appeared on their faces.

"Sir, what is this thing? How could it have such a powerful force?" Wang Yun asked.

Even if the strength is restored, the lifespan will no longer flow, and the two of them are still full of fear for this kind of thing.

"This is a boss." Long Fei said.

No more explanation.

Anyway, even saying it is useless. With the experience of Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu, it is impossible to imagine what the concept of an emperor corpse adult is.

Wang Yun and Jiang Chunqiu were stunned, they didn't understand what Long Fei said about a boss.

Just wanted to ask, but was interrupted by the Three Emperor Corpse Insects.

"The breath of the ancient world, you came from the ancient world!"

"Hahaha, finally, see the sun again."

"I thought it would be people who got our inheritance to come here, but I didn't expect that people from the ancient world would come here."

"There are also two realm kings from outside the realm, and their strength is also good. Today, it is finally the time for the three of you to recreate the world."

The three emperors corpse worm spoke coldly, as if waking up in a haze.

Long Fei's expression also changed.

Sure enough, everything was as he thought.

These three emperor corpse worms are the integrated union of the three ancient Great Emperors.

"It's impossible to reproduce the world! In front of daddy today, you have only one dead end." Long Fei said.

What about the Corpse of the Three Emperors?

The purpose of Long Fei here is to dig out the secrets of the Thirteen Ancient Emperors.

Not to mention the fusion of the corpses of the three emperors, even if the remaining twelve ancient emperors were all fused together, Long Fei was not afraid at all.

Instead, sweep directly.

"What an arrogant boy, when we were all over the world, you still didn't know where to play with mud? Now you dare to be arrogant in front of this emperor?"

"Hmph, don't be ignorant of flattery. I didn't wake up before I let you succeed. Do you think you are still our opponent now?"

"Impossible, the power of the three emperors, all living beings will tremble."

Three voices appeared one after another.

Incomparably arrogant, still aloof and ignorant.

The corner of Long Fei's mouth moved, sketching a sneer.

Didn't wake up just now?

Now the Great Emperor will recover?

So what?

Luoyuan's nine strikes are just the most common among the means he is currently in control of.

Thinking of this, Long Fei raised his head and said

"So what? The Three Emperor Corpse Insect, after all, is still a reptile."

"You can be vertical and horizontal when you are vertical and horizontal, just because it is not my era."

Long Fei said, absolutely incomparable.

Extremely domineering.

"Not your era? What an arrogant boy, really f*ck crazy, even crazier than adults back then."

"If it were back then, this emperor would have killed you with his backhand."

"Just for your arrogance, this emperor decided to be the first to kill you and make you the home of this emperor."

A voice came again.

But this time, Long Fei didn't say anything, and in the backhand, the long spear was put away.

"Stop talking nonsense, daddy was able to beat this crawler to pieces before."

"Now, you can blow him up." "Seven Star Fist, Tianquan!"

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