The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4381 Evolution?

Long Fei dropped his words and punched directly.

In an instant, the Northern Dipper star map was suspended directly above Long Fei's head.


Stars twinkle.

Among them, Tianquan, one of the Northern Dippers, suddenly shone brightly.

A little man like a mini dragon flying took the lead.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining six also put on a punching posture, instilling all the power of Star in Long Fei's hand.


In an instant, Long Fei's fist swept across the world.

It seems that the power of the whole world is in this punch.




Long Fei rushed forward with a punch and went straight to the Three Emperor Corpse Insects.

At this moment, the three emperor corpse worms began to wriggle uncomfortably.

"Star power? How is this possible? Someone from outside the realm, who developed Star?"

"No, it's the power of rules."

"Star has derived rules?"

"Touch of Decay!" "Touch of Life!" "Claw of Wraith!"

In an instant, three voices erupted from the three emperors' corpse worms at the same time.

Full of incredible horror.

Brush brush!

In an instant, countless tentacles were derived from the three corpses.

The world swayed, like huge pillars, roaring down.

And Long Fei was even more violent at this time.

In his eyes, it was like the fire of the Star was burning.


"Flush light!"





Seven Star Fist, not one left.

And, punches are more violent than punches.

Boom boom boom.

One after another fist shadow and thousands of tentacles collided in the void.

The power burst out, bursting one after another in the void.

Countless shots collapsed directly, what rotten power, what longevity power, what nether power.

At this moment, it is useless.

In the face of Long Fei's absolutely violent power, it was useless at all.

Whoa, whoa!

Whoa whoa whoa!

Countless tentacles directly turned into powder, mixed with flesh and blood, and fell into the void.


"Impossible, how is this possible, what kind of power is this?"

"I don't believe it, but I haven't been born for hundreds of millions of years, how can I have this kind of power?"

Three shocks.

The Three Emperor Corpse Insects were completely stunned.

Being mad by Long Fei, his entire body shrunk severely.

Before, it was too huge to be seen, and even the outline could not be seen clearly.

But now, with Long Fei's violent seven-star fist, thousands of tentacles jumped instantly, and the entire three emperors corpse worm gradually shrunk, only becoming only ten thousand feet in size.

In Long Fei's eyes, there was no change at this time.

Killing intent is still there.

Especially at this time, seeing the three emperors corpse worms suddenly shrinking so much, with a movement of eyes, the blade of the realm king was drawn between the backhands.

"Crazy Dragon Town Realm!"

Long Fei shouted loudly.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him is Long Fei's consistent principle.

In an instant, the mad dragon roared, galloping Nine Heavens.


The ten thousand zhang mad dragon came out vertically and horizontally, directly circling the entire void, and directly entangled with the three corpse emperor insects.

"Dragon? Not just the phantom of the dragon clan? And the will of the dragon clan?"

"Boy, who are you?"

In an instant, a stern voice came from among the three emperor corpses, full of shock.

It was even more astonishing than the terrifying power of the Seven Star Fist that faced Long Fei before.

"Who the daddy is, you don't have to guess."

"Anyway, it's not that scheming bitch of Long Batian." Long Feihan said coldly.

As for the Thirteen Great Emperors, Long Fei had long known that they were the sons of Long Batian.

Therefore, there was no surprise at the shock they showed at this time.

"Presumptuous, even humiliating adults."

"As the descendants of the dragon family, don't you know that we are the invincible warriors under the adults? If it weren't for us, the ancient world would collapse."

"Wait, you are committing disorder, you are disrespecting and disrespecting!"

The voice of the three emperors appeared again.

full of anger.

However, as far as Long Fei is concerned, farts are useless.

"Criminal? Disrespect? If Longbatian really protects the ancient world, daddy will recognize it."

"However, a scheming bitch always lays out on daddy, do you think daddy will accept his fate willingly? It doesn't exist."

"Moreover, the ancient world is now guarded by me. If you can't keep it, don't pretend." Long Fei said indifferently.

Show no mercy.

It can be said that for Long Batian, Long Fei couldn't really feel any gratitude in his heart.

Although relying on the experience of Longtian Batian to escape several times.

It is also because Long Batian got the root of the Dao and transformed his body to have the power he has today.

However, this does not mean that Long Batian is out of good intentions.

Moreover, now Long Fei also seriously suspects that Long Batian is recovering, and he is full of resistance, how could he be grateful.

It is precisely because of this that Long Fei did not have the slightest delay in the layout of the Thirteen Great Emperors.

One word is to do.

At this time, the power of the mad dragon also exploded completely, entangling the corpse of the three emperors, and between each other, the dragon claws caught the corpse of the three emperors again and again.

In the same way, the power of the Three Emperor Corpse is also increasing.

"Hmph, whoever you are? Today is destined to be your death."

"No one can stop us from coming back, and no one can stop the adults from coming back."

"A giant dragon with energy condensation, it's far away, let me collapse!"

The three emperors spoke again, extremely disdainful.

In Long Fei's eyes, there was also a dignified look at this time.

Looking at the corpse of the three emperors with more and more power in the void, I felt a chill in my heart.

"I'm Cao. Is this f*ck kidding me?"

Long Fei's heart was dark.

This time, it was a real surprise.

These three emperor corpses are like upgraded.

After being annihilated by Long Fei's countless powers, instead of being injured, he became stronger.

Especially in the boss attribute, there is no change in the slightest.

"I f*ck, the operation is as fierce as a tiger, and when I look back, I stab it in place! Was it all in vain just now?"

Long Fei felt extremely helpless.

At this time, a more violent force suddenly erupted from the body of the three emperors.

It seems that it is the only fusion of the power of the three.

In an instant, it directly invaded the mad dragon's body.


In an instant, the mad dragon collapsed and ceased to exist.

The surging power drowned the entire void.

Under this power, Long Fei also took a few steps back.

As he looked up, he stared at the corpse of the Three Emperors above the void.

In my heart, 10,000 grass and mud horses galloped past.

"Unreasonable, this is a bug, right? With such a domineering output, it's okay to not die, and the more you fight, the stronger you are, how can you play it?"

Long Fei cursed inwardly.

Looking at the corpse of the three emperors above the void again, looking at the same as the previous introduction, Long Fei was extremely unhappy.

But at this moment, the corpses of the three emperors above the void suddenly began to split.

The body shrinks sharply, like a cocoon.

Pieces of rotten flesh began to disappear.

For a moment, Long Fei's eyes turned cold, "Is this. Evolution?"

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