The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4792 Evolution Boss

The void flickered, and the light flourished.

The sword light pierced through the sky, extremely fierce, and even the space was split, and the sky light flickered in an instant. The colorful star light burst out from it.

And above the seven-colored lotus, the mysterious light is now fully displayed, and the divine power of Buddha nature is incisively and vividly.

Boom boom boom.

The collision of the two forces finally collided, and the knife of Jiulong Yutian fell heavily on the colorful lotus.

Click click!

Immediately afterwards, the sound of cracking appeared one after another, and I saw that above the huge lotus, one after another cracked open, and under this knife, it was finally about to collapse.

The power of Jiulong Yutian also disappeared at this time, and Long Fei's figure appeared above the void, standing with one hand, with a mighty breath.

"Buddhist Bodhisattva, that's all." Long Fei said lightly.

Manjusri is too pretentious. From the moment he appeared, he carried a battle that would destroy Long Fei. This kind of expression made Long Fei very unhappy.

If you don't feel good, do it.

"Presumptuous, wicked, dare to break my Magic Treasures, I can't spare you today."

"Deviling pestle, town!"

Manjusri shouted angrily, his eyes burning with anger. This Seven Treasures Golden Lotus was his Magic Treasures, which he once bestowed upon Jin Zha, but after the Conferred Gods ended, he was also brought to Buddhism by him. With his Cultivation Base and good fortune, the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus is no longer the Escape Dragon Pillar, and its power has increased compared to the original.

I don't know how many times.

Now that Long Fei's knife has cut a crack, and most of his divinity has dissipated, how can he not feel distressed.

Under the anger, Manjusri directly cast Magic Treasures again, and the demon-subduing pestle fell from the sky, swept the void, and smashed at Long Fei.


The huge demon pestle swept through the void, accompanied by endless Buddha light, majestic and majestic, and it was the nemesis of all demons.

Even Long Fei had to admit at this moment that this magic pestle was extremely extraordinary. However, it is a pity that Long Fei used the Blade of the Realm King at this time, and his breath was even more mighty. He is the ancient world king, who controls the blade of the world king, draws the sword and stands up, that is, he dominates the world. Long Fei is even more violent than his breath, and he is invincible even if he is alone.

Even the upright compassion of Buddhism can't hide it.

"The true method of subduing demons, the only Dharma realm, open!" Manjushri glared angrily, his hands were constantly swaying, and the demon-subduing pestle was also shining brightly at this time, and a Buddhist aura that washed the heavens and the earth burst out from it, which was extremely powerful.

Under this power, the entire void was filled with this huge golden light. Fortunately, Long Fei had already expelled all the 100,000 Mountains. Otherwise, under this power, these demons would have to peel off their skins even if they didn't die.

"Oh my God, I can't imagine that if we were still in Shiwanshan, we would have been suppressed by this Buddhist power."

"Our feelings were expelled, and it saved our lives."

"It's dangerous, it's dangerous, or you will definitely die." Thousands of miles away, some monsters immersed in the barren mountains, saw the battle in the void, and felt extremely fortunate in their hearts.

But the Tushan family above Tushan was not so lucky at this time.

This Buddhist aura is too pure, it is simply not something they can bear. It can be said that at the moment when the radiance of the subduing pestle blooms, the true teaching of Buddhism becomes a world of its own, directly covering the entire 100,000 Mountains.

"Namo Amitābha."

"Namo Amitābha."


In the blink of an eye, countless Buddhist and Sanskrit sounds appeared, shaking the world.

"Not good, damn it. This is a Buddhist Bodhisattva, powerful and powerful, breaking the ice for thousands of miles!" Tu Shan Xiaoya's eyes condensed, and a shock of icy cold emanated from her body.

"Xiaoya, no, you can't take action anymore in your current state." Tu Shan Xiaorong's expression changed.

"It's too late, these two bastards are terrifyingly strong. Moreover, their breath is extremely powerful, which is absolutely fatal to our demon clan."

Tu Shan Xiaoya said in a deep voice, her voice was extremely angry.

They are demons, and the aura of Buddhism is incomparably upright and full of the power of transformation, which is a natural nemesis for them.

She's okay, her Cultivation Base is already the Golden Immortal of Taiyi, and her breath alone can't hurt her. But the Tushan people could not resist.

Furthermore, Long Fei's power is even more terrifying. The vertical and horizontal movements between the raised hands shook the sky, not to mention the demon clan, but also all sentient beings, full of a sense of oppression.

It can be said that the power of the two people broke out, and their Tushan family couldn't bear it at all. It won't take long for them to die under the pressure of this breath.

Tu Shan Xiaoya will naturally not allow this scene to happen, so she will do everything at this moment to break the ice.

But, at this moment, above the void, a scene of glare fell directly.

Between negligence, it seems to form a barrier directly, wrapping Tu Shan in it.

The expression of Tu Shan Xiaoya, who just condensed the truth, was full of disbelief.


Tu Shan Xiaoya was shocked.

"That,,,,,,, that is a sacred object. This,,,,,,," Tu Shan Xiaorong was also shocked.

This is the holy relic they dreamed of. Originally, Tu Shan Xiaoya took this as a condition and wanted to embarrass Long Fei.

But now that the holy relic comes out, they still don't know how.

From beginning to end, Long Fei was teasing them.

Because the sacred object is on Long Fei.

"Bastard, this is a trick for me." Tu Shan Xiaoya was angry, looking at Long Fei, who was unparalleled in height and width, and said harshly.

But Tu Shan Xiaorong didn't care about Tu Shan Xiaoya's reaction, instead she was excited

"Xiaoya, look, it's a sacred object, and with the sacred object there, the pressure here can't hurt our Tushan at all. Moreover, our Tushan Linghu will change in the future." Tushan Xiaorong was extremely excited.

"I know." Tu Shan Xiaoya said indifferently, the anger still visible on her face.

Especially at this time, Tu Shan Xiaoya actually saw Long Fei above the void, and with a slight glance, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth, which made Tu Shan Xiaoya feel embarrassed and angry.

But she also knows that Long Fei is at a critical moment in the battle, so she will not speak at all.

"Hmph, wait for this monk to be driven away, let's see how you explain it." Tu Shan Xiaoya thought secretly.

But no one noticed that at this time, on the roof of a house in Tushan, a thin figure was staring blankly at the Qingqiu catalogue in the void, his eyes were in a daze, and his body was faintly blooming with a bright red.

At this time, above the void, Long Fei stood proudly, with the blade of the realm king in his hand, and everything was fearless.

Even if the entire 100,000 Mountains of Void were wrapped and flooded with Buddhist formations, it would still have no effect on Long Fei.

"Damn, before the system broke out the Tathagata Sutra, but unfortunately, everything was recast later."

"I don't know if the system girl can deduce it."

"As soon as the Tathagata Sutra comes out, all Buddhism and Bodhisattva are all scum." Long Fei felt regretful in his heart.

To deal with Lingshan, there is nothing more straightforward than the Great Sun Tathagata Sutra.

Your dharma image is solemn, and my great sun Tathagata is the root of salvation. As soon as the scriptures come out, they are directly swept away.

But regret is regret, there is still to be resolved.

But, at this moment, Wenshu's body was quietly covered with a layer of golden light.

This golden light is not the light of Dharma, nor the light of Magic power.

But only Long Fei can see. The light of the boss. "Damn, with the blessing of Magic Treasures, has it evolved directly into a boss?"

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