The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4793 Buddha Palm

This change made Long Fei excited and surprised.

Before, when the system girl said that it was difficult to deal with people, Long Fei was serious, but he did not think about the other party on the way to the boss.

But now, with the blessing of the power of the subduing pestle, the real world of Dharma opened, and this Manjusri was promoted directly and directly transformed into a boss.

The dazzling light of the boss made Long Fei feel dazzling.

This level is different from the ones killed on Earth before. At best, those are pseudo-bosses that were formed because of the Saint's breath.

The Manjusri in front of him is different, but it is real, and he is promoted to become a boss by his own strength.

"Evil obstacles, when my Dharma real world is opened, all the falsehoods are floating clouds, like dream bubbles. In my real world, you will reopen the five wisdoms, abandon violence and killing, and eliminate the source of evil. Not to be punished!" Manjushri shouted loudly .

The sound is like thunder, the wonderful sound of Dharma is mixed in it, and the golden light of Buddhism is even more shining, directly turning Manjushri into a supreme Buddha.

Immediately afterwards, as soon as Wenshu's voice fell, everyone in the entire Hundred Thousand Mountains, including Nezha, had a solemn expression, and then struggled.

It is like repenting before the Buddha, awakening to life, and facing the double torture of mind and soul.

"Special Legion, accept!"

Long Fei reacted, and the power of the system opened up in an instant, and Lei Shen and others were included in the special army.

Then, looking away

"When you enter Tushan, there is the slaughter of the Linghu clan, and the power of Dharma cannot penetrate." Long Fei instructed, and with a swipe of his hands, he directly tore the Tushan under the cover of the catalogue, and took Xuanyu and several others away. into it.

Only Nezha shivered beside Long Fei.

However, this was also enshrined by Heaven Court. With Heaven Court's fortune shrouded in it, the power of Dharma had little influence on him.

"God, what's wrong with this world, Buddhist Bodhisattva, so powerful, what are they doing?"

"And this person, his combat power is completely superior to that of Daluo, and he smashes Quasi-Saint. Are the experts in The Three Realms so worthless?" Nezha trembled in his heart.

At this time, he already regretted his trip to the muddy waters.

However, it was too late. Now that he was seriously injured by Long Fei and trapped in this Dharma real world, it was already the limit that he could keep his mind from being lost. It was impossible to escape.

And Long Fei had no worries at this time. What if it is an evolutionary boss, what if it is difficult to do?

The first battle of Longting is very important to Long Fei, and there is absolutely no possibility of cowardly.

"The sound of the Buddha is lingering, shaking the soul, but unfortunately, daddy's soul cannot be shaken by this kind of power."

"Disperse!" Long Fei shouted loudly. In Dantian, the breath was surging, and above the soul, the coffin of eternal life also trembled slightly.

Brush brush!

The power of immortality and Dantian's power are instantly intertwined, surrounding Long Fei's palm.

This power, no matter what kind it is, is above the heavens, and even the girls of the system say that it is completely comparable to the power of the system.

Long Fei couldn't tell what the power of the system was. He could only say that if there was a system, it would be invincible.

Long Batian in the front and himself in the back are the best proofs.

And this power of immortality and Dantian are not inferior to the power of the system. Under these two powers, let alone the real world of Dharma, even if the spiritual mountain is in front of thousands of Buddhas singing, it is impossible to think about the soul of Long Fei. cause the slightest impact.

At this time, the two forces condensed on the palm of the hand, and the place where Long Fei was located was a natural barrier. Even in the real world of Dharma, the mighty Dharma could not get close to Long Fei at all.

Even the moment he approached Long Fei's body, he was directly crushed and disappeared without a trace.


Manjusri's face changed dramatically, and in addition to shock, he was shocked.

The development of the situation completely exceeded his expectations.

"How can this happen, how can this happen, how can this happen!"

Manjushri made three consecutive sounds, and the solemn dharma also began to crack, and his heart was dusty.

Who is he?

He is a Buddhist giant, the supreme being of Lingshan Bodhisattva, The Three Realms, Dharma is profound, and it is hard to find a few people in the world who want to compare.

Originally, he thought that he could easily solve it and bring everything back.

But he never imagined that Long Fei would be far more difficult to deal with than he imagined.

Not only has he broken the Seven Treasures Golden Lotus, but now he is helpless in this Dharma real world.

Moreover, when Long Fei shot, the true meaning of Dharma was erased one after another, which caused a backlash to him.

Also at this moment, at the moment of Manjushri Fractionated Divinity, Long Fei shot again, with a movement of the figure and a punch.

"Your real world can't trap me."

"Invincible punch, break!"

Long Fei's figure is like a dragon, traversing the 100,000 Mountains, vertically and horizontally in the void, the power of various laws converges on one punch, and blasts out at dusk.


A punch, just a punch, like the sky is falling apart, the real world of Dharma shattered in an instant.

Boom boom boom.

The real world of Dharma shattered, and thousands of Sanskrit voices murmured and disappeared.

Even Manjushri, this time spewed out a mouthful of old blood and flew out backwards.

Of course, the demon-subduing pestle suspended in the void also completely lost its power at this time and fell back into the hands of Manjushri.

"Nie Barrier, dare to do this." Manjusri angered, still arrogant, even now, he is still aloof, looking at the dragon flying like a demon.

"Dare? There's no such word in daddy's dictionary."

"No matter how strong you Dharma is, it's hard to overwhelm my heart." Long Fei said indifferently. "Hey, evil barrier, I didn't expect that you have some means. However, if you really think so, you can be lawless. I, Dharma, are boundless, and suppressing you is as easy as the palm of your hand."

As usual, he looked at Long Fei and said.

"It's as easy as the palm of your hand? Do you still say that you still have a palm technique that falls from the sky?" Long Fei asked back.

From this battle until now, both of them have used their ultimate means, and Long Fei has no reservations. Until now, Long Fei does not believe that the other party has more terrifying power, otherwise, he would have used it long ago.

But what I didn't expect was that just after you fell in Longfei's business, there was a ruthless flash in Wenshu's eyes.

"You know a lot. It seems that you have already researched my Buddhism for today."

"However, the result still can't be changed. You can be arrogant enough to be able to force this seat to perform this trick."

"Lingshan is mighty, Buddhism will last forever, Dasun Tathagata, Vajra Buddha's palm, fall!"

And as its voice fell, the entire void, at this moment, was filled with golden light.

The endless Buddha sound enveloped time, and above the dome, a huge palm suddenly condensed and fell rapidly.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment. At this moment, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart: "I f*ck, is it really Buddha Palm?" firmament.

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