The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4799 Vibration

Heaven Court, above Ling Xiao.

All the immortals looked grim and silent.

At this time, even Heaven Court was affected. Not only did Ling Xiao Xiangyun disappear, but also the immortal birds and flying cranes disappeared. Thirty-three days was also enveloped by the cries of the common people.

"A giant in Buddhism has fallen?" Jade Emperor was startled and suddenly startled.

This kind of thing has never happened in thousands of years. Especially when it reaches that level, it basically has the same lifespan as the heaven and the earth, and the sun and the moon share the same splendor. How could it be so easy to fall.

"Jade Emperor, it should be. I just calculated a little, and I have learned that the Buddhist Manjusri Guangfa Bodhisattva has fallen and disappeared between heaven and earth." An old man in a robe spoke first.

"Wenshu is dead?" Jade Emperor exclaimed, obviously still in disbelief.

After all, he is a top expert in the world, a giant of Buddhism. If such a person stomps his feet, the world will shake.

But now, it has fallen like this.

"Then Laojun, do you know why Manjushri died?" Jade Emperor asked.

"It should be related to the sudden surge of new life in the mortal world a few days ago." Lao Dao said.

Jade Emperor was stunned for a moment, his eyes slightly condensed

"Li Jing, where is Li Jing? Where is Li Jing?" Jade Emperor exclaimed.

Even Manjushri is dead, how can the people of his Heaven Court be any better?

For a time, Jade Emperor's face also changed from shock to anger, even faint, and he wanted to panic.


At this moment, a figure rushed into Ling Xiao's palace.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, please help." Before the figure arrived, the voice begging for mercy had already come out.

At this moment, the faces of everyone were also condensed.

"Li Tianwang, how did you become like this?"

"Yeah, the king, you are the head of the gods in my Heaven Court, how can you end up in such a situation."

"And what happened?"

The gods spoke.

"To shut up."

"Li Jing, you said it!" Jade Emperor reprimanded, suppressing all discordant voices.

"Your Majesty, please help, the monster in the lower realm is really powerful, and Wei Chen is not an opponent. If my son Nezha hadn't arrived, I am afraid that Wei Chen would not have escaped."

"However, I'm afraid that my son is not the opponent of the evildoer, and I also ask Your Majesty to send troops to suppress the evildoer." Li Jing said hastily.

Originally, he was also extremely confident in Nezha. But as soon as he arrived at Heaven Court, he felt that the world had changed, and he felt endless sadness, and a bad premonition had arisen in his instincts.

In an instant, above Ling Xiao's treasure hall, it was as quiet as a cicada, and the needles could be heard.

Even Jade Emperor fell silent.

For a time, the gods lost their voices, and no one spoke.

Seeing this scene, Li Jing was stunned.

"Your Majesty." Li Jing said tentatively.

"Hey, Heavenly King, condolences. There is nothing the widow can do about this." Jade Emperor sighed and said.

Now, even Manjushri is dead. How did Heaven Court find a master to suppress Long Fei?

No one is available at all.

Nezha's combat power is already one of Heaven Court's strongest sequences, but compared with Manjusri, there is still a big gap.

Now that Manjusri has fallen, Nezha will definitely not have any good results.


"My condolences, Your Majesty, what are you talking about?" Li Jing panicked.

Although he himself is the king of heaven, he also knew in his heart that most of his military exploits were accumulated by Nezha. If Nezha had an accident, his situation would be extremely embarrassing.

"Li Tianwang, I believe you have sensed the change in the world just now. There is a Buddhist giant behind this." Someone opened his mouth and reminded vaguely.

As for the affairs of the heavens, even if they are Heaven Court Immortals, there are many taboos, and they dare not comment.

"What do you mean?" Li Jing asked.

"King of Heaven, just when you escaped back to Heaven Court. The Buddhist Manjushri Bodhisattva also fought the evildoer in the lower world. But at this moment, Manjushri has fallen and died in the hands of the evildoer."

"So, Nezha may be less fortunate." Lao Jun said, explaining to Li Jing.

In an instant, Li Jing was stunned, his expression sluggish, as if he had been struck by a bolt from the blue.

Underworld, endless netherworld.

A blood moon hangs in the endless darkness, reflecting the road to the underworld. Ten ghost halls, endless grievances and ghosts, at this moment, all whimpered, and the ghosts couldn't stop crying.

Whoosh whoosh.

Figures came together one after another, and finally settled in the sky above the underworld.

"What happened in the world, is Buddhism trying to rectify the world?"

"It seems that the battle between the gods and the Buddha is not over yet. We have to make preparations early, so as not to be put together by the one below."

"That's right, Buddhism was as quiet as before a few years ago, but now it's a giant when it shoots, and it's Bodhisattva when it comes up. We should really take precautions."

Several people said in succession with extremely serious expressions.

"Yes, Chu Jiang, Emperor Song, the two of you immediately go to the world to find out why."

"Equality, rotation, where your Prince Dongyue Great Emperor is, explain the situation."

"Dudu, Mount Tai, King Qin Guang, the three of you go to Fengdu to negotiate with the Ghost Emperor."

"King Biancheng, King Boguan, you go to the Styx River and test your words."

Among the ten people, the most central one, wearing an imperial robe, opened his mouth and commanded.

"According to the order of the Son of Heaven, I will go here."

The other nine people said after hearing it.

For a time, the entire Netherworld, the King of the Ten Halls, dispatched at the same time.

And just below the underworld, in The Underworld on the eighteenth floor, at this time, a monk dressed in Jin Lan opened his eyes.

"Wenshu is dead? It seems that this time, it is even more turbulent than thousands of years ago."

"Buddhist, Heaven Court. Ha!" The monk sneered, looking at the boundless The Underworld, endless evil ghosts, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Amitābha, I will not enter The Underworld, who will enter The Underworld."

"The storm is about to rise, and it's time to help this world break free from the shackles."

"Today's time has come, and my chance to become a Buddha has come."

The monk muttered to himself, and finally jumped sharply, jumping directly into the boundless The Underworld.

Nether Sea of ​​Blood.

Above the sea of ​​​​blood, there is a hideous. This Netherworld Learning Sea is made of piles of bones and endless bloody accumulations, linking the human world and the underworld. It is an extremely vicious place. But at this time, it was also shrouded in a deep sense of sadness.

"When this seat is vertical and horizontal, the world has nothing to do with you. Now that I am dead, you still want to affect my blood sea? Get out of my way!"

A loud shout came out, Yinggou's eyes were like knives, and all the sadness of Buddhism disappeared in an instant.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that kid to be so violent, he directly overturned a Bodhisattva of Buddhism as soon as he appeared."

"The real storm has been lifted."

"It seems that this seat has to make preparations early." Yinggou looked at the bloody sea of ​​mad wolf, his figure flashed, and he was silent.

Of course, the same scene also happened in countless places in the Earth Immortals world.

In the River Styx, the ancestor of Ming He stood with a sword, and after pondering, he was also silent in the river of blood.

However, the most shocking thing is Lingshan.

Above the Lingshan Mountain, the sound of endless thunder rolls down, as small as the novice, the Dao Arhat Vajra Buddha, and even the Bodhisattva Venerable, all reciting scriptures and conveying endless compassion. And all this, the shaking of heaven and earth, is only because of two words, Long Ting!

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