The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4800 Whole Transformation

In the blink of an eye, it was three days.

In three days, the might of Dragon Court has shaken the Earth Immortals world.

Shiwan Mountain has also become a restricted area.

But in this restricted area, there is an exception, that is Tushan.

Tu Shan Xiaoya looked at the nearby Longting, and wanted to knock on the door several times, but in the end she endured it.

"Miss Xiaoya, what are you waiting for?" Behind him, Tu Shan Xiaorong said.

"It's nothing, I'm just thinking that this person is so strong that he has already offended Heaven Court and Lingshan. He's just a lunatic. We Tushan, and we got involved with him like this. I don't know if it's good or bad for Tushan." Tu Shan Xiaoya said lightly.

That's what really worries her.

At this point, from the time Long Fei first appeared and rescued her, she had already guessed that Long Fei was definitely not an ordinary person, and would definitely cause some earth-shattering events.

But no matter what, she never imagined that Long Fei would be so crazy and directly set up a Sect, which would arouse Heaven Court's dissatisfaction.

Then the ending broke her cognition again and again.

Heaven Court is defeated, and no one will survive for tens of thousands of days.

Buddhism was completely defeated, and even a Bodhisattva explained it here.

"But no matter what, now that he controls the sacred objects of the Linghu family, it has already shown that he is the master of our Linghu lineage. Have you forgotten the ancestral instruction, we must obey the master of the sacred objects from generation to generation." Tu Shanxiao Rong said.

Tu Shanxiao also fell silent.

At this moment, a small figure appeared and stood in front of the two of them.

"There's nothing to worry about, the big brother is so good, he must be right. I'll call the door." Xiao Susu said.

She is still a natural cuteness, and she doesn't care about everything, and it seems that she never thinks so much.

But at this moment, the expressions on Tu Shan Xiaoya and Tu Shan Xiaorong instantly froze.

Because at this moment, Tu Shan Xiaoya's clothes have changed from pink to red.

This change shocked both of them.

But they were very tacit, and no one asked, but just watched quietly, before Tu Shan Susu walked into the Dragon Court.

At this time, in the Dragon Court, Long Fei had recovered.

In three days, his physical body split and reorganized again and again, reaching its peak again. Even Long Fei felt that in this battle, his own Dantian seemed to be stimulated again, and the Dantian power he could use was a little more. "Now Buddhism is in the same world, and the common people are caught in cholera. This is the time when my dragon court accumulates luck. Unfortunately, the system space is banned, and Thor and others cannot be summoned. If you want to seize the luck faster, you can only Find another way." Long Fei

Walking out of the land of Longting Closed Door Training, I thought to myself.

I happened to see Tushan Susu who was approaching at this time.

"Red clothes?" Long Fei was shocked.

Based on his experience, how could he not see that Tu Shan Xiaosu had already shown signs of awakening. And the reason for this, don't think about it, Long Fei has already guessed it, it's because of the Qingqiu catalogue.

"Big brother, we want to form an alliance with Longting. From now on, Longting will be the boss, and we will be Tushan as the second." Tushan Susu said, domineering simply.

Long Fei laughed when he heard it.

"Is it so straightforward? Aren't you afraid that I will bring you Tushan to destruction?" Long Fei asked with a smile.

"I don't know, but there is a voice in my mind that tells me, follow you, we will surely go to a new height in Tushan."

"And also told me that as long as I come to you, you will not refuse. And sisters Xiaoya and Xiaorong will not stop either." Xiao Susu said.

Hearing this, Long Fei pondered slightly.

It is not difficult to imagine that the voice in Tu Shan Xiaosu's heart must be Tu Shan Honghong. Thinking of this, Long Fei said directly

"Okay, I, Long Ting, are just standing up now, and I just need people. However, you go back and tell you Tu Shan Xiaoya, don't forget what you promised at the beginning." Long Fei said with a smile, his eyes seemed to be absent. on top of Mount Tu.

On Tu Shan, Tu Shan Xiaoya and Tu Shan Rongrong were silent, too late to laugh at the changes in Tu Shan Xiaosu. However, he was stunned for a moment, as if he had noticed something, and suddenly looked in the direction of Long Ting, which just collided with Long Fei's eyes.


In an instant, Tu Shan Xiaoya's face blushed. Tu Shan Xiaorong looked puzzled and was about to speak when she heard Tu Shan Xiaoya say

"Go, let's go to Longting."

In the end, Tushan fell under the Dragon Court. When Tu Shan Xiaoya and Tu Shan Xiaorong came to Longting, they immediately agreed without any hesitation when they heard Tu Shan Xiaosu's second technique.

"Since you have been classified into the Dragon Court, I will naturally not treat you badly." "Xiaoya, you should be the strongest fighting force in the Linghu clan today. But your strength is too serious for own damage. This drop of Blood Essence gives You, not only can you eliminate the hidden diseases in your body, but maybe you can also make your strength more diligent." Long Fei said


That's right, this Blood Essence is exactly Long Fei's own.

It's self-evident how precious his Blood Essence is. Anyone who gets his Blood Essence has a heaven-defying change.

As for Tushan Xiaoya, Long Fei would naturally not be stingy.

"Thank you." Tu Shan Xiaoya said coldly, pretending to be calm. But the heart has already given birth to fluctuations, a strange feeling breeds in the heart. "Xiao Rong, you are called a thousand-faced demon, and the means are evident. Now, I beheaded the Buddhist Bodhisattva. However, Buddhism has caused the heaven and the earth to mourn, just when my Dragon Court took my faith. This matter is left to you. When you return, I will open the

Qiu Tulu, restore your ancestral body for you. Not only you, but all the spirit foxes in Tushan, as long as they are blessed, I will treat them equally. "Long Fei said.

"Xiao Rong obeys, and will not disappoint adults." Tu Shan Xiaorong agreed again and again. If fighting, she might not be good at it. But calculating people's hearts, in front of her, is easy.

After the instructions, Tu Shan Xiaoya and Tu Shan Xiaorong left.

Long Fei's mind moved, and he sensed where Xuanzhuang was. He flashed away and came directly with Tu Shan Xiaosu.

"Long Fei big brother." Xiao Yu'er was excited.

For a few days, Long Fei was recovering from his injuries, so she was naturally worried.

"Don't worry, you have to believe that your man is the strongest in the world." Long Fei laughed.

Xuan Yu and Xuan Yu didn't speak, but their expressions were the same, with a faint worry. Seeing how relaxed Long Fei was, they relaxed.

"Now that the Dragon Court is just established, and the enemies are around, your Cultivation Base is still too weak." Long Fei said solemnly, and then directly squeezed out three drops of Blood Essence in front of several people.

"You are now Closed Door Training, refining my Blood Essence. This Blood Essence is enough to change your flesh and make you stronger. When I return, I will pass on the Great Emperor to you." Long Fei said.

This is his woman, he naturally cares. The three did not refuse, because what Long Fei said was exactly what they longed for in their hearts. Although they are not weak, the enemy that Long Fei faces is too strong. Only by working hard to become stronger can he help Long Fei. So at this moment, no one hesitated,

Picked up.

"By the way, big brother Long Fei, what are you going to do?" Xiao Yu'er asked.

"This mythical world is too boring."

"And since I am the Lord of the Dragon Court, in the four seas, I should be respected." "The current Dragon Court is still too weak." Long Fei's eyes narrowed and he said.

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