The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4801 Four Sea Dragons

On the coast of the East China Sea, the mad wolf is monstrous.

The huge waves crashed against the shore, roaring the heavens and the earth, and the scene was extremely terrifying.

There was no one in sight at all.

"Ding ding dong, ding ding dong."

But at this moment, a bell rang. Two figures quietly appeared in the sky above the East China Sea, looking at the vast East China Sea, motionless.

"Big brother, what are we doing here?" A young voice appeared.

Wearing a long red dress with bare ankles, the bells swayed in the wind.

"Come and catch the dragon." Long Fei said, simply domineering.

"Catch the dragon? Big brother, don't do it. I heard sister Xiaoya say, don't look at the dragons surrendering to Heaven Court, but they are actually very powerful. It was only because of some things that happened in the ancient times that they had to surrender." Tu Shan Xiaosu said weakly.

Obviously, there is an instinctive awe for Long Fei.

Long Fei was stunned, his brows raised slightly.

Long Fei has never really come into contact with the dragons of this mythical world. But from the classics known on earth, the dragons are too cowardly. To put it horribly, it is not as good as a dog.

No, it's not as good as pigs and dogs.

Even Yang Jian's roaring dog is more powerful than the dragon clan. Even Zhu Bajie is stronger than Long Fei.

Listening to Xiao Susu now that some things from the ancient times are involved, Long Fei's heart is inevitably shocked.

"Don't worry, with me, even a dragon has to lie down."

"What's more, I'm standing in the Dragon Court. If there is no dragon, how can I be polite." Long Fei said, a light smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The next moment, Long Fei's body was shaken, and the power of his blood was slightly emitted.

Boom boom boom.

One after another dragon mighty mighty, swept out in an instant, surging out from the body.

wow wow wow.

In an instant, the East China Sea shook, and the entire East China Sea was filled with turbulent waves, as if it resonated with the underwater dragon race.

At this time, under the East China Sea, the East China Sea Dragon Palace.



The entire East China Sea Dragon Palace began to vibrate, the dragon clan went up and down, thousands of large and small dragons, all of them could not restrain themselves from appearing at this moment.




Wanlong's roar, including Donghai Dragon King, was difficult to suppress.

"Your Majesty Dragon King, what's the matter? Could it be those from Heaven Court who still refuse to let us go?"

"This breath is too terrifying, I can't suppress the fear in my heart, I want to surrender, I want to bow down."

"Yes, I am the same. It seems that the owner of this breath is the ancestor of our dragon family, and has natural suppression on us."

A giant dragon surrounds the Dragon Palace, and the body is constantly lowered, densely packed, and the Dragon Palace is almost unable to bear it.

But what they don't know is that the East China Sea Dragon King is also forcibly suppressing it at this time, otherwise, it will turn into a dragon like them.

"This kind of breath is indeed the breath of the dragon clan, but my ancestor of the dragon clan has long been calculated by Saint, so how could he show up."

"No, if it goes on like this, I am afraid that I will be oppressed to death by this breath. In any case, we must see what happened." Donghai Dragon King thought to himself.

This idea is terrifying, there are many secrets, even for the dragon race, they are all unexplainable secrets, so at this moment, the East China Sea Dragon King does not dare to explain it to the dragons.

"It doesn't matter, my dragon clan is now the god of Heaven Court, and no one will dare to attack us. You follow this king and go see what happened." Donghai dragon Wang Qiang calmed himself, turned into a dragon, and fiercely Leap, fly beyond the East China Sea.

Above the East China Sea, Long Fei stopped speaking and waited quietly since he let out a breath.


The huge waves soared into the sky, and a water curtain of hundreds of meters rose directly out of thin air, forming over the East China Sea.

Immediately afterwards, one after another giant dragon flew out of the East China Sea.

The leader is the golden dragon transformed by the East China Sea Dragon King.

"Come on." Long Fei said lightly, his eyes were shocked, and he looked at the ten thousand dragons in front of him.

"Big brother, what are you doing? With so many dragons, I am afraid that the dragons of the entire East China Sea have come out." Xiao Susu said.

His eyes became a little dodgy.

After all, this is the dragon family. Even if all of Tu Shan Xiaohong's power is sealed in her body, she is naturally afraid in front of the Dragon Clan.

Long Fei naturally also noticed this, leaned slightly, and released Blood Qi, which directly blocked all the pressure of the dragon clan.

Although the breath of the dragon clan is strong, in front of Long Fei, it is not worth mentioning.

But this scene fell in the eyes of the East Coast Dragon Clan, and the expression was extremely horrified.

Especially East China Sea Dragon King, Long Fei's aura was shocked, he and he had already guessed that Long Fei was the one who made their East China Sea Dragon Clan uneasy.

"Bold human beings, how dare they be presumptuous in my East China Sea!" The East China Sea Dragon King roared, and the huge dragon body twisted.



Countless giant dragons began to roar with the words of the East China Sea Dragon King, each with a hideous face, wishing to swallow the dragon flying alive.

Of course, all of this was based on their ignorance that Long Fei was the source of all fear in their hearts.

If you know it, don't shout at Long Fei. If you see Long Fei, you will kneel down and surrender.

"Big brother, beat him up." At this moment, Tu Shan Xiaohong's natural fear disappeared.

Long Fei was extremely strong in his heart.

Even Heaven Court and Fomen are not worth mentioning in Long Fei's eyes. Now the East China Sea Dragon Clan actually dared to show their teeth and claws at him, which is simply asking for a dead end.

Long Fei smiled lightly, but did not speak.

Long Fei's reaction is too normal. If they come to the door, if they are really like what Long Fei knows, that kind of opening and closing Immortal, low eyebrows and pleasing eyes will disappoint Long Fei.

"Give you two choices, the first is to surrender to me, and I will bring you back to the power of the ancient dragon race." Long Fei said indifferently.

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted directly.

"Presumptuous, what are you? I'm the Dragon King of the East China Sea. You, a human cultivator, dare to make me surrender?" said the giant dragon transformed by the Dragon King of the East China Sea. The dragon was mighty and furious.

"It seems that you have chosen the second one." Long Fei said without refuting.

In the world of practice, strength is the only criterion for verifying everything. Instead of wasting words and talking, it's better to directly release the opponent's mind to defeat.

"Choose, you are also worthy of letting this king choose? Boy, I advise you to go where you came from, or you will die today." Donghai Dragon King snorted coldly.

But obviously he didn't want to make a big deal, obviously because the breath he had shown before made him fearful.

"Since the master has come here, do you think you still have a chance to bargain?"

"Since you don't surrender, you can only take the second way." Long Fei said, and then his body flashed and he walked on the waves. "I hit you!"

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