The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4802 Strong Crush

After a sentence fell, Long Fei's figure had disappeared.

Instead, it was the second sword of the King's Blade.

Kowloon Royal Sky.

Nine purple-gold giant dragons roared into the void, and the instant the ten thousand zhang dragon came out, it directly crushed the East China Sea dragon clan.

Donghai Dragon King's face changed dramatically, he couldn't believe his own eyes.

However, this mighty Longwei made him have to believe that everything he saw was true.

"It's not possible, who are you?" Donghai Dragon King trembled in his heart. As soon as the Nine Dragons came out, the anxiety and fear in his heart were directly magnified infinitely.

This kind of breath is too violent, even if he is Dragon King, he can't bear it at all. That kind of oppression is the crushing of the blood, as long as it is a dragon, in front of this kind of breath, it cannot be arrogant.

This gap is really too big.

Even if he is a Dragon King, he is just a dragon.

But there is no comparison between a hundred feet and a thousand feet. It seems that what Long Fei rides is the real dragon, and they are just reptiles.

This is only because of the Nine Dragons Yutian, only Long Fei's skills. If Long Fei's Wangu dragon body is still there, and the dragon body appears, I am afraid that the East China Sea Dragon Clan will be directly scared to death.

"My God, what is this? Is this a dragon? Or is it just a spell?"

"Impossible, this monstrous Longwei makes me want to bow down without funds, exactly the same as the feeling just now."

"No, this is definitely not an ordinary spell. This kind of breath, this kind of power, must be related to the dragon family, and the ancient dragon family."

The Donghai Dragon Clan was completely lost, and the moment before, they showed their fangs to Long Fei, but in the blink of an eye, there was only fear.

Not to mention them, even Donghai Dragon King, at this moment, his whole body trembled.

Not to mention the oppression of the 10,000-foot-long dragon, the breath of Long Fei's body alone made him terrified.

Just a perception, he already knew that Long Fei's Cultivation Base had reached a point that made him feel terrified, and even the gods of Heaven Court never gave him such oppression.

"Who the hell are you?" Long Wang Qiang asked under pressure.

But Long Fei remained silent.

He wants to subdue the Four Seas Dragon Race, and deterrence is inevitable. Since it has already started, I feel that there is no possibility of stopping.

As he said, since surrender is refused, there is only a second way, which is to fight to the death.

Long Fei had already given the opportunity, since the other party didn't want it, he would just go ahead and do it.

The next moment, the blade of the realm king in Long Fei's hand turned gently, the blade flashed, and it was a knife on the East China Sea.


The sword light stretched across thousands of miles, and with one slash, the entire East China Sea seemed to be split open.


For a time, the entire East China Sea was flooded with floods, and the world was eclipsed by Long Fei's sword.

Thousands of dragons from the East China Sea Dragon Race lost their resistance in an instant under this knife, and were suddenly blasted into the seabed, and finally fell to the ground, without the strength to struggle.

Only the East China Sea Dragon King barely stayed above the void.

But also, he had lost the courage to resist and stared at Long Fei unwillingly.

Rumble, boom.

Immediately afterwards, dark clouds covered, and rolling thunder was brewing in it.

The dragon master Lei Ze, now that the entire East China Sea dragon clan is moving together, will naturally attract thunder.

It's just a pity that this kind of thunder has no deterrent effect on Long Fei. He is the Dragon Ancestor, who controls the ancient dragon race, is the real Lord of Ten Thousand Dragons, and is a mere thunderbolt. In front of him, a look can force him back.

The figure of Long Fei, standing above the void, looked at the thousands of dragon clans in the East China Sea right now, and a loneliness flashed in his eyes.

The dragons of this world are too humble.

It was supposed to be a strong family that straddled the world, but now it is the fate of being called to and drank by others.

This kind of fate, for the arrogant dragon clan, is more painful than killing them.

For a time, Long Fei was more interested in the great changes in the ancient dragon race that Xiao Sususu said. Furthermore, the fact that the Dragon King of the East China Sea had no intention to say anything about the suppression of the ancestors of the dragon race in this world made Long Fei's heart even more moved.

However, these can only be planned after returning to the Dragon Clan.

Xiao Susu on the side was stunned for a long time, her eyes were full of light, and she was extremely adored.

Too domineering.

With a single knife, the dragons have no power to resist.

She wouldn't believe it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes.

He even doubted whether the legends about the dragon clan he had heard before were lying.

"Tell me now, do you want to accept or not?" Long Fei opened his mouth, looking down on the universe.

There is no need to fight at all, and the entire army is wiped out with one knife.

It's that direct.

Strength is the criterion for checking everything.

At this moment, Long Fei was like a god, condescending and looking down on the dragon family.

The East China Sea Dragon King gradually crawls, and the dragon's eyes are full of shock and horror.

He could feel that Long Fei had shown mercy. If Long Fei really wanted to kill them, it was not just the East China Sea that was overturned by the knife just now. annihilation.

"I surrender." Donghai Dragon King said solemnly. After he finished speaking, it seemed that he had emptied all his strength in an instant, and the whole person became extremely depressed.

"Although Xiaolong doesn't know what kind of grievances he has with the adults, it makes the adults so angry. But please be merciful to the adults and let my East China Sea Dragon Clan live." East China Sea Dragon King said.

"There is no grudge between you and me." Long Fei said casually.

He came to the East China Sea to subdue the Dragon Clan, and to help the Dragon Clan liberate. As a result, Long Fei has the blood of the dragon family, and he rose from the ancient world without the help of the dragon family. If it weren't for Long Fei's generosity and righteousness, Long Fei would never have had the chance to grow to where he is today. So seeing the dragon race in this world being enslaved, Long Fei

Unbearable in my heart.

Second, he established the Dragon Court. Now, there are too few affiliations in the Dragon Court. He is simply a bare commander. Now filling it with the Dragon Clan is the best choice.

Of course, if the Dragon Clan is stubborn and Long Fei is not compassionate, he may use another method to free the Dragon Clan.

After all, as a dragon, one should never be so humble as a lackey.

Fortunately, Donghai Dragon King understood the current form very well, and surrendered directly.

Donghai Dragon King was stunned for a moment, and there was a trace of anger in the dragon's eyes. But soon, his anger was completely suppressed by him.

"Sir, since there is no grievance or enmity, why are you doing this?" Donghai Dragon King gathered his courage and asked.

"Naturally, it will take you out of the Sea of ​​Bitterness. How majestic the dragons are, they can only rise and fall on the seabed now, driven by Heaven Court, are you willing?" Long Fei said.

The four sea dragons, now the only function is to make clouds and rain for Heaven Court, their combat power has long been weakened, and only a little talent instinct is left. This is an insult to the Dragon Clan.

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