The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4853 Fuxi Painting Hanging

The power of Saint is above the heaven and earth.

Before, Long Fei slashed the demon god, scolded Saint, and triggered the murderous intention of heaven and earth, which was already extremely terrifying. Now Heavenly Dao Saint directly burst out killing intent, and its power can be imagined.

Almost in an instant, there was no luster between heaven and earth, darkness shrouded, and the boundless sky was extremely dark.

"Is it possible that Ben Gong has been out of the world for so long that you have forgotten what awe is?" Nuwa's voice sank.

As soon as these words came out, it was already tantamount to questioning.

For a while, the three emperors were silent, Yinggou looked coldly, and Long Fei clenched his fists.

As for the other people above Longting, they can't bear this kind of power at this moment, just the breath has already made them extremely tormented.


Suddenly, at this time, one of the three emperors suddenly walked out, and then sighed heavily.

"Mother Nuwa, why is this?"

A sigh, a light question.

The air instantly became extremely thick at this time.

Long Fei's eyes also shifted to this person.

"This is Emperor Fuxi. Before Nuwa was sanctified, the two were brothers and sisters. After Emperor Fuxi was reincarnated and rebuilt, he became the emperor of the human race." Yinggou explained to Long Fei.

Long Fei nodded.

He never thought of this.

Although he knew the relationship between Fuxi and Nuwa from the mythology he knew, he didn't expect it. There is such a relationship in between. "Dage, you really shouldn't be involved in this matter. This person is a Heavenly Dao variable, an outsider, and he must die. Heavenly Dao rejects him and is already mortal. Especially now, he is messing with Heaven Court, Moving the Spirit Mountain, Slaying the Demon God, Karma of the Heavens

It has been decided that whoever is infected with Karma will be ruled by Heavenly Dao and will not end well. ' Nuwa's voice was filled with unbearableness.

And this sentence made Long Fei's heart freeze for a moment.

So terrifying!

He himself never thought that in this mythical world, he had already affected so much right and wrong invisibly, and it was so serious that whoever had Karma with him would not die in peace.

This is simply to exterminate yourself.

"But there are some things that have to be done. Nuwa, I believe you can also know that Heavenly Dao is chaotic, that is, the Taoist ancestors have to go through the calamity of the era to maintain the balance of the heaven and the earth. Do you still think that such a Heavenly Dao can maintain the world. Balance?"

"This is the end of the story, and we have to innovate. Abandon Heavenly Dao and find another life."

"And the three of us went out of the customs today, and we have also deduced. We don't know how far this person can finally achieve. But the vitality of my human race lies in him."

Fuxi said in a deep voice.

But these words, only the three emperors and Nuwa can hear them.

Even Long Fei and Ying Hook couldn't hear a single cent.

Of course, this is also deliberately between them.

Nuwa's mind moved, she glanced at Long Fei in disbelief, and then moved her hands to directly form a void that isolated one side. "Dage, it's impossible. He hasn't even taken the last step now, how could it be "Let's not say anything else, Daozu has already decided his fate, Heavenly Dao will not tolerate it. With that alone, he has no chance of surviving. Is it possible that you still think,

Will he survive in my hands? Or, can he survive the guilt of Heavenly Dao? " Nuwa shielded the void, and said to Fuxi earnestly.

Attempt to change Fuxi's plan.

But Fuxi shook his head.

"I know what you mean. But many things are risky." Fuxi shook his head and sighed, and finally said in a deep voice.

Obviously, he has also made his own decision.

And, never change.

At this time, in the outside world, Long Fei and Yinggou stood side by side.

"You said, what are they talking about at this time?" Long Fei asked.

"What can it be? The center of the discussion is nothing more than you." Yinggou said lightly with a move of the corner of his mouth.

Even though it was Saint Nuwa who blocked the void, what they were talking about could be known without guessing.

Long Fei was noncommittal.

At this moment, the topic of discussion between them can only be him.

Saint wanted to destroy him, but the Three Emperors wanted to protect him.

Soon, after a while, the sky above the void returned to normal, and the void shielded by Nuwa also disappeared without a trace at this moment.

Long Fei's gaze fixed on the past, only to see that the holy power in Nuwa's hand was already brewing.

"It seems that the discussion has collapsed!" Long Fei said.

This result was also what he expected. Nuwa is holy, and although he misses the love of the human race, he still misses the relationship between Fuxi and Fuxi. But in relation to Heavenly Dao, he finally made his own choice.

And this choice naturally led to the current situation.

"As expected. Heavenly Dao Saint, the only reliance is Heavenly Dao. And we have now stood on the opposite side of Heavenly Dao. So Nuwa would make this choice, which is also reasonable." Yinggou said, also without any surprises.

"Three emperors of the human race, do you really want to force Ben Gong to take action?" Nuwa's voice was as cold as ice, but in embarrassment, he revealed killing intent.

"Ms. Nuwa, if we can, we don't want to fight with the maiden. But the maiden wants to move Long Fei today, so we can only try it. If there is any offense, I hope that the madam Nuwa will forgive me."

Another person said, the long sword in his hand haunted.

Long Fei understood in his heart that at the moment when the long sword appeared, Long Fei already knew the identity of this person in his heart.

Emperor Xuanyuan!

The sword has the sun and the moon, and five grains and mulberry, the moment the sword is drawn, there will be endless human power surging.

The only person who can have this kind of breath is the soldier of humanity, Xuanyuan Divine Sword.


Similarly, next to Xuanyuan Huang, another person walked out, holding the giant cauldron in his hand, and looked at Nuwa with a solemn expression. "Since I am the emperor of the human race, I naturally want to find a way out for the human race. Besides, I have been in the Huoyun Cave for thousands of years, and I have given enough face to this Heavenly Dao. If I really want to fight, I also want to. Look, Heavenly Dao Saint, who is more human than me

stronger! "

Long Fei's eyes flickered, and he already knew the identity of this person.

Emperor Shennong!

"Okay, it's a good three emperors of the human race. Since that's the case, then there's no need to say more. Let's fight!" Nuwa was in a hurry, disagreeing, and went to war.

The next moment, the holy force in its hand circled, and nine gigantic knives were condensed directly above the void.

As soon as this knife came out, it contained endless heavenly might, and even Long Fei felt infinite oppression. This kind of power, even the Blade of the Realm King, can't be compared at all.

"Kid, be careful. Nuwa is really willing to come up with nine heavenly knives. It seems that this time, the war has really started." Yinggou said.

However, there was no fear, only excitement and anticipation.

As if this scene in front of him, he has been waiting for countless hours.

Long Fei was silent and indifferent, but his eyes turned quietly, looking at Yingzhao and Taojiao.

"Nine knives in the sky, Niangniang is really decisive. Since that's the case, let me fight you first."

At this moment, Fuxi took a step forward. Immediately afterwards, he drew with both hands, and the world gave birth to Eight Trigrams!

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