The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4854 The Game Of Death

As soon as Fuxi made his move, he knew if there was any.

If I have it, God will not allow it!

At this moment, Fuxi, in his composure, is like the God of Creation. With one hand drawn, in the void, Wuji gives birth to Taiji, Taiji gives birth to one, one gives birth to two, two gives birth to three, and three gives birth to Eight Trigrams.

This power is extremely terrifying, and it is all the Elephant of Innate.

If nothing else, even if it is Supreme Saint, the power of Insight that he cultivates is only derived from Eight Trigrams.

In this respect, Fuxi has already gone ahead of Taishang.

This alone shows how terrifying Fuxi's power is.

At this time, Nuwa's nine heavenly knives also condensed and formed, falling from above the void.

Brush brush.

The sword light kept flashing.

The nine heavenly knives are Saint Magic Treasures in the end, and their power is self-evident, but in just an instant, there is a terrifying power to destroy life, which is indescribable.

But this kind of power made Long Fei feel a kind of palpitations.

"Is this the power of Saint? It's really powerful." Long Fei pondered for a moment and said lightly.

At this time, I understood what the system said before, the real horror of Saint.

Because this power is no longer purely in the category of cultivation, but has touched a kind of Tao, a kind of absolute control that is above power.

as a rule.

To die is to die.

Use the sky as a sword to destroy all sentient beings.

"Rest assured, although Saint's power is strong, Heavenly Dao is not the only one. Although it is supreme, it is not supreme."

"Furthermore, the power of Emperor Fuxi should not be underestimated, although he was too determined to do so. But Innate Eight Trigrams is not as simple as you think." Yinggou said.

At this time of the battle, they could not intervene at all.

Especially Long Fei, Cultivation Base has not made a breakthrough yet, even if he wants to make a shot, he is more than enough.

Long Fei's eyes were fixed, and after hearing Ying Hook's words, his eyes were fixed in the void.

Such battles have not happened many times in the past. Because Saint is already the strongest in this world.

No one has ever dared to shoot with Saint, dare to shoot against Saint.

Especially after Saint was established and sanctified, he seldom shot. Except for the occasion of Conferred Gods, after being suppressed by Saint, Saint basically never made any shots.

So, now a war, even if it is witnessed, is also a kind of supreme opportunity.

Long Fei's eyes are always fixed on Innate Eight Trigrams.

Ying Hook is concerned with the outcome of the battle, but Long Fei is different. Long Fei is concerned with the battle itself.

The power of Nuwa belongs to Heavenly Dao, so mysterious that it is impossible to see through.

But here in Long Fei, there is nothing to hide.

At this moment, Long Fei's eyes of immortality flickered.

He was even able to capture the traces of the Heavenly Sword.

"What a powerful Magic Treasures, it really is Saint Magic Treasures, its power is astonishing." Long Fei sighed.

At this moment, he could clearly feel that with the slash of the Heavenly Sword, the power of the whole world was shaking.

This is not to mention, Long Fei can feel the rhythm of the Tao, which is extremely mysterious. It seems that this knife can capture all the weaknesses of the world, and every time it moves and falls, it has the power to suppress it.

But after just a few glances, Long Fei stopped paying attention.

Because of this power, although it is awesome, it needs to rely on the power of Heavenly Dao.

And Heavenly Dao has long been under the control of Daozu Hongjun, and this power can only be used by Saint who has entered Heavenly Dao.

No matter how tough he is, even if he sees the root, it is difficult for Long Fei to be moved.

Instead, it was Emperor Fuxi.

As soon as Fuxi painted Eight Trigrams, Long Fei felt an inexplicable throbbing.

The silent Dantian started to run wildly at this moment. If it weren't for him, the entire Dantian was like a chaos, wrapped in a thick shell. Long Fei couldn't guarantee what kind of terrifying changes it would cause.

But this change also made Long Fei yearn for it.

At this time, the Eye of Eternal Life was fixed on Innate Eight Trigrams. Heavy pictures, directly imprinted in the eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Long Fei could feel that there was no pause in Dantian at this time, and he had already imprinted all the images of Innate in Long Fei's eyes on Dantian.



At this moment, Long Fei could clearly feel that Dantian was roaring. It seems that these eight Innate hexagrams, which have been branded in the past, have become part of Dantian.

Whether this change is good or bad, Long Fei doesn't know, but he can already feel it faintly. Along with his own body, he changed slightly with one time, as if he could display the power of Innate Eight Trigrams at his fingertips.

Of course, it is impossible to compare with Fuxi in power, but it is enough for Long Fei to have such a chance.

But all this, apart from Long Fei, no one knows.

Even Fuxi in the battle didn't have any perception.

At this time, Fuxi in the void manipulated Eight Trigrams and attacked Saint horizontally. Even the power of the Heavenly Sabre, under the power of Eight Trigrams, was completely useless, and could not defeat Saint's world-destroying power at all.

But that's no wonder.

Innate Eight Trigrams is all-encompassing, and Emperor Fuxi is even more enlightened by this, so its power is self-evident.

Boom boom boom.

At this time, the sword light from the sky disappeared.

Nuwa's eyes are still cold, "The power of Innate Eight Trigrams is really strong, but you should know that I still have many means. The nine heavenly swords are just the least of my many means. You can break the heavenly sword, and you can also Have you made the demon pot? You can move the demon pot, and it can be broken

Is the mountain and river community? ' Nuwa asked coldly.

Emperor Fuxi remained silent.

Under Nuwa's questioning, he said nothing.

"Empress has the means to use it, but Emperor Fuxi's means are not enough, and there are us." Emperor Xuanyuan and Emperor Shennong spoke, took a step forward, and the three faced Nuwa directly.

"Three emperors of the human race, are you going to overturn the sky?" At this moment, an angry shout fell from above the void.

Whoosh whoosh.

The three figures descended at the same time.

Tongtian, heaven, and Yuanshi.

In an instant, Long Fei's eyes were sure.

Now, this situation looks like a decisive battle is coming.

The six saints of heaven and earth came directly to the master.

Not only that, but at the time Long Fei was thinking about, above the entire void, black clouds swept in again, and a piece of darkness was pressing down, as if the entire sky was covered up.

"Saint is on top, Heaven Court led a million heavenly soldiers to slay demons and exorcise demons."

"Saint is above, Lingshan leads a million Buddhist Cultivators to slay demons and exorcise demons."

"Ms. Nuwa is on top, the three most holy are on top, the demon clan came to suppress Longting."

The three forces, with their voices like thunder, are approaching the Dragon Court.

In Long Fei's eyes, a cold light flickered. Heaven Court, Lingshan, Yaozu, and the three tribes converged with the same goal. It was his Dragon Court. Everything seemed to be a mortal situation.

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