The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4855 Nuwa Shot

Darkness and void, like the end.

It is unique from ancient times to the present that the three strongest forces between heaven and earth are targeting one existence at the same time.

And the Dragon Court naturally became the focus of the world's attention.

A million miles away from the Dragon Court, a Daoist looked flustered.

"Come on, chaos has finally emerged."

"A foregone conclusion? Impossible. The beginning of this chaos. The Earth Immortals world has already given birth to a feeling. If it ends so easily, why should I be so panicked, ancestor."

"Lord of Dragon Court, Long Fei? Looks like it's time to stand in line. I hope this time, my choice is correct."

Daoist said, dodged and went straight to the Dragon Court.

Underworld, the Stygian River turns leisurely.

"Styx, you really hold your breath. If this emperor hadn't shot last time, your Styx would have been squeezed and refined. In that case, you could actually hold back and not use your Shura power. " said Dongyue Taihao. "That kind of power is what I used to force Heavenly Dao to use. It's too wasteful to use it on him. Moreover, Styx is the legacy of that person's power, how could it be so easily refined? However, that kid also It's really awesome, it's only two days,

It has caused so many moths. Now that even Saint has taken action, with the three emperors of the human race, he can't be saved! "Styx said.

"Not at all, the origin of this kid is unknown. Maybe there are other means behind it. We don't know. Besides, there is also that Fengdu Great Emperor. I feel that his power can already be War Saint." Taiyue said.

"It's useless, look at it, anyway, today, whether it is the end or the beginning, there will always be a result." Ming He said.

Tai Yue nodded.

Before the two of them, the water of the endless Styx flowed and gathered into a picture.

This picture is above the Dragon Court.

The screen turned, and Long Fei took a deep breath as he watched the three forces descend.

This scene, he was not surprised.

I didn't expect it to be so fast.

"Hehe, it's really fast. Boy, this time, it's not easy." Yinggou sneered, and the Killing intent all over his body grew invisibly.

This kind of posture, when you open your eyes, you can see that he has bad intentions, and he is clearly thinking of destroying Longting.

Although it was said that this group of people did not have much high-end combat power and could withstand Long Fei's anger, there were not many at all.

Unfortunately, there are more people.

Especially the demon clan, including Kunpeng, the five demon gods are coming together, and the purpose is self-evident.

What I thought was definitely to replace it with Dragon Court.

Long Fei was silent in his heart.

The current situation is extremely unfavorable to Long Ting. Not to mention the power of the three parties, the four Saints alone are enough to shock the world and make Long Fei's scalp tingle.

"Very good, Three Sovereigns, have you ever recognized the current form, this son is a thief of the heavens, and the world does not tolerate him, so you still want to stand up for him?" Yuan Shi said coldly, a certain sub-type was full of disdain.

Indeed, in its current form, Long Ting has no chance of winning, and it is basically a mortal situation.

The gods are targeting, no matter how arrogant they are, they can only drink hatred.

"Saint is joking, we are not standing for anyone, we are just looking for a glimmer of hope for the human race."

Emperor Fuxi said lightly.

"So far, you still think he still has hope? Is it possible?"

"Or, do you think that with the three of you, plus the existence of a non-human, non-ghost and non-demon, you can compete with the four of us?" Tongtian Cult Master unsheathed his long sword, coldly said.

At this time, the Killing intent on Ying Hook also condensed to the extreme.

"You know if you can fight or not, you have your Heavenly Dao, but not necessarily, you can crush everything." Ying hooked his body and moved above the void.

At this time, the winning hook has also been aroused by anger. After several times, being excluded from the living beings of heaven and earth, even a clay figurine still has three points of anger.

What's more, this is still a lord of the underworld.


At this moment, the void was fluctuating again.

A Daoist appeared directly between the heavens and the earth, looking at the tense Tongtian and Yinggou, and smiled softly

"Everyone, why do you need to do this. Since this is Karma between Longting and the three parties. Why don't I just take a step back and let them solve it themselves."

Daoist said.

"Zhen Yuanzi, what do you mean? You know this child's combat power is heaven-defying, yet you let them solve it by themselves. Do you want to watch The Three Realms chaos?"

Taishang reprimanded.

This Daoist, officially Zhen Motoko.

"It can only be said that they are incompetent. Since they want to maintain their own Taoism, they have to show their own ability and rely on a few Saints. It's hard to say." Zhen Yuanzi narrowed his eyes and said lightly.

As soon as he said this, his position was very clear.

It is standing in the Dragon Court.

Long Fei was also confused. He didn't have the slightest intersection with Zhen Yuanzi at all, and it could even be said that he had never met.

It is completely unclear why Zhen Yuanzi chose to stand on his side.

"Okay, what a great ancestor of Earth Immortals. I used to see you as a good old man, but now I can't imagine that you also have wolf ambitions, and you want to subvert the lineage of The Three Realms." Yuanshi Tianzun's face became indifferent.

Now, the appearance of Zhen Yuanzi has also made the whole situation confusing.

Whether it is the Three Emperors, Ying Hook, or Zhen Yuanzi, the strength is already above the quasi-sage, and they have all found their own strength.

"Saint's words are bad, isn't it the same as before? It's just that I made a choice this time." Zhen Yuanzi said calmly, not caring about Yuanshi Tianzun's threat at all.

"Senior brother, don't panic, it's just a group of people who want to mess things up. The six of us join forces, and they can't make any waves."

At this moment, two figures descended.

It is the two western Saints of Jie Yin and Zhundi.

Below, Long Fei's eyes became more and more intense, and an unprecedented humiliation emerged in his heart. These people came for themselves, but they themselves became the most useless one.

If he has the strength to fight Saint, then even if they come, so what?

so what?

Unfortunately, I am only one step away from the last step, and the system is still being repaired. Naturally, even if I want to make a breakthrough, I am powerless.

And with the arrival of the two Western Saints, the expressions of several people became extremely heavy.

Especially Nuwa, who broke the deadlock at this time, moved his body and dragged a green pot in his hand, condescendingly.

"Several senior brothers, a few of them are handed over to you. This Long Fei's evil barrier is handed over to me to kill." Nuwa said in a deep voice, the murderous intent in his eyes raging.

Because now, the power in Long Fei's hands is extremely terrifying. Between heaven and earth, the strongest people under Saint have all stood on Long Fei's side.

Long Fei's immortality will inevitably cause chaos in the world. As long as Long Fei is beheaded, everything will return to normal.

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