The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4856 Endless Despair

When Nuwa moves, chaos begins.

Ying Hook's figure hit Nuwa in an instant, but before breaking through, a long sword fell directly.

Is the sect master.

The Master Tongtian held the Qingping Sword in his hand, and he slashed out with one sword, and the world died.

Even if it is a win, one can only retreat in the face of this power.

The next moment, the monstrous Killing intent broke out, and the nether blood sea instantly appeared behind Yinggou, sweeping the sky.

"Monsters that are neither human nor demon nor ghost, see this seat beheading you today." Master Tongtian sneered.

"Fuck you Saint, what's wrong with daddy?"

"Daddy jumped out of The Three Realms, no longer in the Five Elements, out of your control, is the world intolerable?"

"If you have the ability, you will behead this seat, and if you can't, keep your mouth shut." Yinggou cursed.

The third time, I was insulted by Saint.

The anger in Yinggou's heart also broke out completely, almost screaming. Don't give any face, just scold.

"I don't know what it means, in front of Saint, An Gan is so arrogant, kill me!" Tongtian Cult Master's eyes were like swords, and a sword was cut out, almost to win the hook.

And winning the hook, instantly transformed into the body of a zombie, and in the endless Killing intent, the fangs, bones and wings are particularly infiltrating.

At the same time, the three emperors also wanted to take action, but Yuan Shi received and others also took action to block them.

In an instant, the entire void turned into a battlefield of heaven and earth.

The existence of Heaven and Earth Xeon is at war at this time.

"Now, let's see who can save you!" Nuwa snorted coldly, the demon refining pot in his hand gleamed with divine light.

At the same time, a terrifying devouring power descended from the sky, wrapping the entire Dragon Court in an instant.

"Do not!"

"No! What is this? No!"

"My body is out of control, what's going on? Don't!"

Suddenly, a scream broke out above the dragon court.

It's those monsters.

Even the Tushan Demon Fox was not spared, and under the power of the refining demon pot, it began to be swallowed up.

Tu Shan Xiaoya looked at the scene in front of her, desperately trying to resist, but to no avail.

"Xianmen luck, get up!"

It was at this time that Long Fei did not hesitate at all, and directly used Xianmen Qi Luck.

Nuwa is too ruthless. The power of this demon pot is terrifying. If you don't use your power to resist, I'm afraid it won't take a while, and the entire demon clan on the Dragon Court, including Long Fei, even Xuanyu and others, will be swallowed up. .

Boom boom boom.

In an instant, Xianmen Qi Luck exploded in an instant, and the Qi Luck Golden Dragon hovered up, directly protecting the entire Dragon Court in it.

"Xianmen's luck? It's useless. The power of Heavenly Dao suppresses everything, not to mention the power of you who is not a minister. Heaven Court is the orthodox of The Three Realms, and you Dragon Court is the opposite." Nuwa's voice was cold.

Facing Long Fei at this moment, he no longer asks about everything before.

In other words, at the moment when he and Fuxi fought, the relationship between her and the human race had already drawn a paragraph.

"Is it useless?" Long Fei groaned.

The next moment, Long Fei's figure soared upwards, plucking onions on dry land.

In any case, he is the Lord of Dragon Court, and everything at this moment is due to him. let him dodge? Let him escape?


Don't be shy, just do it!

Even if it is lost, Long Fei will never flee without a fight.

"Jiulong Yutian!" Long Fei shouted, and the figure approached the lock demon tower with the power of the blade of the king.

It is impossible for him to watch Long Ting under pressure and remain indifferent. He knew that the people on the Dragon Court had no resistance at all in the face of the power of refining the demon pot.

want to save them from their ordeal.

There is only one way, and that is to dry the demon pot.

"It's too much for you, with your current ability, you want to blast the refining demon pot? Naive! It's okay, just to swallow you and refine you directly, and everything will be over." Nuwa said silently, his face Without the slightest expression.

As if, at this moment, the moment Long Fei shot, he was already a dead person.


Also at this moment, Long Fei swung a knife.


Wanzhang Daomang rose out of thin air and slashed directly at the refining demon pot.

To Long Fei's surprise, at this moment, the demon pot was suddenly opened out of thin air, and The next moment directly burst out with infinite devouring power.

It was the ten thousand feet of sword light that was swallowed up at this moment.

And Long Fei, at this moment, felt an unstoppable force pulling him.

Even his current physical strength is hard to resist.

Boom boom boom.

The power of refining the demon pot became stronger and stronger, and Long Fei's figure was swallowed in at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In this process, no matter how hard Long Fei struggled, it was useless.

"No! Long Fei!"

"Longfei big brother!"

"grown ups!"

In an instant, the sound of endless grief erupted from above the Dragon Court. At this moment, they were extremely desperate. But more, it is mental depression and pain. Because Long Fei has always been their spiritual support and their backbone. As long as there is Long Fei, they believe that anything is possible


Even before that, even if Saint comes, they believe that as long as Long Fei is here, everything will be fine, and Long Ting will survive this crisis.

But with the arrival of one Saint after another, they have already begun to worry in their hearts.

Until this moment, seeing Long Fei being swallowed into the demon pot, the faith in their hearts finally collapsed.

Not only them, but even the Golden Dragon of Destiny is whining at this moment, and the glossy scales on the body dissipated, began to peel off, and landed on the Dragon Court.

Everything indicates that Long Fei has encountered a crisis of life and death.

And Long Ting will also fall into a mortal situation.

"Boy! Are you capable of this? Don't let daddy look down on you!" Yinggou naturally felt this scene, stopped fighting, and cursed angrily.

And above the void, Heaven Court, Lingshan, and the people from the demon clan were all excited and smiling.

"Sure enough, he can also jump in front of us. As soon as Saint shoots, he will definitely die."

"Long Ting, it's finally defeated. Something that doesn't know whether to live or die, dares to disobey Heaven Court, disobey Saint, and it deserves a catastrophe."

"Amitābha, the evildoer is finally beheaded, and the world is pure."

"Hmph, all of this was already doomed when he refined my demon god."

Countless voices fell, but the attitude was surprisingly consistent.

That is, Long Fei is dead, and Long Ting is finished.

"Everyone, stop, Long Fei has already been killed, and there is no point in continuing to fight. After today, there will be no Dragon Court between heaven and earth, and everything will return to Heavenly Dao's lineage."

Nuwa also spoke at this time, with a look of indifference on his face.

Several Saints also stopped attacking at this moment, smiling, ready to come and greet.

In contrast, the three emperors and Zhen Yuanzi were stunned and unbelievable.

Only the win hook, blood and tears were shed at this moment, and the killing intent was even stronger.

What they didn't know was that at this moment in the demon refining pot, Long Fei's body had been entangled by the power of Heavenly Dao Saint, and the whole person was bound, allowing one after another to impact himself.

Even Long Fei has closed his eyes. "Are you going to die?" Long Fei muttered to himself.

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