The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4874 Zhan Hongjun

In an instant, the Saints bowed their heads.



"Master, this son disobeyed Heavenly Dao and killed Saint. He must not be released."

Saint opened his mouth and said, his words were full of sadness.

"I already know about this. Don't worry, the disciples of this Dao are not so easy to die." Above Cang Ming, a low voice appeared.

Words follow the law, and heaven and earth respect each other.

What is even more terrifying is that this person's words actually made Long Fei feel a sense of confusion.

The next moment, a more terrifying scene happened. Long Fei unexpectedly found that time was reversing, and what had happened was returning at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Above the void, the dead receptionist actually began to reshape his body.

"Impossible!" Long Fei was shocked.

This kind of power is too incredible.

He knows that there are some power people in the world who have the ability to reverse time. However, after all, this has already happened. If you can still use the power of supernatural powers to be reborn and resurrected, then the own task is still a shit.

You must know that when you slaughter and lead yourself, you use the power of the system.

If Hongjun can contain even the power of the system, and can be reborn through the power of Heavenly Dao, doesn't this mean that even the power of the system can't help Hongjun?

This result is too terrifying, and has exceeded the resurrection itself. "Master, don't worry, he can't be resurrected. Although his power is extremely powerful, it is still a bit far from the Supreme plane. This person was killed by you with the power of the system, and he can't be resurrected." At this time, the system girl said


"Really?" Long Fei felt a little relieved.

If that's the case, it's fine. Otherwise, the own task simply doesn't need to continue, just declare bankruptcy.

"Wait and see, Master, he's just shooting himself in the foot, and later he will know how ignorant his actions are." The system girl said disdainfully.

As soon as these words came out, Long Fei's heart really relaxed.

And above the void, Meng Hao looked at what was happening in front of him with a calm expression.

Of course, the most excited at this time is Heavenly Dao Saint. They were all happy when they watched Hongjun take action and want to be reborn. After all, Heavenly Dao Hongjun can revive the lead, which means that they will not have a fatal threat in the future, nor do they have to worry about the fear of Death, they will still not die.


"Hmph, I don't know what to say, see it, once Daozu made a move, everything before you was useless."

"In front of Heavenly Dao, you still dare to be ruthless, and when Zun revives the younger brother, it will be the death of the three of you."

"No matter who you are, all those who disobey Heavenly Dao will be killed without mercy."

Saint said.

But before he finished speaking, Meng Hao's voice directly suppressed their ridicule, "It's only natural for you to think too much. Although Heavenly Dao's power is strong, it can't reverse any kind of damage. I know, it's you who are truly ignorant." Meng Hao said softly, glanced at Long Fei thoughtfully,

He said lightly, "Boy, I will take action later to expel Heavenly Dao for you, and the rest is up to you. I have a hunch that one day, we will meet again. Don't let me down. "Meng Hao said, the breath all over his body suddenly gathered,

The endless Monster Qi is tortured on it.

This Monster Qi is extremely terrifying, impacting the power of Heavenly Dao, almost forming a situation of rivalry with Dao Zu Hongjun.

"The number one demon in the vastness really lives up to its name." Long Fei sighed in his heart.

At this moment, an incredible scene happened.

I saw that the reincarnation had already been reversed, and the life stopped on the spot, not even the flesh body condensed, and then completely collapsed with a bang.

more thorough than before.

At this moment, the world was shocked.

But neither Long Fei nor Meng Hao had a calm expression. They had already expected this scene. Win's expression is also relieved, and his eyes are full of light.

In the whole world, besides him, finally someone else has the power to kill saints.

"Long Fei, you did a good job. You have proved that, Saint, is not immortal." Ying said indifferently, his eyes burning.

"Yes, Saint is not immortal. But unfortunately, now that Hongjun is here, there is no way to kill another one." Long Fei felt a little regretful.

He could feel that with the appearance of Hongjun, the power of Heavenly Dao on Saint became more mysterious.

To put it simply, they were souls entering Heavenly Dao before, and they were able to mobilize the power of Heavenly Dao. So now, it is to be in the power of Heavenly Dao and call it at will.

This difference has cut off the possibility of Long Fei wanting to kill another saint.

However, now Long Fei is satisfied. He beheaded a saint. This is already the biggest gain in the war. "It doesn't matter, it's not time for the decisive battle, Saint, it may not be as scary as you think. The truly scary existence has not yet appeared." Ying said lightly, on the one hand, he also reminded Long Fei, for fear of dragon Fei is flying because of War Saint


Long Fei pouted, he naturally understood if he won. He wanted to open his mouth to respond, but was interrupted by an anger above the void.

"It's hateful, even the soul of Heavenly Dao was cut off, cutting off the possibility of resurrection of this Dao."

It is Hongjun.

Hongjun was furious, he just boasted that his disciples didn't die so easily. In the blink of an eye, he was directly slapped in the face.

His methods are simply unable to regenerate him, and even now his physical body has completely collapsed, completely cutting off the possibility.

As soon as these words came out, Saint, who had been integrated into Heavenly Dao, all showed a touch of sadness.

This fellow practitioner has been in existence for tens of thousands of years, and now that he is gone, he feels a crisis like a rabbit dying and a fox.

"Damn it! Master, you must not let them go, otherwise my Heavenly Dao will inevitably collapse."

"Yes, Daozu, they messed up Heavenly Dao and slaughtered Saint. If they didn't die, the world would be in chaos."

"Daozu, you must not let them go."

Saint spoke up.

At this moment, they were really scared.

Long Fei already possessed the strength to kill saints, which, to them, was tantamount to hanging a knife over their heads, and they might be cut down at some point. If Long Fei didn't die, then it would be them who died.

"People who are chaotic, this Dao will never be forgiven. Now that the lead is dead, you will quickly meet the Zixiao Palace and complete the Heavenly Dao under his control. As for this, leave it to this Dao." Hong Jun's voice fell.

Infinite killing intent also erupted in an instant.

The next moment, a Daoist figure, also slowly condensed from the endless hearing.

Meng Hao's pupils shrank and he took a step forward.

"Boys, you all step back, this battle, I will come." Meng Hao's eyes filled with fighting intent.

He has killed many invincible beings, rectified the universe, sealed the world, but he has never fought Heavenly Dao. There is such an opportunity now, how could it be missed.

"The ultimate forbidden law, seal the sky!" Meng Hao said in a deep voice, then stepped forward and went straight to Hongjun's body.

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