Visible to the naked eye, the two figures were instantly intertwined.

Amidst the surging power of Heavenly Dao, a scarlet Monster Qi crisscrossed up and down, moving indefinitely.

Immediately afterwards, two breaths, wrapped around two figures, collided directly and continuously.

Parting and closing, and finally reuniting again.

At this moment, Long Fei only felt that the entire outer world was shaking, as if the entire void was about to collapse.

"Fortunately, this is a place beyond the sky. If it is in the world of mythology, the Heaven Court, the Lingshan, the Three Realms, a battle of this level, I am afraid that wherever it goes, it will turn into scorched earth." Long Fei emotion.

This kind of power, if any power leaks out, Long Fei feels that he can destroy a star. Just like the destruction of one realm in the original ten thousand realms.

But after all, the skills that he used at the beginning. And now, they are just the aftermath of the battle, and they can have this effect.

It can be seen how powerful the battle between them is at this time.

At this time, the battle between the two went further and further, and even directly broke the outer land and disappeared without a trace.


In an instant, the breath of heaven and earth shook, and all the power of Heavenly Dao dissipated without a trace. Even the traces of a few Heavenly Dao Saints disappeared.

Long Fei took a long sigh of relief.

This battle is finally over.

The outcome of the battle is unknown. However, what is certain is that Meng Hao, as the lord of the vast vastness, has absolute strength even if he was only summoned by himself at this moment. Even if he couldn't defeat Heavenly Dao Hongjun, he could still be seriously injured.

"It seems that I have to improve as soon as possible, and my current strength is not enough." Long Fei said lightly, looking at the winning side.

"Yes, although you are not weak now, this kind of battle is just the beginning. You still need to go further." Ying looked at Long Fei and said.

Long Fei nodded in agreement.

After all, this time, with Meng Hao, he could summon the Lord of the Boundless, but next time, he might not have such a chance.

However, just when Long Fei thought that winning was just an encouragement to him, Ying suddenly said again.

"Long Fei, if I told you, wait until I make waves in the world, when the time comes, the gods and demons in the sky, each of them has the power of Saint, what should you do?" At this time, Ying suddenly said.

"What?" Long Fei was surprised.

Each has the same power as Saint?

Long Fei was completely stunned.

Heavenly Dao Saint, isn't he already the strongest in this mythical world? Is there still a need for Saint to be terrifying?

For a long time, Long Fei thought that what he had to deal with to win was Hongjun.

Just like that sentence at the beginning, Hongjun came first and then Heaven.

Therefore, the clone who had won at the beginning told Long Fei that what he had to deal with was Innate, and Long Fei instinctively thought that what he had to deal with was Hongjun.

But now, after the word of winning, he completely rejected Long Fei's guess.

"You said Innate, not Hongjun?" Long Fei frowned.

If it was Hongjun, all they had to deal with were six Heavenly Dao Saints.

But now, Ying said that what he had to deal with was countless existences that were not inferior to Saint.

"Who told you that I was dealing with Hongjun? If so, two thousand years ago, if I could destroy Heavenly Dao and force Saint to escape, I would be able to suppress Heavenly Dao Hongjun." Ying said lightly.

"Then what is your last?" Long Fei asked, with a bit of shock in his tone.

So shocked.

I have to say, it completely subverted Long Fei's cognition.

"That existence, needless to say, I think you know it too. He is Pangu." Ying said lightly.

"Pangu? The great god who created the world?" Long Fei was shocked.

Looking at the win, they are full of incredible. "It's just that this world has made it a myth. Taking a step back, the one from the beginning is indeed a man of the sky, who has created the world and is omnipotent. I was still in chaos at the time, and I also think this is a statue. God, standing between heaven and earth,

the only god. "

"However, when Yuanfeng and Qilin were fighting for domination of the world, I could feel it faintly."

"I was wrong!"

"He's not a god!"

"It's a person in a group. It's just that he opened up this world and became the god of this world." Ying said, his tone became more and more serious.

Even with a bit of heaviness.

"Fuck, clan? Pangu clan?" Long Fei exclaimed.

No wonder Ying Ying said that it was a group of Saints who were not inferior to them. I thought Ying Ying was just rhetoric, but now it seems.

Not exaggeration at all, but somewhat conservative.

"It can also be said that I don't know what race they are. But I can feel that they are coming soon." Ying said.

"That Hongjun didn't want to face it?" Long Fei asked. "My opinion is different from his opinion. He is too conservative. He triggers the calamity of the next era, blesses Heavenly Dao, and uses the power of Heavenly Dao to resist the invasion of those forces. However, it is useless, those existences will still enter. Rahu is one of them.

Although he was expelled from Heavenly Dao by Hongjun, it was a pity that he was not beheaded, and everything was in vain. " said Win.

Long Fei fell silent.

The next moment, Long Fei's mind sank, sinking into the system

"Sister System, can the Manshen Tower still condense human souls as before?" Long Fei asked.

"Of course you can, Master. Now the Wanshen Building is the same as before, except for one less owner, there is no big difference in the rest. The only possibility is that the speed of cohesion has increased a lot." The system girl said.

"Okay, I see." Long Fei nodded lightly, and then moved his hands, the Panshen Tower flashed light, brushed between heaven and earth, and returned to Long Fei's soul.

Of course, Saint had already retreated at this moment, and the battle between Hong Jun and Meng Hao had also used all their strength, which could not cause any coercion to him at all.

"Win, in the next time, I need to reconsider the pattern. However, Heaven Court and Lingshan, I must get it." Long Fei insisted.

This is related to his mission, and he naturally cannot give up.

"It's up to you. I've said before that in this world, I have no desires or desires, and I can even help you." Ying said lightly.

"Yes. The Witch Clan and the Demon Clan will be handed over to you. The Witch Clan and I have an old relationship. Let's keep their heritage. As for the Demon Clan, you can decide." Long Fei said.

If he wins, it will put a lot of pressure on him, let him know that although he has broken through to the Realm, he is really unbearable in the face of the next danger.

Not only him, but the entire Dragon Court is too weak now.

Therefore, Long Fei's next move is to rectify the dragon court, so that the people in the dragon court will undergo an earth-shaking change. At least, let them not be useless in the next battle.

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