The Strongest Upgrade System

Chapter 4877 Triggering The Task

It can be said that this is an unsolved problem.

For a time, even Long Fei didn't know how to choose.

"Remodeling the reception, it has to pay such a big price? The golden lotus of merit? The reception of the gods? So, one must be lost?" Long Fei pondered in his heart.

If it were another capital, Long Fei would not even think about it, and would definitely choose to give up remodeling. But not now, because the consequences that Win said were too serious.

Even if there is a system, he is not sure that it will reach that level in a short period of time.

After all, he didn't even know when the people of that race would come.

And Saint, no doubt, has reached that level. "Damn, forget it. Even if it is such a treasure, compared with the Blade of the Realm King, it is not enough to see." Long Fei thought that the most urgent task is to improve himself and improve the overall background. Although these Magic Treasures are not weak, but with the hand he now controls

Duan wants to compare, it is still too much.

Thinking of this, Long Fei made a direct decision


Simple two words.

The next moment, among the rewards for beheading and receiving the lead, the hall of the gods disappeared completely and turned black.

But within the Pantheon Tower, the figure of the receptionist slowly condensed, and finally fully appeared.

Immediately afterwards, he led his body out of the Panshen Tower, looked at the endless sea of ​​blood in front of him, and then looked at Long Fei, cupped hands said, "I have seen the master."

At this moment, with the respect on Jie Yin's face, he could only surrender to Long Fei.

He still retains his previous memories, but with an extra layer of shackles, that is, his absolute loyalty to Long Fei.

More importantly, he knew the horror of the Pantheon, and he only worshipped Long Fei. This kind of method, let alone their Heavenly Dao Saint, even Heavenly Dao can't do it.

"Well, you first enter the Pantheon Building to recuperate and restore your strength." Long Fei said.

At this time, he could feel that although the reception was reshaped, its strength was lower than before, but it was understandable.

"Take the lead," said the lead dignifiedly.

Long Fei's consciousness also sank into it after the figure of the receptionist returned to the Wanshen Tower. Only then did he realize that the entire Wanshen Tower had already begun to be divided into nine floors. And the lead, but also fell on the seventh floor.

"System girl, what's going on?" Long Fei asked.

"Master, this is the change I made when I remodeled the Panshen Tower. In the past, the Wanshen Tower was too irregular, and the good and the bad were mixed. In fact, the strengths of those who took it into it were very different."

"Now after I reorganize, I will stratify them according to their strength. As the master saw, the strength of the lead is Heavenly Dao Saint, which can already be ranked on the seventh floor." The system girl explained.

But Long Fei was a little shocked.

"Heavenly Dao Saint's Cultivation Base is the seventh floor. What about the eighth floor? What about the ninth floor?" Long Fei couldn't imagine it.

According to the system girl, then the eighth floor is probably the level of winning and Heavenly Dao Hongjun.

"Master, the Cultivation Base on the eighth floor is basically at its peak. If it is divided according to the Cultivation Base, it should at least be beyond the peak, or the Realm." The system girl said.

"Just like the wins you encountered before, and the Heavenly Dao Daozu, they are all masters of Siming Realm." The system girl continued.

"Huh? Are they Realm?" Long Fei was taken aback.

Immediately, I felt astonished. What surprised him most was that winning had already reached that level, no wonder he had such confidence.

"If that's the case, what is the ninth floor?" Long Fei asked.

If the eighth floor is already the pinnacle of Cultivation Base, what is the meaning of the ninth floor?

"The ninth floor, of course, is to be prepared for the owner of the Wanshen Building." The system girl said with some anticipation in her eyes.

"Lord? Yes, when she was summoned in a hurry, she only shot once and then completely dissipated. I said in my heart that I would see you again, and now is the time." Long Fei thought to himself, and directly activated the summoning reward of the Pantheon.

Designated summons, the most ruthless emperor in the world.

Whoosh whoosh.

In an instant, with the operation of the system's power, a layer of mist was directly covered on the ninth floor of the Pantheon Building.


The mist dissipated, and a figure gradually appeared.

However, what surprised Long Fei was that it was not the Ruthless Emperor in his memory, but a little girl.

The little girl holds a mask in her hand, neither crying nor laughing.

"I'm going, system girl, have you made a mistake, this is the Ruthless Emperor?" Long Fei was stunned, feeling inexplicable in his heart. "Yes, but as I said before, this summoning can be continuously improved with the master's cultivation. According to the master's current cultivation speed, she is in the Wanshen Tower and absorbs the offerings of the gods, and it will take a long time to be able to achieve detachment

Realm. Then the speed will slow down. "The system girl said.

"Then what life is the Ruthless Emperor?" Long Fei asked again. "That's not the point of the question, the point is that this is the last time the Ruthless Emperor walked in the world. The system will imprint his experience and strength in previous lives. When he grows up and wakes up, he won't be too strong because of his strength. , leading to the world's

The balance is shaken, and in this way, the Ruthless Emperor can truly stay in the Manshen Tower. "The system girl said.

Long Fei nodded. After the system girl said this, Long Fei understood.

Every world has its own trajectory. The operation of the system cannot affect the operation of other worlds.

Thinking of this, Long Fei took a step forward and said lightly.

"From now on, you will be the owner of the Wanshen Building. You should cultivate here first. When you awaken your own power, you will be the Ruthless Emperor, the most ruthless Great Emperor in the heavens." Long Fei said.

"I am the owner of the gods? I am the most ruthless emperor in the heavens. Well, I remember it." The little girl said lightly.

Long Fei's eyes were easy-going, he nodded lightly, and then hooked up with the system.

"System, use the Manshen Tower to recast the blood of immortals, Buddhas, demons, and millions of living beings to condense the strongest body." Long Fei said.

After he finished speaking, he looked at the Panshenlou in silence, waiting for the response of the Panshenlou.

As expected, just as Long Fei's voice fell, the entire Pantheon Tower became manic and restless, but after a while, it returned to silence.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for triggering the system task."

"Mission 1: Create immortals, Buddhas, and demons!"

"The task is one day."

"Mission level S."

"500 quest reward activation volumes."

"No mission penalty."

"Note that after the task is completed, the next task will be automatically unlocked."

The system's voice fell, and then fell silent.

But Long Fei's eyes were bright. "Five hundred activation volumes? Hahaha, the legion system, the legion store, is finally going to open."

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