The Legion system appeared as early as when the system released the mission and conquered the Avengers.

However, until he killed the master of the sixth hall of the Promise Temple, everything really appeared in front of him, but it was all gray and could not be used at all.

Now that he heard the system's task prompt, Long Fei was also excited.

The legion system can finally play a real role.

In the legion system now, there are still a group of people.

However, at this stage, the enemies they are facing are no longer what they can deal with. Only after all-round improvement can they continue to appear on the battlefield.

Therefore, Long Fei has no plans to start the legion for the time being.

"Condensing Immortals, Buddhas, Demons, the system is really caring this time." Long Fei looked at the system tasks that had already appeared, and his heart shook.

This task is simply a benefit.

Now, he is thinking of using the Panshen Tower to recondense the million blood of gods, the blood of a million Buddhas, and the blood of a million demons into the strongest body. Unexpectedly, such a task appeared in the system immediately.

"Master, the power of the system is also constantly advancing according to your own development. Now that the enemies you have to face are getting stronger and stronger, the system will definitely continue to issue missions," said the system girl.

"That's the best way, but what I have now is really not enough. Let's start directly." Long Fei said.

Time is running out, and before that power comes, he must complete his own main line and repeat the myth.

"Okay, master, wait a moment." The system girl said, her voice gradually disappearing.

"Ding, the Panshen Tower is about to devour the blood of the Buddha, the blood of the gods, the blood of the demons, and condense the seat of the gods, do you agree with the player?" The system voice appeared.

"Agree!" Long Fei said directly without any hesitation.

The next moment, the divine light burst out from the entire Pantheon Tower, standing directly on the peak of the sky, incarnating tens of thousands of feet in size.

The whole thing is a behemoth.

Immediately afterwards, drops of blood gathered, like a waterfall hanging upside down, flying from above the earth to the Pantheon. This scene is extremely terrifying. Even though Long Fei has experienced countless times, he can still feel the thrill of seeing this scene at this moment.

Of course, not only blood, but also their bodies, Magic power, were swallowed up in the Pantheon at this moment. All corpses turned to powder.

At this moment, Long Fei was also shocked when he saw it.

"There is a familiar feeling, just like when I condensed the body of the other side in the world of Yang God. Damn, it should not condense the body of the creation level of particle change." Long Fei was shocked.

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

He didn't know whether the creatures created in this way were gods, demons, or Buddhas.

But he knew that the creatures created by Wanshenlou this time were bound to be extremely powerful. Maybe even strong enough to move him.

"Millions of corpses turned into flesh and blood, fused with millions of blood, and condensed into one body."

"Under the whole world, I am afraid that only the Pantheon can do it." Long Fei thought to himself, staring at the Pantheon.

Whoosh whoosh.

The sound of blood rushing against the sky is incessant, almost like a whale swallowing the sea, and it is difficult to measure it with the naked eye. After all, this is the blood of nearly three million corpses gathered into the sea, which cannot be absorbed in an instant.

Moreover, after the tempering and remodeling of the Pantheon Tower, the time will naturally be longer.

Long Fei was not in a hurry and sat down directly at Lotus Position.

In this way, an extremely terrifying scene was formed between heaven and earth.

Downstairs of the gods, endless blood swept the void, but Long Fei sat proudly.

If someone could see this scene, they would definitely exclaim Long Fei as a demon god, or they would be scared to death.

In the blink of an eye, a few hours passed.

Above the dragon court, the three emperors are the leader, Yinggou and Zhenyuanzi are second, looking at the scarlet above the void, uneasy.

"What a terrifying breath, what is this kid doing? Isn't he swallowing the blood of those people?" Yinggou frowned.

He is the Lord of the Nether Sea of ​​Blood and is extremely sensitive to blood. At this moment, even though Long Fei used Xianmen Qi Luck to shield him, he could still sense the blood Qi that was surging terribly. "Long Fei is a person outside the Tao. Even the book shows that the future of the Earth Immortals world lies in Long Fei, so Long Fei's temperament does not need to be considered. He should not do such a thing that goes against his original intention." Zhen Zhen Motoko spoke at this moment, denying the winning hook


"Zhenyuan Daxian is right. Long Fei is the hope of my human race. I seem to see a humane Zou Xing in him."

"It can be recognized by human beings. This alone can prove that Long Fei has great perseverance, great perseverance, and great courage, so there is no need to worry." Emperor Fuxi also said.

"Yes, that's right. Although the big bad guy is not a formal person, he must have principles in everything he does." Xuan Yu also said, with a serious face.

"As long as Long Fei's big brother is okay, everything is right." Xiao Yu'er was more direct, expressing her admiration and admiration for Long Fei to the fullest.

In an instant, all eyes were on Xiao Yu'er.

All embarrassed.

At this time, above the void, a series of roars suddenly erupted, and even the fate of the Immortal Sect was impacted.

"This is. Immortal Qi? No, Buddha Qi, and Monster Qi?"

"What a terrifying breath, this kind of breath even felt the pressure in my heart, what is Long Fei doing?"

"Terror, shouldn't Long Fei be in any danger?"

In an instant, the three emperors and others were all stunned and worried.

What they didn't know was that at this time Long Fei was proudly looking down under the aura of the three powers, like a master, looking down proudly.




Three times in a row, three figures knelt down in front of Long Fei.

Long Fei stood with his hands on his back, his eyes like knives, staring at the three beings in front of him.

But in my heart, I was already shocked beyond words.

These three beings, one is covered in Immortal Qi, with immortal power drumming, is already comparable to Saint. No, to be precise, it should be said to be more intense than Saint.

A full of Sacred, like the arrival of a true Buddha, is hundreds of times more powerful than the Manjusri he killed before.

There is another one, a monster Qi is raging, and there is a bit of a white-clothed demon master in the faint. Of course, there is still a huge gap compared to Meng Hao, but it is far more terrifying than the so-called demon god.

"Get up." Long Fei said lightly.

"Follow your orders." The three stood up, their faces ignorant. The whole reaction is like a robot that has been implanted with a program, without any thoughts of its own.

"Sister System, are they unaware now?" Long Fei asked. "Of course, Master, this is a reconstruction of the Panshen Tower, and this is not the same as a connection, it is a reconstruction of the original body and soul. These three are too complicated. In order to avoid unnecessary influence, the system Only take out all consciousness.

Now the three of them have nothing but complete loyalty. "The system girl explained.

Long Fei nodded, this is the best.

"Ding." At this moment, the system voice sounded again.

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