A day later, Long Fei drove the suspended world and came to a black hole-like whirlpool.

"Sir, this is the dark dungeon." Chen Zhong said.

Long Fei nodded. In a day's time, Long Fei had already learned everything he wanted to know from Chen Zhong's mouth. I have to say that this dark council is really powerful. The dark council has been born in this world for tens of thousands of years, and it is the power of all dark systems.

Sacred Land.

This dungeon is also a place of dark revelry.

This city is hidden in nothingness, and behind the whirlpool is where the city is. Without any hesitation, Long Fei drove the floating world and entered the vortex directly.

"Sir, do you want to keep a low profile and enter in such a grand manner, maybe they will be besieged!" Chen Zhong looked frightened.

"Do you think I'm weak?"

Long Fei asked back.

Chen Zhong's face turned pale in an instant.

Is Long Fei weak?

of course not!

If Long Fei were to be described as weak, they would be scumbags.

No, it's a knockout item among the scum.

Because so far, he has never seen Long Fei throw a second punch, let alone reveal any other power. But does Long Fei have other powers? The answer is yes!

He clearly felt the throbbing in his soul when he approached Long Fei.

Powerful, vast, supreme!

It seems that as long as Long Fei has a thought, his soul will burst, and it is the kind of soul that flies away.

What does this mean? This shows that Long Fei not only has physical power, but also has a more terrifying power. It's just this power that he doesn't know. Not qualified to know.

"Sir, your strength is tyrannical, but in this dungeon, there are masters guarding it. Legend has it that every city lord's system has reached the excellent level, and their system power is really powerful." Chen Zhong said, his eyes were full of yearning.

Long Fei's expression froze.

"Excellent?" Long Fei said, full of surprise.

Is the lord of a city excellent? If you say that, what are the ones he killed before?

Not in the flow?

Thinking of this, Long Fei thought of the people who had destroyed the dark council before, and the system said that his level was too high.

Now it seems that how high the level of own chest is, it is not clear.

But these people can only be said to be garbage.

"Trash!" Long Fei couldn't help saying.

Chen Zhong's expression changed, and he looked at Long Fei blankly, but did not dare to refute. Heart is so cruel

"Hmph, arrogance, you never know how powerful this city lord is, just wait, you will pay the price for your own arrogance later." Chen Zhong thought to himself, but he didn't dare to show the slightest on his face.

And Long Fei, without stopping at this time, drove the suspended world, passed through the black hole vortex, and came directly into it.

As far as the eye can see, everything is dark.

"My lord, this is the power of the system. This dungeon is filled with the power of the dark system. These powers gather together, so that there is no light in this city." Chen Zhong explained on the side.

Long Fei's expression remained unchanged, standing on the suspended world, overlooking the underground city.

He didn't understand why this world was called a dungeon because it was clearly suspended in nothingness.

However, Long Fei didn't care what they were called, because today, the purpose of Long Fei's coming here was to destroy.

"How many cities of this level are there?" Long Fei asked.

"Sir, there are many, and this is only a relatively weak one." Chen Zhong said. "Oh." Long Fei nodded lightly.

Strong, not scary.

The stronger the city, the more hopeful Long Fei had in his heart.

"Sir, I have brought you to this place, can I leave now?" Chen Zhong asked tentatively.

For Long Fei, he was really afraid, and he didn't want to stay for a minute longer.

Beside Long Fei, it was like staying in a time bomb, maybe it would be blown to pieces at some point.

At this time, Long Fei turned his eyes to the other side, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Go away!" said softly.

Chen Zhong was amnesty, leaped forward, and rushed down from this floating world. But without waiting for his figure to fall, he directly activated the system and suspended in mid-air

"Long Fei is here, and the person who killed Young Master Fufeng is here. Everyone took action and joined forces to destroy him." Chen Zhong shouted loudly.

In an instant, in the dungeon, eyes appeared one after another, looking above the void, all fixed on Long Fei's body.

"It was him, was he the one who killed Young Master Fufeng?"

"Kill him, Aoyue Palace Master will let us enter Aoyue City."

"Not only that, it will also give us a superior system and ten thousand energy. Kill him and get rich directly."


One after another voice appeared, and the killing intent in his eyes was not concealed in the slightest.


Immediately afterwards, the systems were activated directly, and countless powers erupted instantly.

Intricate and dazzling.

But Long Fei, not only did not have any panic expression, but also had an expression of getting what he wanted.

In mid-air, Chen Zhong had a vicious and excited expression on his face, but at this moment, for some reason, he saw Long Fei's expression, and his heart sank instantly.

"No, how can he still show such an expression. What does he rely on?"

"Impossible, the power of these people is already the power of the advanced system, he must not be able to bear it!"

"Yes, he must not be able to carry it." Chen Zhong thought to himself.

But just as he was thinking about it in his mind, figures rose up into the sky and headed straight for the floating world.

These powers are different, knives, guns and sticks, axes and forks, ferocious monsters and giant beasts, evil spirits and ghosts... There are countless.

There is only one word to describe miscellaneous.

Brush brush!

In an instant, these figures rushed directly to the floating world, and Long Fei's figure was submerged in Shunjiang.

Chen Zhong's face gradually relieved, and he took a breath.


"It must be dead. These people's systems are much stronger than ours, but they are all advanced systems and can definitely kill him in seconds."

Chen Zhong thought in his heart, but at this moment, a roar appeared directly.


There was a roar, and then, a violent murderous intent broke out instantly.

Bang bang bang.

One after another silhouette was blasted directly from the floating world and fell.

"No, don't kill me, I admit defeat." A panicked cry for help appeared.

"It's too late!" Long Fei's voice came out.

Bang bang bang.

Long Fei's fist shadow swayed in the floating world, and under the shadow of the fist, one after another figure was directly penetrated through the chest, or the head exploded, and the sky was blood red.

After the three breaths, the suspended world has become blood-stained and crimson.

And Long Fei's figure is still standing on the edge of the floating world, and there is no one around him.

Three breaths, destroy the audience! Chen Zhong felt his scalp go numb for a moment, and looking at Long Fei with a silent face, he panicked to the extreme.

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