too scary.

Long Fei's method can be said to crush the audience. The whole process was still an ordinary punch, but it still destroyed the audience in seconds, and no one could withstand Long Fei's punch.

At this time, in the depths of this dark dungeon, inside a building.

A figure suddenly slapped the case

"What? That Long Fei dares to destroy my entire city?"

This person is the city owner of this dungeon, Mo Fang.

As he spoke, the aura on his body changed again, the power of darkness surged, and black flames burst out in his eyes, which was extremely strange.

Below, a figure moved, and finally knelt down directly in front of Mo Fang, as if only in this way could reduce the pressure Mo Fang brought to them.

"Come here, I'm worried about all the senior system people in the mansion. At the same time, I will bring Fu Lao and Gu Lao, the two enshrined, and I want to see how Long Fei died today." Mo Fang said, and his anger burst out.

The eyes of the people below lit up, and they all shone brightly.

If Long Fei was beheaded, it would be equivalent to directly having a qualification to enter the Aoyue Palace, and there was also an excellent system.

This kind of existence is what Mo Fang himself is very concerned about.

You must know that an excellent system is equivalent to directly having the qualification to become the master of a city. This kind of temptation is not something they can refuse.

All of a sudden, everyone got up, geared up, and murdered.

Look at Long Fei again.

Long Fei was digesting the sound of his system.

As he expected, he only gave 112 experience points afterward. In addition to the previous ones, he now has just 2,000 experience points, which is far from the 100,000 required for leveling up.

The only thing that makes Long Fei happy is that he has given him a lot of energy.

After injuring the person who was killed before, Liu Fufeng still exploded the energy after beheading, and the energy was already 2,500.

"This energy is good. It is not only the hard currency of this world, but also a necessity for improving the system." Long Fei thought to himself.

Now, when Long Fei kills the enemy, he will no longer burst out low-level items like Spirit Stones. After all, that kind of thing is completely useless for the current Long Fei. What Long Fei didn't know was that now this energy is also necessary to start the system. Every time the system is started, it consumes a lot of energy.

To settle his emotions, Long Fei looked down at Chen Zhong in mid-air.

Mo Fang

At this time, Chen Zhong was already scared and lost his soul.

It can be said that Long Fei has become his nightmare.

"Master's magical powers are boundless, and his means are monstrous. My respect for adults is like the water of the Milky Way, which is endless..."

In an instant, being swept away by Long Fei's eyes, Chen Zhong instinctively fell to his knees and said.

Long Fei was taken aback, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

At that moment just now, he wanted to kill the opponent. Never thought that the other party would choose to let go of his integrity so directly.

"It seems that any world is the same. In the face of life and death, their instincts are the same or cowardice." Long Fei thought to himself.

At this time, Chen Zhong was already dripping with cold sweat, and looked up at Long Fei weakly, his eyes were full of panic.

"This time, I will spare you not to die. Next time, I will definitely kill you." Long Fei said lightly.

Chen Zhong was overjoyed in front of his eyes, his heart felt like a pardon, he was breathing heavily, enjoying this hard-won opportunity to survive.

"This person has already had murderous intentions towards me just now, but fortunately I reacted quickly. I'm going to wear it, but I won't be flattering."

"Especially the strong. The stronger the person, the more eager they are to be appreciated by others." "It seems that next time you have to be careful, you must not show rebellious emotions in the face of absolute certainty. Otherwise, the next time absolutely There is no chance to live." Chen Zhong thought to himself.

Immediately, a smile piled up on Chen Zhong's face, and he returned to the floating world.

"Sir, let me tell you about this dungeon. In this dungeon, the city owner's name is Mo Fang, and there are two worshipers under his command. The three of them are all real masters and are extremely powerful, so I suggest that the lord is to slowly figure it out. , enter the city, get ready." Chen Zhong said.

The whole person is naturally incomparable, as if the previous thing has never happened.

"No, I'll wait for them here." Long Fei said lightly.

He has already felt that a large number of people are coming in this direction frantically.

Among them, there are indeed three people with extremely powerful breaths, and they should be the three people Chen Zhong mentioned.

Chen Zhong's expression was certain, and his mind turned again.

"The strength of this person is still a mystery, and it is impossible to see the truth. Moreover, he has not used the power of the system yet, and his system can suppress me, and his level must be higher than mine. Now it seems that at least it is an excellent level. So, don't be impulsive, take a look first, if the opponent is not the opponent of Mo Fang and others, then I will secretly take action to protect Chen Cang." Chen Zhong thought to himself.

But at this moment, he noticed a step of coldness surrounding him.

Looking up suddenly, he saw Long Fei looking at him with a smile.

"Your Excellency is invincible, I am here waiting for Your Excellency to return in triumph." Chen Zhong said with a firm expression.

"Oh!" Long Fei chuckled lightly and turned around.

How could it be possible to hide Chen Zhong's thoughts from Long Fei, but Long Fei didn't care.

Whoosh whoosh.

At this moment, on the side of the sky, black clouds surged, and figures flickered in it.

Looking around, it was dark.

"It's finally here." Long Fei raised his head and said lightly.

Suddenly, Long Fei's eyes lit up.

In this endless darkness, he actually saw three figures, flashing with golden light, which was particularly dazzling.

In an instant, Long Fei's heart suddenly burst into excitement.

"Boss! It turned out to be a boss. In this way, the strength of these three people should not be weak." Long Fei thought to himself.

But it was just a thought, and Long Fei suppressed the thought in his heart.

"Long Fei, you have such a big guts. You dare to run wild in my dark dungeon. I think you are tired and crooked."

A loud shout appeared, it was Mo Fang.

Long Fei's forehead was slightly wrinkled, a little surprised.

Because of this Mo Fang, his body is still flashing with the golden light of the boss. But this breath did not bring any pressure to Long Fei.

"What's going on? Is there anything wrong with this? Obviously there is the light of the boss, but why do I feel that I can kill him with one knife." Long Fei couldn't understand.

But more importantly, Long Fei was even more afraid of losing his hope.

The harvest brought by a boss is not comparable to those of the previous people.

But if you can instantly kill the opponent with one knife, is such a person still a boss?

For a time, Long Fei's mind was also confused.

But at this moment, Mo Fang didn't seem to be too lazy to wait, and waved his right hand.

"Go on, kill me, but I want to see what means he has. He was just arrogant in front of the city master." Mo Fang snorted coldly, and his figure took a step back.

And as his voice fell, hundreds of figures flew straight into the sky, heading straight for Long Fei.

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