A fist shadow swept the void, and immediately corpses fell from the void.


Even the screams didn't have a chance to erupt, and they directly became pieces of corpses.

"Too weak." Long Fei's eyes narrowed and he thought to himself.

Really too weak, this group of people was destroyed with one punch, and even the system did not respond. This also shows that this kind of existence, in front of Long Fei now, has no experience.

According to Long Fei's temperament, he would never touch such a thankless thing.

However, it's different now.

The other party has already touched his inverse scales.

Dragons have inverse scales, and they will die if touched.

On the side, Chen Zhong looked at Long Fei who was light and windy, holding his breath, trembling in his heart;

"This sub-method is simply annihilating humanity. The power of these people is at least the primary system. Although it is not strong outside, it is still the level of most people."

"Dark Council, provoking such a evil star, it is really digging its own grave." Chen Zhong thought to himself, the more he thought about it, the more shocked he became.

The more you think about it, the happier you are.

If he hadn't taken a step forward and invested in Long Fei's subordinates, I'm afraid now, he would have really turned into a pile of bones. No, not even bones will remain in this world.

Thinking of this, Chen Zhong's heart became more and more determined, he must stick to Long Fei's side, and he must not be shaken.

"Damn, daddy has decided that he must examine himself three times a day in the future. He must sing praises to Long Fei and remind me day and night that this person is a big devil." Chen Zhong made up his mind secretly.

The next moment, his eyes looked out of the void again.

Seeing another wave of power appearing, there was a moment of silence in my heart.


In the blink of an eye, an hour later. Above the floating world, it was already covered with flesh and blood and corpses. At a glance, there is an urge to want to stay away.

At a glance, it is boundless fear.

After all, who would be a normal person hanging a corpse on the floating world, and it's the one with corpses all over the place.

Long Fei did not move, still waiting.

"The strength of the people who came in is getting stronger and stronger, and now the advanced system has exploded to 400. Then, it should be the boss." Long Fei thought to himself.

So far, Long Fei has been killed to the point of numbness.

There is no challenge at all, it is directly killing, and it is done with one punch.

The four hundred advanced systems also increased Long Fei's experience by 400 points, energy by 4000, immortality by 400, and invincibility by 400.

Now, Long Fei's experience has reached 2,930, and his energy is a breakthrough of 40,000. Reached 41750 points.

Although he didn't give much, Long Fei was not disappointed at all. On the contrary, Long Fei was full of expectations.

In his eyes, this dark council is no longer simply the target he wants to hunt. It is a piece of leeks that he wants to harvest. Even every city of the Dark Council can only bring him a few hundred points of experience.

However, the city to which this endless dark council belongs will also bring an astonishing number of waiting.

Thinking of this, a small smile gradually appeared on the corner of Long Fei's mouth.

But this smile, in Chen Zhong's opinion, was Death's smile, and his heart suddenly trembled.

"No, this person is ruthless and will never smile for no reason. Could it be that he has some bad ideas in his heart?" Chen Zhong thought to himself.

But at this moment, four figures appeared.

In Chen Zhong's heart, it turned out that the master of the city to which the Dark Council belonged had arrived.

"Damn, is this what you did?" Suddenly, a roar appeared, and the power of darkness surged in his body, and it would explode if he disagreed.

Long Fei glanced lightly

"You don't agree?" Long Fei raised his eyes.

"Damn, the humble ant dared to provoke me, Boundless City, and killed so many of my subordinates. Today, I will let you know what the power of the top system is."

"Rakshasa system, drop!"

A roar appeared, and without saying a word, the person directly detonated the power of the system.

The next moment, overwhelming, are all ghosts, appearing with sharp blades in their hands.

But Long Fei was indifferent and shook his head slightly.

Chen Zhong, who was behind him, looked at Long Fei's expression, and already guessed in his heart that this power had absolutely no effect in front of Long Fei. Even, to Long Fei, it is just a kind of nourishment.

But he knew that this was his chance, and said quickly;

"My lord, this is the lord of the city without change. It is boundless, and the power of the system is strong. It is relatively powerful among the dark council cities. Be careful, sir." Chen Zhong's eyes showed panic.

As if he was really caring for Long Fei.

But Long Fei shook his head slightly.

"This is strong? You don't know anything about being strong. This kind of thing is nothing!" Long Fei said lightly.

Then, just before this force was about to approach Long Fei, Long Fei moved.

Still just a punch.

Without any fancy, directly punched out.



But as Long Fei's fist fell, the entire void began to collapse, and the endless Rakshasa turned into afterimages and disappeared at the moment when Long Fei's fist shadow fell.

The boundless figure also stopped abruptly at this moment.

"Wait, you and I have no enmity in the near future and far in the future, we can have a good talk." Cheng Wubian confessed directly.

Hearts are jumping out.

Because the moment Long Fei shot, he had an analysis of Long Fei's power.

That is invincible!

At least, compared to a system controller at his level, this is an invincible existence.

Therefore, he directly confessed without any hesitation.

"No, you are wrong. We have a feud, and it is a bloody feud." Long Fei's eyes narrowed and he fell. And between the backhand, another palm fell.


A boundless figure was instantly submerged and completely disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, the three people around Cheng Wubian saw this, and without saying a word, they turned to escape. However, it is a pity that Long Fei will not let go of Cheng Wubian, let alone them.

Almost as soon as they turned around, Long Fei's fist shadow had already fallen.


With one punch, all enemies are destroyed.

Then, Long Fei had a blank face and hung the bodies of several people in the front.

But this time, Long Fei still had no choice, and directly upgraded the system level of these four people.

After all, Long Fei had no chance of retreating after he had already made a choice.

And these four people also brought Long Fei more than 300 points of experience, nearly 50,000 energy, as well as 40 points of immortality and 4 points of invincibility.

Long Fei was satisfied, his mind moved, and a map appeared directly on his heavy hand.

"Let's go, next place, go here." Long Fei pointed in his hand and selected a faction of the dark council closest to this place.

Chen Zhong silently controlled the suspended world, rushed out of the whirlpool, and started world drifting again.

But what Long Fei didn't even know was that with the annihilation of this city, the entire headquarters of the Dark Council caused an uproar and boundless shaking.

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