Under the endless darkness, the empty and dead sky, and the ghostly shadows passing by, quietly lead the line of sight into a castle.


The sound of the door opening

"The Lord of Darkness has a purpose! The lord of the 12th house has taken action and pursued this person with all his strength. Whoever kills this person will be rewarded with a Transcendent top system."

A voice appeared, emanating from this dark and empty place.


In an instant, twelve silhouettes appeared in twelve directions away from the endless space, and the silhouettes knelt in the direction where the voice appeared.

"Subordinates obey."

The next moment, in the minds of the twelve, directly condensed the portrait of Long Fei.

And all this, Long Fei naturally did not know.

Not only did he not know, Long Fei was still going further and further on the road of no return to hunt the Dark Council.

Yes, in Long Fei's opinion, if it wasn't for the three-month deadline, Long Fei even had an urge not to end it.

At this time, three days have passed since Long Fei slaughtered Boundless City.

In three days, Long Fei controlled the floating world, ran rampant for hundreds of millions of miles, and slaughtered six cities one after another. The experience alone has brought Long Fei as much as 7,000, and the breakthrough of 10,000 is just around the corner.

Not only that, but even the upgrade experience of the system has also increased to 50 points.

As for energy, it has reached hundreds of thousands.

From Long Fei's point of view, this wave of leeks was very cool.

Even in the entire seventh world, Long Fei has become a well-known figure, defined as the butcher of darkness.

Somewhere, Long Fei looked at the floating world that was already covered with corpses, and there was a trace of contemplation in his eyes.

As for Chen Zhong, he has been unable to extricate himself on the road of three self-examinations.

Long Fei shot, he waved the flag and shouted. Long Fei pulled his hand away, and he knelt down to greet him.

Completely integrated into the identity of a lackey, never tired of it.

"Sir, I think our floating world is almost full of corpses. Why don't we go directly to the system center and exchange for a bigger one." Chen Zhong said.

A flash of admiration flashed in Long Fei's eyes.

He just pondered that the floating world was too full, although the deterrent was extremely powerful. But the corpses all over the ground made Long Fei feel uncomfortable.

"Go to the system center, exchange? What exchange?" Long Fei asked. Although he now has nearly one million energy sources, Long Fei also knows that energy is fundamental in this world. Even if this energy is turned into pure power, it is enough to raise the Spiritual Qi of the ancient world to a higher level. make ancient world

become stronger and stronger.

Therefore, Long Fei only wants to make money now, and does not want to go bankrupt.

"Of course it's exchanged with these corpses." Chen Zhong said.

The current Chen Zhong has completely forgotten that he was once a member of the Dark Council. When talking about these corpses, he showed a heart-wrenching expression and an expression of evil desire to die: "The adults don't know anything. In the center of the system, there is an unwritten rule. That is, if you kill the Dark Council, you can get rewards. Among them , the dark council corpse of the primary system can be exchanged for 10 energy points, and the advanced system can be exchanged for 10 energy

00 points of energy. As for the excellent level, it can be exchanged for 10,000 energy points. "

"According to the corpses we are currently floating in the world, at least nearly one million points of energy can be exchanged." Chen Zhong said excitedly.

Long Fei's expression also fell silent.

Because, he never thought that these corpses could be exchanged for money. Thinking of the masters of the primary system who were annihilated into ashes with one punch. Long Fei felt incomparably painful in his heart.

That's an infinite amount of energy!

But Chen Zhong didn't see through Long Fei's expression at this time, he was still immersed in his own world, chatting endlessly.

"And, it's more than that. These corpses can also be exchanged for merit. A primary level is a little merit. It's exactly the same as this energy value reward. That is to say, we can also exchange a million merit points."

"I remember that to exchange for a floating world with a radius of ten thousand miles, only one million merits are needed. At that time, the adults will drive the floating world of ten thousand miles and hang the corpse of darkness upside down. At that time, it will be really awesome." Chen Zhong said with more enthusiasm. .

It never occurred to him that the more he said at this time, the more pain in Long Fei's heart.

Liver pain beyond words.

The inside is big and the outside is small, and it is completely and directly equivalent to two million energy. This number made Long Fei feel that blood was dripping in his heart.

But Chen Zhong didn't realize this, and wanted to continue talking. But when he looked up, he saw Long Fei's expression, and his heart was instantly cold.

"Fuck, am I being too diligent?" Chen Zhong panicked.

And Long Fei also said at this time, "I want to be quiet." Long Fei said lightly.

Chen Zhong's expression froze, his face pondered, and then he showed a resolute look.

"Sir, in fact, the villain has a nickname, called Chen Jing. If the adults don't dislike it..." He said heavily.

But Long Fei's eyes suddenly turned cold.


Take a drink.

Long Fei's face was full of coldness and ruthlessness.

Chen Zhong panicked, didn't dare to say a word, and rolled aside.


After a while, the suspended world where Long Fei was standing stopped above the void.

"Sir, this is the largest branch within the radius of the system center. Here, there should be something we want." Chen Zhong said.

After the accident just now, Chen Zhong no longer dared to speak indiscriminately. Even if he speaks now, it is a careful test.

"Okay. However, the suspended world should stay here first, so as not to cause riots." Long Fei said.

After all, this floating world is only a hundred miles in size, but it is covered with corpses, but it is already a bloody world.

More importantly, the corpses above were all real gold and silver, enough to shake the city right now.

The wealth is not revealed, in this regard, Long Fei has always been in control.

It was with this in mind that Long Fei decided to keep a low profile.

Chen Zhong was stunned for a moment, unable to understand at all. After all, Long Fei's strength is here, whoever refuses to accept it will be knocked down with one punch. Why is it so troublesome.

But he didn't understand the deep meaning of Long Fei's actions.

However, since Long Fei had decided, even if he didn't understand, he wouldn't dare to say no more in his heart.

After a while, the two figures came to the city.

As soon as he entered the city, Long Fei felt that the city was not simple, even if there were people coming and going on the street, they were all masters. There are basically no primary systems, and there are several high-level systems everywhere, even if it is an excellent system.

"Hey, I hope they can understand my painstaking efforts and don't pretend to be forceful. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude." Long Fei thought lightly, but his eyes showed a gleam that was contrary to what he thought in his heart.

As if waiting for something.

But what disappointed Long Fei was that after walking for a few minutes, no one paid attention to Long Fei, which made Long Fei disappointed.

Suddenly, above the void, a suspended world suddenly descended. This world is three kilometers in size.

But that's not the point. The point is that there are actually dead bodies hanging on it, and all of them belong to the Dark Council.

In an instant, Long Fei was angry in his heart, "Damn, how dare you buy and sell daddy guns?"

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