An unbelievable look appeared in Chen Zhong's eyes.

He never thought that someone would dare to imitate Long Fei.

Also at this moment, that figure appeared, which directly caused an uproar.

"Suspended world? The corpse of darkness hangs? That's right, he is Long Fei, the butcher of darkness."

"Unexpectedly, Long Fei actually came to our Xuantian City."

"It is rumored that what Long Fei said is the end of the dark power. Now it seems that our future will be stable."

Countless voices of admiration appeared.

And he, the person driving the floating world, also showed a very enjoyable look at the corner of his mouth. As if, now all this is what he wants to see.

"Damn it, shameless. Shameless! I have never seen such a brazen person before, Chen Zhong. He even swindled in the name of an adult."

"No. As an adult's most loyal lackey, I will never allow someone to be so shameless!" Chen Zhongyi was filled with indignation, angered, and wished to kill someone in anger.

Long Fei turned around lightly, with a puzzled face.

The moment he saw this person appear, his heart was also full of anger. But it didn't reach the level of Chen Zhong.

Based on Long Fei's experience, he had never experienced anything, and he guessed in an instant that Chen Zhong wanted to express his sincerity.

"Then go and kill him." Long Fei said lightly.

The expression on Chen Zhong's face instantly froze, and the boundless angry expression instantly turned into a pitiful look. If he hadn't known Chen Zhong's character long ago, Long Fei would even wonder if this man had learned to change his face.

"My lord. As soon as I leave, the wind will be Xiao Xiao Xi Yi Shui Han."

After finishing speaking, Chen Zhong looked at Long Fei, trying to see the meaning of stopping from Long Fei's expression. But Long Fei was indifferent.

"Sir, once I leave, I may not be able to come back." Chen Zhong said.

"It doesn't matter, if you die, I will avenge you." Long Fei said lightly with his lips open.

Chen Zhong wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart, and a look of reluctance appeared on his face.

"My lord, I can't bear it. I'm not an old slave, I'm greedy for life and afraid of death. What I'm afraid of is that the lord will be alone in the future, walking in the dark. What I'm afraid of is that the lord will kill the darkness, and the heights are too cold, but no one can share with the lord. successful people."

"Sir, please let me deeply remember your face."

Chen Zhong said one after another, and he had a great feeling that he was still unfinished.

"Okay, shut up. You're scared, let's see what's going on first." Long Fei couldn't listen anymore and said quickly.

At this moment, Chen Zhong felt as if he had been granted amnesty, and a smile appeared on his face.

"My lord, I think so too, just wait and see. I heard them say, Dark Butcher, this should be used to describe the lord. This guy is not wanting face, not only imitating the lord, but also trying to steal the reputation of the lord, it's really Damn it ." Chen Zhong's face was full of anger again.

Long Fei glanced at it lightly, and Chen Zhong was so frightened that he immediately shut up.

For fear of saying one more thing, Long Fei will let him kill him again, and then it will be the real death.

At this time, the man moved and walked directly down the floating world.

"Everyone, don't worry, the existence of the Dark Council near Huantian City has been killed by me. Everyone can live with confidence in the future, and there will never be any crisis." This person said.


Suddenly a round of applause appeared. Everyone looked at this man with respect.

Not only that, but a lot of women began to secretly send the news.

Long Fei looked at it with hatred.

"This guy, robbing a daddy to buy and sell, is a daddy, and even enjoys the honor that should belong to a daddy. Tsk tsk, the little eyes of this girl should belong to me."

Long Fei thought to himself.

Although, these people still can't get into Long Fei's eyes. And now Long Fei only wants to return to the ancient world as soon as possible, and doesn't care much about the love between children and children.

However, he can not.

But others have to give.

What's more, it belonged to him in the first place, but it was taken away by others. This made Long Fei intolerable.

But without waiting for Long Fei to move, the top of Void's head became dim again, and then another floating world appeared.

Long Fei slowly raised his head.

In an instant, your anger in your heart broke out again.

This... is another suspended world, and as before, there are countless corpses hanging at the front of the world.

"I f*ck, have I also become an Internet celebrity in the seventh world? The object of imitation?" Long Fei felt helpless for a while.

And with the appearance of this person, the faces of the people in Xuantian City also became stunned.

And the two fakes and shoddy, at this time, their eyes also touched together.

"You brought something from a dog, and you dare to pretend to be a daddy? Don't you want to die?" said the first person who came here.

"I'm courting death? How dare you speak up in front of me with an excellent system? When Daddy hunts dark creatures, why don't you know where to drink milk? Why, seeing Daddy's reputation, you want to imitate Daddy by imitating him. , come here to steal and rob, when the uncle is here?" said Coldly, who came later.

As soon as these words fell, the previous person's face was also flustered.

"You can see through my system at a glance, you..." The man's voice changed. The other party can see through his system at a glance, there is only one possibility, and that is the level of the other party's system, which is already on him.

And his system, in the level of the excellent system, is already outstanding. If the opponent's level is higher than him, then at least it is excellent top, or even Perfect.

Thinking of this, the man's face became extremely embarrassed.

"Hmph, I don't know what to do, give you a chance, kneel down now, and tell the world that I am the real butcher of darkness, and I will not die around you." The person who came later said, his face full of pride.

As soon as his voice fell, the person in front of him immediately fell to the ground, kneeling down without the slightest hesitation, his face panicked.

"My lord, I was wrong. I ate lard and blinded me, I was a fake."

"This lord is the real butcher of darkness."

"Everyone, go and see this lord."

In the face of life and death, this person no longer has any persistence.

A smile finally appeared on the face of the person who came after, feeling the longing and awe from everyone in this noisy city, and a smile appeared on his face.

But at this moment, above the void, there was another shock.

Immediately afterwards, several suspended worlds descended at the same time.

At this moment, everyone's faces became extremely complicated.

Especially Long Fei, at this moment, the urge to curse his mother has already surged out, and his face is gloomy.

Because, no surprise, these floating worlds are all covered with corpses, and what's more, a flag is drawn directly in front of the floating world.

There are four words engraved on it, Dark Butcher.

In other words, at this moment, the city is full of Long Fei. ’

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