Long Fei couldn't refuse this kind of temptation.

A snap of fingers to purify half of the universe, this kind of power, even the current Long Fei is looking forward to it.

There is no strongest, only stronger.

"It's my lord, I'll control the floating world." Huo Du was pleasantly surprised.

This time, for him, it was an opportunity, so naturally he would not let it go.

Soon, the two of them rode the suspended world and left directly.

The entire Huantian City has also regained its silence, but everyone will remember that there was a super powerhouse in Zeng Jin who took action here and wiped out the city.

And Long Fei didn't know, just after his figure disappeared. In the sky above Xuantian City, a figure quietly showed his head.

It is the Lord of Darkness.

"It's finally gone, if he doesn't go, Daddy will collapse." The Lord of Darkness said fiercely, looking at Long Fei's back. Obviously, the existence of Long Fei has caused great trouble to him and almost made him collapse.

At this point, System Center.

This is the center of the entire seventh world, the person who controls all the systems in the entire seventh world.

"A great shame, a great shame. Since the establishment of my system center, such a thing has never happened. A city was directly destroyed by one person, and even the masters of the B-level city were destroyed. This is simply slippery. The great joke of the world."

A middle-aged man was rather annoyed.

"Yes. There are only nine B-level cities in the entire seventh world. Now that so many masters have died, it means that one has been directly destroyed by others, which has already affected the rule of the seventh world. We must check and fill the gaps as soon as possible. Make up for the loopholes," another said.

"Check for leaks and fill the gaps? The question is, are we still qualified to control that city? I heard that now even the Lord of Darkness has been subdued, and the palaces of the twelve palaces are under his control. The Lord was beheaded and gave that Renren a few Perfect systems."

"I feel that since that person's strength has reached the level that makes the Lord of Darkness panic, then for our system center, there is also something that our system center cares about."

It is said that there are objections, and the strength of Long Fei is put forward to talk about things, just to attract attention.

"You are too careful. Our system center has been standing in this world for countless time and space years. He is an outsider, how strong can he be." But there are still people who are dismissive and don't look at Long Fei at all.

For a while, the atmosphere in the entire room became extremely strange.

Everyone, directly divided into two sides.

Have your own opinion!

No one obeys anyone.

"Enough, who of you asks yourself to be the opponent of the Lord of Darkness? The Lord of Darkness can control the Dark Council and compete with the center of our system. Will it be easy? Please use your brains when thinking about problems in the future, this is a Good stuff." At this moment, a voice dropped the hammer.

It is the most powerful person in control of the system center today.

As soon as this sound came out, it was finalized, and all the sounds stopped abruptly.

This is absolute power.

"I already feel that they have already gone to Baidu City, and the result is already certain. Zuo Si, you go to Baidu City now and invite him, saying that our system center has invited him to be a guest." The controller of the system center faintly said.

The expression on the face of Zuo Si, who was called Zuo Si, seemed a little unbelievable.

"My lord, if we introduce him into the system center, wouldn't that lead to wolves? If he is really hostile to our system center, our entire system center will probably fall into disaster." Zuo Si said.

"Don't worry, I have studied that person's behavior. We should not be enemies with them," said the controller.

Zuo Si was stunned for a moment, but he never thought that their adults had already studied Long Fei so thoroughly.

Immediately, without any hesitation, he turned around and walked in the direction of Baidu City.

At this time, the floating world where Long Fei was located finally stopped.

In front of you is a magnificent city.

It was Long Fei, who was amazed when he saw the city in front of him.

A city with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, how magnificent!

But after thinking about it, the smile on Long Fei's mouth became more intense.

The bigger the city, the more developed the civilization of the city is, that is to say, the richer the resources controlled by the system center in the city.

And now, he is about to take over the system center.

In other words, those things will all be their own.

"Sir, here we are. Now all the people in the system center of Baidu City have been beheaded by the adults. As long as I apply up, I can temporarily take the management position of this system center. At that time, I will have the authority to open the treasure house of the system center. , when the time comes, everything inside will belong to adults." Huo Du said quickly.

While speaking, he glanced at Chen Zhong, who had returned to normal, but had not woken up, an inexplicable smile surging from the corner of his mouth.

That means it's like saying, why do you fight with me!

Long Fei shook his head slightly.

"Don't be so troublesome, you can just wait here. The entire system is mine!" Long Fei couldn't hold back his excitement.

"People can't get rich without windfall, and horses can't get fat without nights. Fighting monsters and leveling up with hard work, how can there be such a good feeling." Long Fei was very happy in his heart.

Especially with the expansion of system functions, Long Fei's ambition was also stimulated.

The system level has been upgraded to B-level.

Although he didn't know what the concept of B-level was, since it is now B and there is an experience bar, it means that as long as you upgrade, you can definitely become A-level.

The function of the b-level system is to become a supplier, so if it becomes a-level, what new functions should be derived?

Moreover, since he has become a supplier, Long Fei has the intention to create a system army.

Just imagine, when you send out enough systems, then countless world's top powerhouses will be blessed by the system, and then help yourself to overcome the picture of Long Batian?

Just thinking about it, Long Fei felt excited, and wished he could do it on the spot.

Therefore, for Long Fei now, the most important thing is resources.

In addition to energy, is the system.

The more the better!

And the treasure house in the center of the system in front of him is where Long Fei's hope lies. At least, it can solve the urgent need, so that Long Fei can have more time to accumulate more wealth.

Thinking about it, Long Fei's figure no longer lingered at all. He dodged and sank directly to the front door of the system center.

On the floating world, Huo Du looked at Long Fei's back, but his eyes fell into deep thought.

"Don't be so troublesome? What do you mean? Does he still have the means to directly enter the system center through the identification of the system? This is impossible!" Huo Du pondered in his heart.

Although, the system center of Xuantian City failed to stop Long Fei's footsteps.

But he still doesn't believe that Long Fei has the ability to enter the system center of this hundred capital city.

Because there is a big difference between the two.

Thinking of this, he quickly said

"Sir, don't act rashly, this place is not comparable to Xuantian City. If there is no identification, it will collapse in an instant." Huo Du shouted, trying to stop it.

However, it was still too late.

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