Long Fei's figure has stepped directly into the door of the system center.

Huo Du's footsteps stopped suddenly, his face panicked.

Because, only he knows that the system center here is different from Xuantian City, and ordinary people are not even qualified to enter and trade.

That is to say, from the moment he walked into the door of the system center, the system center has already identified Long Fei's identity, and once it is found that he cannot recognize it, it will activate the blocking function.

According to Long Fei's temper, he would definitely fight.

"It's over, I finally got a chance to show it in front of him, but I didn't expect it to disappear like this." Huo Du looked depressed.

"Hahaha, stupid. I want to compete with daddy while daddy is in a coma. If you see it, God is helping daddy." At this moment, a voice appeared.

It was Chen Zhong.

After waking up, the aura on Chen Zhong's body has become a little different. In addition to the power of his own system, more importantly, his physical body is already equivalent to the power of an excellent-level system.

This means that his strength is already comparable to the excellent level.

"You actually woke up?" Huo Du's face turned cold, as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Old man, you don't want to face. Even while I'm sleeping, you show off in front of the adults and say that I can't do it. I'll ask you if you want a Bilian." Chen Zhong looked resentful.

Although he was in a coma, sometimes he could clearly perceive everything that was happening around him. What Huo Du has done has touched his bottom line.

He has a feeling that if he doesn't wake up again, his own status will be affected.

If that's the case, it's really beyond recovery.

So, he desperately forced himself to wake up.

"You think you are a good bird, just not wanting face. You recognize the second, who dares to recognize the first? Do you know what is the biggest difference between you and the adults? The adults rely on the face, and rely on the personal charm. , you rely on not wanting face." Huo Du said.

"Yoyo, you dare to challenge me now? How long have I been with this evil star? How long have you been? Believe it or not, a word from me can make you kneel on the bench?" Chen Zhong responded.

"Boldness is disrespectful to the adults. Even if the adults are killing intent, that is a unique charm, that is the fierceness that stuns the sky and shocks the Nine Heavens. You are a two-faced villain, Huo is ashamed to be with him You are my companion. I believe that as long as I treat the adults with sincerity, the adults will not let me down. Instead of being like you, flattering in front of the adults, and insulting the adults when they are back." Huo Du said solemnly.

It was as if Long Fei was by his side.

"Pretend, you can continue. This set is the rest of my play. Do you think it's a bit of a pediatrician to use it now? Tell you, that evil star is here with me, and I have already touched it. Men Qing, fight with me, you are not qualified enough." Chen Zhong said.

"When you fight with you, you look down on yourself too much. I, Mr. Huo, have always been loyal. I just want to stay by your side and see the wider world." Huo Du's face was deep and his eyes were full of light. , It seems that it is really like what he said, and he has infinite expectations and longings in his heart.

Chen Zhong raised the corner of his mouth with disdain in his eyes.

In his opinion, Huo Du is now in disguise.

However, this disguise seemed ridiculous to him.

"It's beautiful. But it's useless. No matter how nice you say it now, it's useless. Anyway, the evil star doesn't know about it." Chen Zhong disagreed.

In my heart, I no longer regard Huo Du as a level opponent.

There was contempt in his eyes. But at this moment, a palm suddenly protruded from the ground, and then a slap covered his face.


Chen Zhong's figure fell to the ground.

Chen Zhong was stunned!

Huo Du's eyes were instantly ecstatic, he knew that he made the right bet.

Before, although he tried desperately to stop Long Fei, he was afraid that he would miss the opportunity. But when Long Fei walked into it, his heart was relieved, and he felt that existences like Long Fei would definitely not do things that didn't take care of me.

Therefore, he guessed that even if Long Fei entered the inside now, he would definitely be aware of what was going on here. So, just dig a hole.

Sure enough, Chen Zhong was fooled.

"My lord, no, my lord, I am unconscious. I just woke up and was affected by that power. Now I am not me at all, yes, this is not me." Chen Zhong explained frantically, but in the void But there was no reaction at all.

For a time, Chen Zhong wanted to cry without tears, and his face was full of sadness.

Huo Du had a sneer on his face.

"You dare to pit me, you dare to pit me? Hmph, my lord, I am in the seventh world, and I have never been insulted like this. I tell you, you are provoking my authority." Chen Zhong said bitterly. .

"What authority? I don't know, all I know is that some people don't take adults in their eyes, and now they've been slapped by adults." Huo Du was stunned and didn't take this threat seriously. .

Chen Zhong looked annoyed.

But nowhere.

For a while, they could only stare at each other with their eyes. It could be said that the battle between the two was imminent.

At this time, Long Fei had no intention to pay attention to the two of them.

At this time, he stood in the center of the system.

The layout here is splendid and magnificent, and the first thing displayed on the screen of the page is not comparable to the system center of Xuantian City.

It is no longer a level at all.

Among the system centers of Xuantian City, the strongest is a floating world of a million miles.

However, here is not even an entry level, it can only be said to be the most common thing. The floating world here, anyone who can get started, can be called a million miles.

What shocked Long Fei even more was that he saw a world here.

A complete world!

"Damn it, it seems that what I guessed before is true." Long Fei was shocked.

Even if he is not afraid of rolling along the way, he has witnessed too much.

Right now, I was shocked by what I saw in front of me.

Because that is the world, the real world.

However, this world, in this Supreme world, is just a commodity for sale.

"This is an unknown world that has never been developed. It should be outside the Supreme world, a barren world that is countless light-years away." Long Fei looked at the state of the world and guessed in his heart.

But even so, it had already shocked him enough.

It is no exaggeration to say that the level he is now in contact with is still a lifeless world. But what about online? What about the sixth world? Or, what about the first world?

There, will there be a real world that sells it?

For a while, Long Fei's eyes darkened.

This picture is too shocking to his three views.

Then, Long Fei saw something else, such as Universe fine gold, excellent systems, countless, all of which are treasures of heaven and earth.

The only thing Long Fei regretted was that he didn't find any information about the Transcendent system in it.

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