Before the system center, there was a dead silence.

Everyone was stunned and dumbfounded, watching Long Fei suddenly kill someone, and their hearts were full of horror.

Especially Zuo Si, his understanding of Long Fei was refreshed again.

If it was before, he had raised Long Fei to the same level of terror as the controller, then now, it has soared directly above the system center.

Such people are erratic.

Killing someone without a word is the hardest thing to do.

He is not a fool either. Those present, as long as they have a little thought, will know that the controller is now in the dark, watching everything in front of them.

But he didn't show up.

Either he doesn't care about Long Fei and wants to continue to test.

Either he was already afraid of Long Fei and did not dare to face it.

Moreover, in Zuo Si's view, the first possibility is extremely high. But now, this possibility has quietly changed nature. I am afraid that even the controller of the system center would not have expected that Long Fei would take action directly.

Long Fei, on the other hand, took it lightly, walked directly to the side of his head, stretched out his hand to put away a chip, and continued to remain silent.

Not a word.

The air also condenses at this moment. became unpredictable.

Everything was silent, and all the sound disappeared.

Only in the system center, there is still no response.


But suddenly, Long Fei's voice appeared again at this time.

Everyone's emotions were driven by Long Fei's voice, but they were all confused. No one knew why Long Fei would say a vertical zigzag at this time.

Is he calculating something?


Long Fei had a word fall.

At this time, a sense of surprise appeared in everyone's heart, and a panicked expression began to appear on their faces.

It's the countdown!

They don't know what Long Fei is counting down, but they can know that Long Fei must be counting something.

"1!" Long Fei said another number.

Then he shook his head slightly.

Everyone's expressions suddenly became tense again.

Their eyes were fixed on Long Fei's body. Their intuition told them that Long Fei would definitely make a big move next.

as predicted!

At this moment, Long Fei moved and slammed out with a punch.

"Why don't you beg for mercy?" Long Fei looked at the head that fell under his feet, and said indifferently.

Everyone, sucking in a breath of cold air, their scalps go numb.

Is this also the reason?

beg for mercy?

Did they not bow their heads?

But did you give it a chance?

At this moment, they finally understood that Long Fei was completely a devil, living and killing at will, and he didn't care about any rules at all.

Then, Long Fei looked in the direction of the center of the system again, completely ignoring what these people thought.

However, to his disappointment, there was still no response in the system center.

Long Fei shook his head slightly.


Long Fei's voice appeared.

In an instant, the faces of the remaining few people changed, and endless panic appeared on their faces.

"Don't! Lord Long Fei, don't take action, we know it's wrong."

"Please, don't shoot, we really know it's wrong."

"This time we admit it, you must calm down."

Several voices appeared.

Long Fei doesn't care


Long Fei then counted down.

"You... what are you doing? Please, don't count down."

Some people can't bear it anymore, the atmosphere is too oppressive.

Let their hearts almost collapse.

They could even feel that as Long Fei counted down, their hearts would speed up, as if their own life had entered the countdown, and they were extremely fearful.

"1!" Long Fei's last word fell.

Then, one punch sweeps away!

Bang bang bang.

Three punches in a row, finish the work!

"Begging for mercy, you should be begging for mercy? Since you have already begged for mercy, why don't you kneel down, when what I said before was a gust of wind?" Long Fei's voice fell to himself, then lowered his head and directly collected the three chips stand up.

In front of him, there were only three people left.

The remaining three people are also ashen at this time. In front of Long Fei, they really felt what was called despair.

even hopeless.

At this moment, the regret in their hearts burst to the extreme.

They know that they are not alone.

but a devil.

A devil more terrifying than the Dark Council.

At the same time, Grandpa Long Fei finally sensed the change in the system center.

"Looks like you can't sit still anymore? But it's too late!" Long Fei sneered in his heart.

Since you want to show off, you want to pretend to be arrogant.

Then give you this chance.

Thinking of this, Long Fei began to count down again.


As soon as the sound fell, it was like a death countdown. The remaining three couldn't bear the pressure of Death in an instant, and fell to the ground with a thud.

"No, Long Fei, don't count anymore, we kneel down."

"I'm begging for mercy, I really know I'm wrong. We shouldn't have slapped you, or even threatened you. Please spare me this time."

"What do you say? We knelt down, we begged for mercy..."

The remaining three people started begging for mercy.

Their hearts have collapsed.

Death is no longer so scary for them, but it is this, waiting for Death in infinite panic is the most tormenting of their hearts.

Even those onlookers outside were trembling in their hearts at this time, beating wildly.

Now, they finally realized why Long Fei dared to be the enemy of the Dark Council.

At the same time, they all know the beginning and end of this matter.

For a time, there was a look of pity in their eyes, pity these people who were once aloof and provoked existences that should not be provoked.

However, they also looked at it, wanting to see what Long Fei would do.

As for Chen Zhong and Huo Du, they didn't dare to breathe.

They could feel that what Long Fei was showing was nothing but killing intent.

And based on their understanding of Long Fei, since they have the murderous intention, it is absolutely impossible to let them go, so their minds did not dare to turn for a moment, and they listened to Long Fei closely.

At this moment, Long Fei shook his head lightly.

"'re talking too much."

Long Fei said a word, and between the backhands, he threw three punches again, and then took the chip, and everything was familiar.

So far, all the people who walked out of the system center, except Zuo Si, died.

And the people above the void were speechless in an instant.

They thought again that Long Fei would make a move.

But he didn't expect that Long Fei would make such a move.

Even Chen Zhong and Huo Du felt a breath of air in their hearts.

Even if Long Fei killed all these people at once.

They won't feel any surprises either.

However, if you want to kill, you will kill. Why do you have to make a fool of yourself? Everyone's heart beats faster.

And Zuo Si didn't dare to say a word at this time. He knew that this time, the relationship between Long Fei and the system center had been completely established.

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