The peak of eight system centers, eight perfect system owners.

Just like that, Long Fei killed him.

This loss has even caught up with the Dark Council.

"Zuo Si, there are still a few people who don't welcome me. Call them all out, just right, let me see how arrogant the people in the system center are, so that I can know where the gap is." Long Fei faintly said.

He didn't shoot Zuo Si.

On the one hand, it was because he could feel that Zuo Si had no malice towards him.

Moreover, he did his best to Long Fei along the way, without the slightest disobedience.

For this kind of person, Long Fei still appreciates it. Furthermore, Long Fei is not a murderer.

Of course, the more important aspect is that this person can no longer satisfy Long Fei now. Although it is also perfect, but now Long Fei has killed so many, one more of him is not much, and one less of him is not much.

Zuo Si naturally did not think that he would be able to save his life, and he was weak enough.

However, facing the question of Long Fei, he still did not dare to avoid it.

"Lord Long Fei, there are still six people in the system center. Their attitude towards the arrival of Lord Long Fei is fairly pertinent. Although they did not welcome it, they did not reject it." Zuo Si replied.

This answer is very clever.

He knew it was a pit.

No matter how he answered, he would incur disaster for himself. Now Long Fei's attitude has shown everything, that is, he has not killed enough.

And if he responds that everyone here welcomes him?

Then Long Fei can't find a reasonable reason to continue killing, which may cause Long Fei's dissatisfaction, and he will complain about him at that time.

On the other hand, if he answered that the rest of the people were dissatisfied with Long Fei, then he would have completely offended the system center. At that time, let alone his status, even if he wanted to survive, it would be a problem.

Long Fei glanced at Zuo Si meaningfully, but he was not angry.

"If you say that, they won't die? However, that was before. Now, after all, I have killed so many people in the system center. I don't know what their attitude is?"

"But, they don't come out now, which makes it a little difficult for me." Long Fei said in a deep voice.

At this time, within the system center.

The six people stared at the picture in front of them, and their hearts were already nervous to the point of fear. Cold sweat rolled down their cheeks.

They were still extremely satisfied with Zuo Si's answer.

They even knew that their Life and death had been transferred to Zuo Si by Long Fei at that moment. If Zuo Si answered truthfully.

They are now dead.

As for the system center, can it stop Long Fei?

They never think about it.

Because they already felt that as long as Long Fei thought about it, the center of the system could not stop Long Fei's footsteps at all.

Now, when they heard Long Fei's words, they knew in their hearts that now they had to make a choice.

"What should we do? If we don't go out, then the devil might come in, and we won't be able to escape even if we want to."

"Yes, there's no way to dodge it. Now we have no possibility to dodge it. This person's means are far beyond our imagination, and we can't fight it at all. If he really wants to kill us, this door can't stop him. of."

"Go, now we'll show our attitude."


For a time, the six people's minds exchanged with each other, and finally made a direct decision.

The next moment, the six figures walked directly out of the system center.

Long Fei raised his eyes

"So many people come out at one time? Are you trying to suppress me?" Long Fei said lightly.

As everyone knows, a word, directly frightened the six people into fascination.

"No no no, cut the misunderstanding. We are here to welcome your Excellency."

"Yes, these few people who don't know how to live or die have turned our guests away, and they are more than dead." "Your Excellency must have misunderstood, you are a guest of our system center. These people are really in this position. It's been too long and I've been arrogant, but I would like to thank you for taking action and eliminating the worms for our system center. In this way, in order to express our gratitude, we are willing to use our own authority to let you enter the core of the system center and find something within the scope of our authority. , the best treasure that can be given to you. Of course, we will also jointly name and recommend it for you

Ask for an authority like ours. "

...the people said in succession.

Much the same, probably means begging for mercy!

Long Fei frowned slightly.

It's...a bit tricky.

Originally, he was still waiting for these people to be rebellious, and then he found a reason and killed them casually.

But I didn't expect that my heart was so fragile.

It was such a high-level operation at the beginning, and the tall Long Fei was a bit hard to guard against and lost his breakthrough.

Zuo Si on the side took a deep breath.

Now, in front of Long Fei.

The attitude of these people made him overjoyed and relieved.

It seems that finally there is no need to worry anymore.

And these people, after speaking, also looked at Long Fei, as if waiting for Long Fei's attitude.

However, Long Fei fell into silence, his brows furrowed more and more deeply.

"No, is this child still thinking of what reason to use to shoot us?"

"In all likelihood, it looks like we'll have to make bigger concessions."

"Even, we need to call out the controller now. In this situation, no one can control except the controller."

People talking and discussing with each other.

For Long Fei, they were really afraid, and they didn't have the courage to face it.

But at this moment, a sigh came from the system center; "What's wrong? Who disturbed my distinguished guests? Damn, a group of things that don't succeed and fail, that's how I teach you to do things. Didn't you say yes, let yours welcome my guests with the highest specifications of the system center?

? "

"Who can tell me what happened?" A furious voice came from the system center.

Long Fei's gaze also shifted.

A stunned look fell on the person who came.

But the man, with a smile on his face, nodded to Long Fei, and then looked at Zuo Si.

"Zuo Si, give me an explanation, otherwise today, you will apologize with death." The man said.

Zuo Si was stunned for a moment, where there was still the slightest negligence, and hurriedly explained what several people had done. However, it completely covered up Long Fei's strength, and spent the whole process in all the sins of these people, describing Long Fei as an incarnation of justice.

Long Fei was filled with laughter and laughter when he heard this.

The person who came, that is, the controller of the center of the system, the expression on his face changed several times, and finally he looked happy.

What happened here, how could he hide from his eyes, he asked Zuo Si to say, but he wanted to give himself a step.

What he didn't expect was that Zuo Si had already understood what he meant and took the initiative to pave the way for him. "Okay, it's good to kill them. Fortunately, Your Excellency Long Fei killed them today. Otherwise, I would still be kept in the dark. I don't know how many things they will do." The controller said. .

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