Long Fei fell directly into silence.

This style of painting... is somewhat different from what he imagined.

Originally, he saw that the controller of the system center had no intention of coming forward, so he made a big fight. Therefore, instinctively, the controller of the system center has been attributed to the more difficult category.

I just didn't expect that when the controller of the system center appeared, he would say such words without being offline.

"Damn it, it seems that I think too much. Could it be that I was used as a gunman again this time?" Long Fei felt annoyed in his heart.

Knowing that the controller of the system center had such an attitude, he simply broke the system center directly before.

But regretting it now is useless. Since the other party has bowed his head, if Long Fei behaves again in a wild and unreasonable manner, he is afraid that he will really be isolated by the entire seventh world.

Thinking of this, Long Fei was relieved. speak directly

"The controller is really serious. I'm just doing my best. Even if Your Excellency doesn't show up, I won't continue targeting the system center. After all, I'm still very principled." Long Fei said lightly.

Everyone laughed dryly and said nothing.

The corner of the controller's mouth twitched...

Are you sure you still talk about principles?

He really wanted to ask, is it not begging for mercy, not speaking, not being silent...

No matter what you say or not, it is your reason for killing.

To be able to do such a non-wanting face thing, how dare you say that you are principled?

This does not mean that it is impossible to directly treat all of them as fools.

However, he only dared to think about these people in his heart, and did not dare to say it at all.

"Of course, of course, I still understand your style of behavior. You are brave and hate evil. If everyone in the world is like Your Excellency, who has the means, but has justice in their hearts, our seventh world will be beautiful long ago. It's a pity that there is no dragon among people like your Excellency..." The controller said.

Long Fei was very happy when he heard it.

Although I know that the other party said some compliments.

Look, he sounds comfortable.

So he said quickly

"Hey, the controller is serious. You are also very good. You are the system center of the entire seventh world. You have a long-term vision, a long-term vision, and a heavy burden. You are wandering on the edge of Life and death, hovering in the middle of sin and evil, Even more difficult. If it weren't for Your Excellency, the entire seventh world would be in chaos." Long Fei said.

As soon as these words came out, a red light suddenly appeared on the face of the controller of the system center.

Thousands of wears, no flattery.

Although Long Fei didn't care about people like him, after all, he had to say something.

As for the others, they were all dumbfounded at this time.

They thought they would fight and meet each other.

But they found that it turned out to be two people's mutual praise.

For a while, they were all shocked.

"Brilliant, this is the real master. Fortunately, this person will never be an opponent, otherwise, I will definitely not be an opponent." Chen Zhong sighed in his heart.

In the face of the central controller of the Longfei system, he has to be resigned.

As for Huo Du, his eyes were also hot, and he seemed to feel a little bit.

And a few other people are also relieved.

They knew that they had finally come back from the gate of hell, and they were lucky enough to save their lives.

"Long Fei, you and I hit it off right away. We must have a few more drinks later. Let's go, this is not the place to talk, let's enter the system center first." The controller saw that Long Fei was no longer as sharp as before, so he quickly took the opportunity to say.

"Okay." Long Fei nodded.

Then, the two walked directly into the system center one after the other.

And Chen Zhong and Huo also experienced what it means to be a master, and were greeted respectfully by others.

The two of them also looked indifferent, and walked in step by step with a step that they did not recognize.

However, they also knew that all this was given by Long Fei.

When everyone disappeared, the local residents who were hovering at the system center meeting began to leave one after another.


In the system center, a feast kicked off.

The controller of the system center directly sat on the top of Long Fei, and did not treat Long Fei as a guest at all, as if he was his own family member, without restraint.

At this time, Long Fei also knew that the controller of the system center was named Bei Qi!

The system level is above Transcendent.

After three rounds of drinking, Long Fei became more and more familiar with the other party.

"Long Fei, I have to say, you really gave me a high-level look. Now that we have spoken up, I will not hide it. Originally, I wanted to pass their test. A few taels." Bei Qi said.

"Then you know now?" Long Fei said with a smile.

"I see. I can't afford to offend you. Although we may not be friends, I will never be enemies with you." Bei Qi continued.

"No, in fact, we can be friends. You don't know me. If you know me a little more, you will find that I am a very easy person to get along with. Besides, you are also a good person, so as long as you let me I enter the core treasure house of the system center once, and we will definitely become good friends." Long Fei said with narrowed eyes.

Since you can't afford to offend, then obediently surrender.

This was the truest thought in Long Fei's heart.

However, as soon as the word came out.

The expressions of everyone in the field became stunned.

"What? Brother Bei doesn't want to be friends with me, Long Fei?" Long Fei asked.

Everyone's heart sank.

Long Fei's words brought them back to the previous countdown situation, and the invisible pressure made them feel that their breathing began to rush.

But Bei Qi shook his head.

"It's not that I don't let you in. It's that within this system, even me, I didn't do my best to bring people in." Bei Qi said with a wry smile.

"What? You can't even go in?" Long Fei was taken aback.

What about the good controller?

Since he is the controller, he can't even enter his own treasure house? This is the master of the house, and he is clearly a housekeeper.

Euphemistically called the controller, the opportunity is to help others to look after the home.

Bei Qi also felt Long Fei's gaze, as if he was aware of what Long Fei was thinking, and said:

"You're right. Although my authority is relatively high, I only have the right to enter it, and at most, I can only use three things inside." Bei Qi said.

At this moment, Long Fei was silent.

"Of course, if you have the means to go in by yourself, I won't stop it." Bei Qi added.

"Okay, since Brother Bei said so, then I'm welcome." Long Fei said with a smile.

This is what he was waiting for.

Because this is also one of the purposes of his coming to the system center, that is, he wants to test how high his own highest authority can be.

"Okay, you can go, as long as you have the ability, even if you vacate the system center, I won't say anything more." Bei Qi said.

As everyone knows, it is also because of his words that he has completely embarked on a road of no return.

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