Long Fei's tone was extremely indifferent, as if a divine mansion surpassed all living beings, overlooking some stupid beings who were provoking their majesty with ignorance.

Actually, Long Fei gradually became the person he hated the most as his strength grew.

On the contrary, Long Fei's original intention has never changed.

That is protection!

If it wasn't that Aoyang didn't have eyes and messed with his woman, Long Fei wouldn't bother to shoot at him. As for targeting the fifth world, it is also because this world is targeting the Overlord Flower.

One cause and one effect!

It's never been targeted for no reason. If we continue to trace back, Long Fei can be said to be the enemy of the entire Supreme world. His existence itself is not recognized and allowed by this world.

Therefore, even if Long Fei really took action to collapse the whole world now, it is reasonable.

Thinking of this, Long Fei didn't bother to adopt any soft-hearted policy. Since it has already started, he can just do it.

At this time, Aoyang also got up and stared at Long Fei angrily.

"Presumptuous... You bastard, you dare to attack me. Don't you know who I am?" Aoyang was completely angry. From his birth to the present, he has been like a master in this city. No one dared to provoke at all.

But now Bie Long Fei slapped Gai over with a slap. He couldn't accept this result.

"Who are you, is it important? You are still the son of the controller of the system center, so you don't have any eyesight. Do you think I can beat you with a slap, don't I have the strength to kill you?" Long Fei sneered.

In an instant, the square and round land suddenly fell silent.

The air became extremely cold.

Especially Aoyang, his face is even more cold sweat.

At this moment, whether he wanted to or not, he had to admit that he really felt boundless killing intent from Long Fei, which meant that if he wasn't talking big, he really wanted to kill him.

"You... Who are you? You have the power of the system, and you are definitely not an outsider. Since you are a person from the fifth world, you should know what the four words at the center of the system represent. I But the son of the system center controller, if you dare to kill me, you should know what the result will be." Aoyang said.

Threats have already been spoken.

"Yes, bastard, you are crazy, you dare to show killing intent to Young Master Aoyang."

"He's already crazy. He even dared to take action against Young Master Aoyang. From the moment he took action, he was already dead."

"Kid, die for me."

But the people behind him are still arrogant, and they still don't take Long Fei in their eyes. They are all arrogant and arrogant, wanting to eat Long Fei alive.

"Noisy!" Long Fei's eyes sank, he shouted loudly, and then slapped him down between his backhands.

Boom boom boom!

The four figures were blown away directly.

But this time, Long Nian didn't keep his hands, he was just two dogs, nothing to be concerned about. Therefore, when he shot, Long Fei also directly used the violent force of Heaven and Earth Fate, what he wanted was a one-hit kill.

Bang bang bang.

At this time, four loud noises suddenly appeared, resounding directly through the void.

I saw that the bodies of these four people exploded directly in the void, and a cloud of blood mist erupted. Only one chip was left, and they disappeared without a trace.

"Perfect? ​​Not bad. Just, why is the system silent again at this time?"

Long Fei expressed a little frustration in his heart.

Entering this fifth world, Perfect's system can be seen everywhere, and even at this level, in the system's judgment, it is not even a boss.

That is to say, apart from the fact that smelting this system can bring a little experience to Long Fei, this system has no other function.

Thinking of this, Long Fei shook his head slightly.

But what he didn't know was that the death of these four people directly caused the entire city to fall into panic.

Not because of anything else, but because the control of the system center has long been ingrained in their hearts. In everyone's cognition, the system center is invincible, and these people in front of them are all system center Aoyang. The man of the son, was just killed like this?

Wouldn't this be declaring war on the System Center.

"No, this is a peerless fierce man, walk fast. If you walk slowly, we may all be implicated."

"It's terrible, we were all deceived by him. Perfect's other systems, in his hands, can't even withstand a single blow. His real power is not the power of the system at all. He is also an outsider."


In an instant, countless figures disappeared in an instant. The moment before, it was overcrowded, and with the mentality of watching a good show, I wanted to watch Aoyang pretend to be forceful here. But at this moment, all the people walked out of the building, and all of them were full of fear and panic, wishing their parents could give them more legs.

Long Fei smacked his lips, this scene was somewhat unexpected.

He hadn't thought about it, but killing four people at random would have such a big impact.

But to Long Fei, they were a dispensable existence. Long Fei wasn't a murderer either. Although he was ready to do things in this fifth world, he didn't mean to kill everyone.

After all, as long as the Lord is here, Long Fei's plan will not fail.

"You...you are so bold, you dare to kill people in the street, and you are the one who killed this son. Do you know that you are provoking the authority of our system center?" Aoyang said.

At this moment, his heart was completely flustered. He has already seen that Long Fei is a master who is not afraid of the sky and the earth. Killing without blinking, doesn't care about any background at all.

That is to say, Long Fei has the courage to kill them, so even if it is him, there will be no hesitation.

Therefore, now he is a little unconfident even when speaking.

"Idiot, is my big brother Long Fei the kind of person who is threatened by that? Don't say it's you, even if the strongest person in the center of the system appears here, it is not enough for big brother Long Fei to kill alone." Xuanyu said at this time, as if he was intentionally trying to scare the other party.

Long Fei was also helpless.

But thinking that Xuanyu's nature is like this, I didn't care too much.

"That's right. I'll give you a chance. If you want to live, you can call someone now. If the person you call is strong enough, maybe you still have a chance to survive. But if you call someone, you can't stop them. Stay with me, then I'm sorry." Long Fei said lightly.

And Aoyang, at this time, suddenly flashed a light in his eyes.

He thought that Long Fei would definitely kill him.

Unexpectedly, Long Fei actually let himself call someone.

"What an arrogant kid, so arrogant. Well, this is what you found by yourself, I will call someone now, but I want to see how you died!" Aoyang thought fiercely in his heart.

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