The hatred in Aoyang's heart was overwhelming, he swore that he had never seen such an arrogant person, and he even dared to let him call someone. What he didn't know was that this was not the first time Long Fei had done this.

If Chen Zhong and Huo Du were here, they would definitely be excited.

Because every time Long Fei shows this state, it already means that Long Fei is going to kill.

Moreover, it is the kind that needs to be smashed to the end.

That's how it was at the beginning, to kill one by one, never be soft-hearted. But unfortunately, no one who really understands Long Fei is here, otherwise they will definitely say an idiot to Aoyang and dig their own grave.

Yes, the more he called, the faster the grave was dug. It won't be long until everything is settled before he realizes how stupid the decision he has made now is.

Unfortunately, he couldn't resist the temptation.

A temptation to live.

On the other hand, looking at Xuan Yang and the others, a bit of worry appeared on their faces at this time.

"Long Fei, is there really nothing wrong with this?" Xuan Yang asked. Everyone's eyes were fixed on Long Fei's body, and they were all worried. Although they believed in Long Fei, this was the fifth world after all. Although Long Fei was in the eighth world, it was easy to kill the fallen gods in the fourth world. But now after all

They were at their home court, so they couldn't help but worry about Long Fei.

"It's okay, this world, I don't care about it yet." Long Fei said.

Extremely confident.

This self-confidence is a kind of self-confidence that comes from the bottom of my heart. Because now, Long Fei has some understanding of the Supreme Ten World. The most fundamental is nothing more than the level of the system. And his system has surpassed the entire world.

In other words, his system power, the entire fifth world, and even higher, could not pose any threat to him. What's more, his power is not just the power of the system.

Even pure physical power can already sweep.

Therefore, now Long Fei will be unscrupulous. One word is to do it.

Xuanyi and others nodded, seeing Long Fei so confident, they couldn't say anything else.

And at this time of waiting, many people have already disappeared, and they don't dare to stay here.

After a while, above the entire void, a burst of light suddenly erupted, the light flashed, and then a dozen figures descended.

And Long Fei's eyes instantly became busy.

Because, at this moment, in his eyes, he saw light!

Moreover, this light is not caused by the power of these people, but reflected by them. In short, this is the light of the boss.

The light of the boss!

Another long-lost feeling. "Now, the light that can make the system appear is the light of the boss, and it must be the peerless system. It is just like the original Luoshen. Moreover, this light is much stronger than the Luoshen. This shows that this is definitely a higher than the level of falling gods

to a higher existence. "Long Fei thought to himself.

The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

Extremely looking forward to it.

At this time, Aoyang's face was also very excited.

"Uncle Gobi, I didn't expect you to be here. Great, since you are here this time, I have nothing to worry about." Aoyang said, showing a look of grievance.

In front of him, the man who he became the Gobi, nodded slightly. However, when Long Fei saw the appearance of the other party, he felt a sense of astonishment in his heart.

"Is this really Uncle?" Long Fei had his own guess in his heart.

At this time, the man said directly

"Tell me, what's going on?" "Uncle Gobi, this kid is too bullying. I just fell in love with his woman, and he dared to resist. It's okay to resist, he even shot me and hurt me. In front of me, he killed four of my followers. What's even more hateful is that he even

We do not pay attention to the system center. "Aoyang said, his face extremely aggrieved. "It turned out to be like this?" What a big dog! Boy, I don't care who you are? No matter who is behind you? But if you provoke our system center, your fate is already doomed. Now, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, if you can make Aoyang satisfied

If so, the old man can consider giving you a whole corpse. ' said the man.

Long Fei pouted helplessly.

listen? What is this called? It is estimated that begging for mercy can save a whole corpse? Isn't this obviously bullying people?

But of course, Long Fei wouldn't care at all. just say;

"Don't worry about what you said. But I want to know, is your surname Wang?" Long Fei asked.

The man was stunned, the pupils in his eyes narrowed

"You know the old man?"


Although the other party is a question, but Long Fei has already given a veritable answer.

Sure enough, it is Wang Gobi!

After hearing the other party's answer, Long Fei was even more certain that the relationship between the other party and Aoyang was definitely not simple.

"In my hometown, there was a story. For some, the man was not at home, his wife was alone in the empty room, and then there would be some people, who went to the wall at night and went to help, collectively referred to as the old king next door."

Long Fei said lightly.

At the end, I couldn't help but laugh.

And this smile also made Xuanyi and others understand.

This... is to mock the relationship between Aoyang and him is not ordinary. "Boy, you are courting death!" Wang Gobi's voice became indifferent. Aoyang couldn't hear it, but he could hear the sarcasm in Long Fei's words. More importantly, he was very curious about how Long Fei saw it. and one

Once the news is exposed, it will cause an uproar.

Therefore, at this moment, Long Fei had already been sentenced to death in his heart.

"Don't worry. The few words I just said have nothing to do with our fight today. I just want to show everyone that it was just a beautiful misunderstanding." Long Fei said.

"Presumptuous, little bastard, you are courting death!" Wang Gobi couldn't bear Long Fei's ridicule any longer, and he shot in an instant.

"The power to seize the spirit!" Wang Gobi shouted loudly.

With a sound, Long Fei felt an extremely tyrannical force appearing outside his body.

This power is extremely terrifying. It is no exaggeration to say that even Long Fei has a kind of uncontrolled flow, as if he is about to be sucked away by the other party.

"The system version of the method of attracting stars?" Long Fei was shocked.

But it was only for a moment, when he turned around, he punched out. "No matter what level of system you are, or what level your system is, in front of me, it's Little Brother!" Long Fei said with a smile, but his figure collided directly with the opponent's power.

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