This was originally a play, but Nezha played in his true colors.

For Long Fei, it wasn't a big problem. After all, along the way, most of the enemies Long Fei encountered were arrogant, self-righteous, and high above, so showing the enemy's weakness is also a familiar way.

Chen Xiangxu's side, Xuan Yu and the others all sat aside, their expressions were extremely calm.

It seems that he is already familiar with Long Fei's plan and has integrated it.

"Long Fei, what if Nezha can't solve it by himself this time? It's not the way to go on like this. The closer we get to the center of this spirit and demon world, the stronger these people will be. Even if Nezha can solve it now, it will be in the future. When the strength is not enough." Xuan Yu said, with a bit of worry.

"Incompetent? Haha, a man is not incapable. Look at it, Nezha's methods are stronger than you think. The world of spirits and demons can do nothing to him, and there will never be more than two people." Long Fei was extremely determined and confident.

Hearing this, Xuanyi didn't say any more.

Long Fei didn't explain too much, but looked at Nezha who had already been killed, and said lightly.

"Nezha, don't let me down."

Nezha's power has not been fully activated, and his current power is not weak, but compared with Long Fei's expectations, it is still far from the expectation.

At this moment, Nezha is already standing above the void.

And in front of him, is a magic palace.

Above this magic palace, there are two huge fonts surrounded by Devilish Qi towering!

I have to say, this tone is really not ordinary. If he hadn't had so much experience, Long Fei would have been shocked by the force of this magic palace.


God's will is always high and difficult to ask, who dares to say towering? Just looking for death.

But on second thought, this is in the system world.

If you are in the cultivation world, dare to call this name, it is definitely a first-class force.

However, this thought only revolved in Long Fei's heart, and then disappeared. Of course, Long Fei couldn't have imagined that when the magic palace opened, it would bring him a huge surprise.

Look at Nezha again, Nezha's long spear has been exposed, and it fell directly on the door plaque.

"Listen to the people inside, you have been surrounded by me, come out and die!" Nezha's voice was transmitted, and it vibrated through the Cultivation Base, which directly caused the magic palace to tremble.

Long Fei was instantly speechless when he heard it.

I wondered how this Nezha would say such a mindless thing. This kind of functionalization, even if it is put on the earth, will be directly considered brain-dead.

And Nezha also turned around at this time.

"Dad, am I right? When you implanted the system for me, I seemed to see some pictures of you. You said this, and I think it's very good." Nezha said with a smile.

Long Fei "..."

Long Fei was speechless for a moment, how to refute this...

As for Xuan Yu and the others around him, they couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Long Fei frowned and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and do things, don't talk about so much." Long Fei said.

Nezha smiled and turned around, looking at the silent door in front of him, a look of disdain in his eyes.

It was the same in the Huntuo Magic Palace back then, and no one dared to fight at all. But anyway, the people of Huntuo Magic Palace still took the initiative to provoke, but here, there was no movement at all.

This reaction is so abnormal.

Even Long Fei felt a little surprised. Could it be that the people who participated in the Heavenly Devil Palace have seen through his disguise? So now he's gone, leaving such an empty city to show them?

But at this moment, in the magic palace, a voice fell softly.

"My participation in the Heavenly Devil Palace does not want to contaminate the grievance between your Excellency and the spirit Devil Venerable. Just leave." The voice came out.

When Nezha heard this, he was immediately unhappy.

He is also preparing to turn the tide today and use the people from this magic palace to sharpen his own!

But now, the other party stopped fighting if he didn't say a word. This result was not what Nezha wanted at all.

And Long Fei in the back, his eyes are also condensed.

For some reason, the moment he heard this voice, he felt a strange feeling in his heart, as if the owner of this voice had come into contact with it himself.

"How could this be? Could it be that in this fifth world, you can still meet acquaintances?" Long Fei was extremely surprised.

What shocked him even more was that when the voice came out, it could vaguely resonate with his soul, as if it was extremely familiar and trustworthy.

"Nezha, don't do it yet." As soon as he thought of this, Long Fei directly sent his voice over.

"Dad, don't do it. My Qilin arm is already hungry and thirsty, don't I use the whetstone in front of me?" Nezha looked unhappy.

This power, after the last attempt, he was ecstatic, like a hunter, and wanted to truly show this power. But now hearing Long Fei's words, he had to force it down.

"Don't worry, there is a chance." Long Fei comforted, and then looked at the magic palace in front of him.

"Okay, since you don't fight, then take your people and leave, I want this magic palace." Long Fei said lightly.

He didn't know who the other party was. The familiarity made Long Fei think of ways to meet the other party. But it's not good to shoot directly, if it is an old friend who accidentally hurts or something, it is not very good.

And this time, the other party fell into silence.

There was absolutely no response at all.

What Long Fei didn't know was that at this moment in this magic palace, a strong man with a giant axe in his hand was looking at Nezha and Long Fei with murderous intent.

Yes, Nezha can't see them, but they can see Nezha and Long Fei.

"It's too bullying, it's too bullying. Little Taoist priest, let's kill it." The strong man said.

"Forget it. These people are also from an extraterritorial world. Although we don't know what world they are, they are still known to us. If it weren't for the fact that the people they provoked this time were really too strong, I would like to take action. Stop him." A look of pity flashed in the eyes of the little Taoist priest, as if he was very emotional about Long Fei's current situation.

"Hmph, these two ignorant things. You are still thinking about them here, but they are thinking in their hearts that they want to expel you, which is a wolf-hearted man." The strong man looked resentful.

But at this time, the little Taoist shook his head.

"It doesn't matter, he wants this magic palace, just give it to him. Besides, you and I don't belong here. Let's go, it seems that we can't avoid it. If you want to see us so much, then see him. See you." The little Taoist said, and then looked at the strong man.

Killing intent in the eyes of the strong man

"Okay, but I've said it in advance. If they still want to take action, I won't sit back and ignore it." The strong man said, stepped forward, and Hou pressed a button, and the gate of the magic palace in front of him, then It was a bang.

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