In the outside world, Long Fei and Nezha were still waiting.

When they saw the door of this magic palace opened suddenly, the expressions of both of them were instantly condensed.

However, The next moment, it is very unexpected.

Because this time, there are only two figures.


"Lying on the grass!"

And when the figures of the two were presented directly in front of them, the two of them instantly said Damn, both of them were extremely shocked.

Nezha was shocked that there were only two people in such a magic palace.

But Long Fei was not.

The two figures in front of them were all too familiar.

"Dad, what's going on? Are you still fighting?" Nezha was boring.

He didn't make a shot directly, or in other words, he had already given up his shot, and had no desire to make a shot at all.

"Let's go, these two are my own people." Long Fei quickly stopped him, for fear that if Nezha killed him in the first battle, it would be bad then.

Now he can basically be sure that the two people in front of him are the little Taoist priest and the mad king.

What Long Fei didn't expect was that he would meet them in this world.

So unexpected.

But everything is clear.

Why does it appear in such a system world where Devilish Qi is everywhere? A name full of Taoism. Because they are people who practice.

Thinking of this, Long Fei couldn't sit still, he took a step forward and looked up and down at the mad king and the little Taoist priest in front of him.

The expressions on the faces of the two also changed frequently. The moment they saw Long Fei and Nezha, they felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy in their hearts. But they didn't recognize them at all.

Now being watched by Long Fei with this kind of eyes again, he felt his scalp go numb for a moment.

"What are you doing? What kind of look is this?" Mad King couldn't help asking.

"Your Excellency, we are not from this world. We are here to find our friends, and we have no intention of interfering in the struggle between you. Therefore, we are willing to open the door of convenience and hope that you can do it too." Xiao Daoshibin Polite, as before, suave.

"Looking for someone?" Long Fei was taken aback. But when he saw the expression of the little Taoist priest, he already understood that it must be related to the word love.

He traversed all worlds and took the goddess into his arms. It can be said that the eyes of the little Taoist priest, for him, have written a clear uppercase worry. As a veteran, Long Fei naturally guessed clearly.

Thinking of this, Long Fei couldn't help joking, "Why, you succeeded in quitting love? You don't need to extend the lifespan for that woman?" Long Fei asked.

"What? Who are you? How did you know?" Suddenly, the little Taoist's expression changed.

Even the mad king has murderous intent in his eyes.

A super giant axe, held directly in the hand

"Say, who are you? Why do you know about this?" The mad king's voice was indifferent.

This matter, to them, is a secret among secrets. Except for the two of them, no one will know the news at all.

And now, how could they not be shocked when Long Fei broke it in one sentence.

"Tsk tsk, it looks like I guessed right. But it's okay, so I can feel at ease. Otherwise, I would have thought that if I haven't seen you for such a long time, you will be empathetic and let go." Long Fei said with a smile.

The little Taoist blushed and was extremely shy.

As at the beginning, when he talked about this matter, when it came to that woman, he would blushed and seemed embarrassed to face it.

"Kid, I'm asking you, who are you?" The mad king's temper was still irritable, and the battle axe was cold and cold, and he was about to shoot.

"Still so irritable. But are you sure, you want to shoot me?" Long Fei sneered.

He knows the power of the mad king. Although it has improved a lot now, compared to the current Nezha, he is not too arrogant. He does have arrogant capital. However, this kind of arrogance, in front of Long Fei, is not enough to see at all.

"What about you? Knowing our secret, no matter who you are, you will die!" said the mad king coldly.

Saying that, the battle axe fell directly from the sky.


Layers of space were split, and an axe light fell from the sky, as if the world had opened up, and it was terrifying.

"Big guy, you're too arrogant. Young master, I'm here, how dare you take action?? Kill me!" Nezha couldn't help it.

In fact, he had been unhappy with the Mad King long before. The mad king was so arrogant that even Long Fei dared to be angry, which touched a fundamental part of his heart.

Where did the mad king take the initiative to shoot now, Nezha couldn't bear it any longer, he shot through the air in an instant, and collided with the opponent's battle axe.



As soon as the two men collided, the sky and the earth shattered. Their strength is extremely powerful, and with one move, the heaven and the earth can't bear it, the sky cracks, and the earth collapses.

"You go and fight. Nezha, don't keep your hands, and the mad king, you don't have to restrain yourself. You don't need to pay for killing." Long Fei said with a smile, as if he didn't care about the relationship between the two at all. fighting.

Nezha looked depressed.

He really wanted to question Long Fei, why!

After all, he was also Long Fei's son, but now, Long Fei was expecting the other party to kill him.

"Hmph, as you wish, in a moment, I will take his head to see you, to see what qualifications you have to be arrogant." The mad king was blunt and scornful, still arrogant.

It doesn't live up to his name at all.

The next moment, the two figures broke through the sky directly, fighting together in a group above the void.

In an instant, the world turned upside down and Devilish Qi rolled over.

But all of this, for Long Fei, did not care at all, Long Fei still smiled and looked at the little Taoist priest in front of him, until the little Taoist looked back and did not dare to look at Long Fei.

"Do we know each other?" the little Taoist asked.

He could now feel that Long Fei had no ill will towards him, but was a long-lost friend who was joking at this time.

"Of course I know. I'm here to grab a woman from you. I heard that the Charm King charms the dark realm, and he is so beautiful that even the Mad King and the White King have fallen. Naturally, I also want to see it?" Long Fei said deliberately.

On the other hand, the little Taoist priest's face was getting redder and redder, as if Long Fei's words directly touched his inner sanctuary.

"Shut up! If you dare to speak nonsense again, I will kill you." The little Taoist became furious and was furious.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, then laughed bitterly in his heart, and wondered if he was playing too much.

However, he didn't stop because he also wanted to know how far the little Taoist priests are now.

"What? Have you learned to get angry? Come on, let me see how far your Taoist scripture of immortality is?" Long Fei said with a smile.

The little Taoist priest still had boundless anger on his face, looking at Long Fei's abusive eyes, as if he was really fighting for it, he couldn't help it.

"Originally, I didn't want to be evil with you, but now, you have insulted the people closest to me. Eternal life, kill!"

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