What is ignorance and fearlessness, not knowing whether to live or die.

Right in front of you.

The spirit guard in front of him directly interprets every aspect of the mentality of death without leakage, which is simply perfect.

"It's useless to talk too much, let's take action." The little Taoist shook his head slightly.

He is not good at words, and all he wants is to protect a person's eternal life. So in the face of these provocations, the little Taoist did not know what to refute.

"Arrogant, you dare to let me take action. Do you still need me to kill you?" The commander of the spirit guards still didn't take it seriously, and did not take the little Taoist in his eyes at all. Instead, he waved his hand and let his own hands do it.

"Just you are worthy of our leadership? I will kill you alone."

A spirit guard walked out, with deep disdain in his eyes.

The next moment, Devilish Qi surged in his hand, running through the spear in his hand.


The spear stabbed out, directly out of the hands of the spirit guard, and then flew towards the little Taoist priest at a speed discernible to the naked eye.

"It's really ridiculous for a young boy to dare to provoke the authority of our spirit guard."

"Look, this spear goes down, I can guarantee that this kid's soul will be pierced and dissipated between heaven and earth."

"Haha, you look down on him too much. You don't need to be pierced. The breath alone is definitely not something he can bear. Maybe he can't bear it before the spear arrives."

In the legion of the spirit guards, a jeering sound came down.

In their opinion, the little Taoist priest is just a man's arm as a chariot.

It was impossible to stop this spear.

And in the same way, this number can also appear in the spirit and demon palace in the heart.

Including the spirit Devil Venerable, they all looked at the screen, their eyes were filled with silence and indifference, as if the little Taoist priest was already a dead person.

Suspended in the world, Long Fei looked at it lightly.

He has absolute confidence in the little Taoist priest.

His eyes turned to the little Taoist priest, and the little Taoist priest suddenly looked up at the spear in front of him, and then his lips lightly opened.


A word fell from his mouth.

Then, without warning, the spear stopped directly in front of him.

Hard to move.

"What? Impossible, this is impossible." For a moment, the spirit guard who shot out was sluggish, looking at his own method in disbelief, and was stopped in the void by a word from the little Taoist priest.

"Kill me!" He was unwilling to give up, still roaring in his mouth, a steady stream of Devilish Qi escaped from him, rushing frantically onto the spear.

And the spear also began to vibrate, as if trying to break free.

Seeing this scene, Wei Wei's eyes began to become excited and even more energetic.

But the little Taoist shook his head at this moment.

"That's it?" The little Taoist said faintly.

He's not good at words, and he's not good at rebutting. But I don't know, just these... two words are the best refutation.

Invisible coercion is the most deadly.

It can be said that two words directly tore off the face of this spirit guard, leaving nothing behind.

"Pfft!" The spirit demon guard vomited blood, as if he had been greatly insulted.

"Presumptuous, how dare you underestimate us!"

"Damn, how many years have passed, it's the first time I met someone who dared to insult us. Even if the Lord of Darkness came here today, he wouldn't be able to save your life."

In an instant, Lingmowei was also furious.

"Don't talk too much, my life is here, you all come together." The little Taoist said lightly, a little in his hand. Click!

The spear began to break inch by inch.

Not only that, but at the moment when the spear collapsed, the little Taoist priest also looked at the spirit guard, a little in his hand.

"No!" The Spirit Demon Guard roared and started rolling around, as if suffering from some kind of affliction.

Long Fei, who was floating in the world, watched quietly.

He could naturally feel that the little Taoist priest just used the power of immortality. However, this power of immortality does not give life to life. But take!

No, it is not a seizure, it should be said to be annihilation.


That's it.

Under Long Fei's eyes, in the body of the spirit guard, with the little Taoist priest's immortality, he directly devoured their body. Devilish Qi, Blood Qi, Soul...

All the forces associated with survival were shattered and then began to dissipate.

Of course, this is just the beginning.

Just a breath of time, the power goes from the inside out.

I saw that the body of the spirit demon guard, just like his spear, began to crack.

What's even more terrifying is that as his inner vitality dissipated, at this time, the spirit and demon guard seemed to be petrified.

"Break!" At this moment, the little Taoist dropped another word.

And at this moment, the spirit demon guard dissipated in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone was shocked, and their faces were full of shock. Looking at the harmless little Taoist priest in front of them, for the first time, great fear appeared in their hearts.

Especially the commander of the spirit guards, his face was bloodless at this time, thinking of his previous mockery of the little Taoist priest, his expression was even more funny.

In the same way, no one of them dared to shoot again.

The little Taoist raised his head and looked at the crowd with a puzzled expression;

"Why, don't you guys do it?" The little Taoist asked back, tilting his head, as if he was waiting for the other party to make a move.

Suspended in the world, Long Fei chuckled lightly.

He knew that the little Taoist priest was just pure doubt. But in the eyes of the spirit guards, this is not the case.

This is mockery.

This is slap in the face.

Before mocking them, they only dared to speak, but now they don't even have the courage to do it.

"Damn, don't care, I'll die if I die, and I was laughed at by a hairy boy. How has my spirit guard ever suffered such humiliation?"

Suddenly, a figure flew out of it, cursing in his mouth, and a spear pierced directly at the little Taoist priest.

"don't want!"

The commander of the Spirit Demon Guard wanted to stop it, but as soon as he spoke, he had nothing to say.

Because he had not finished speaking, the spirit guard in front of him gradually turned into stone during the attack, and finally collapsed. Not even a drop of blood or Devilish Qi was left, and he disappeared between heaven and earth.

"Get out, get out. This is not something we can deal with at all."

"The devil, he is the devil, killing the invisible."


In an instant, the spirit guards were instantly broken by panic, and one by one began to flee in all directions.

Even the commander of the Spirit Demon Guard did not dare to stop at all.

However, it's too late to leave now.

The little Taoist stepped out directly

"The power of eternal life, seal!"

As soon as a word fell, the whole world trembled, and even the spatial structure of this spirit and demon world was changed invisibly, and the fleeing figures fell directly from the void.

"Tu!" The little Taoist said again, then waved his palm and pressed it hard.

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