As soon as the slaughter word fell, the entire space was filled with a chilling air.

Endless meaning of extinction surrounds the space.

"No, what power is this, my body, my system, no, no!"

"Damn, who the hell are you, and why is your power able to break down our system."

"You can't die well, you have this kind of power and you will definitely become the foundation of the whole world, and you will definitely die worse than me!"

In an instant, countless screams were heard incessantly, and they suddenly appeared between this piece of heaven and earth.

But the little Taoist priest's face was silent, and his own emotions would not be affected by the words of these people. To put it simply, he is now a reaper of life, and it is his only purpose to destroy these people in front of him. As for the rest, he is indifferent.

In the floating world, Long Fei frowned slightly as he looked at the little Taoist priest in this state.

The stronger the little Taoist priest, the happier he was naturally. But I am afraid that the little Taoist priest will not be able to control this power and change his original intention.

After all, this is how the world is.

Many people acted their duty when they had no power, but once they possessed enough capital to do evil, they would intensify their actions and acted even more terrifying than the so-called villains.

Just like the little Taoist priests today.

If it was before, the little Taoist might have asked him if he wanted to let these people go and give them a way out.

But now the little Taoist did not say a word, just harvesting quietly, as if watching these people die in front of his own is just a pleasure, without the slightest psychological burden.

"Long Fei, there won't be any accidents for the little Taoist priest." At this time, Xuan Yang asked.

They vaguely remembered that the little Taoist priest was a shy child before.

But now, he was indifferent like a murderer, and there was no trace of humanity on his face.

"It doesn't matter, if he is really Qi Deviation, he loses his heart and just discards it." Long Fei said lightly.

He doesn't need the power of the little Taoist priest.

What he needs is that the little Taoist sticks to his own heart. The big deal is to just abolish it, and then re-create a system, it is better than he changes himself and becomes a murderous demon with no feelings.

But now Kai Longfei didn't stop him, he just looked at it coldly.

Soon, under the power of the little Taoist priest, the spirit and demon guards in front of them dissipated into the void one by one, and they were truly wiped out.

As for the little Taoist priest, his face regained clarity at this time, he shook his head slightly, and then looked at Long Fei

"Senior brother, this power is too terrifying, and it is a lore to kill with one hand. I don't want to use it." A look of regret flashed in the eyes of the little Taoist priest.

As if I felt like I was doing something wrong.

"Huh? What's going on?" Long Fei asked.

"Senior brother, in fact, the Eternal Life Dao Sutra we talked about before is not just two levels of attack and defense. I awakened the Eternal Life Dao Body, and after being baptized by the power of eternal life, I immediately realized the other two kinds of power. One is life, One is annihilation. What I used just now is the annihilation power of the Taoist scripture of eternal life." The little Taoist explained.

Yang Fan was taken aback.

Originally, he thought that the little Taoist priest was a little abnormal, but now he fully understands that it was not his heart that had changed. It's the power he controls, that's what it is.

"Is it so powerful?" Long Fei was a little moved in his heart. The power just now was definitely not much worse than the current Realm King's Blade. Totally a must kill.

The little Taoist nodded firmly

"Right senior brother, it can be said that as long as the strength is lower than mine, this strength can kill him. Even the strength above me can seriously injure him." said the little Taoist priest.

Long Fei nodded and said

"You don't need to have any psychological burden, as long as you don't change your own heart because of this power. As for killing people, it's easier. Since you are an enemy, why should you care about their life and death." Long Fei explained.

Little Taoist priests, with their pure hearts, often do things that repay their grievances with virtue.

Long Fei couldn't stand it like this, and repaying grievance with virtue, then what repayment of virtue?

His principle is that people respect me one foot, and I respect others ten feet. But if someone hurts me by three points, I will dig their grave with my own hands.

Never die!

So now the education of little Taoists is like this.

"Understood brother, as long as it is against you in the future, that is the enemy, and I will send them to death." The little Taoist nodded heavily.

Long Fei was stunned for a moment, and then nodded with great satisfaction.

But what he didn't know was that it was precisely because of his nodding today that he directly created a killing god who swept the Supreme world in the future.

At this time, in the spirit Devil's Temple.

The picture they saw in front of them had long since been shattered.

"Dead, all dead!"

"How could this happen? What happened? It was fine just a moment ago, so why was the entire army wiped out in the blink of an eye?"

"Is there a master among them?"


Unbelievable voices came between them.

There was a kind of fear and panic in everyone's voices. Of course, there is shame.

A moment ago, they were sure that the little Taoist priest would not be able to turn the tide, and under their power, he would definitely die. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, their entire army was wiped out.

What is a slap in the face?

This is slap in the face.

And mercilessly pulled their insides to the ground and rubbed them.

Devil Venerable's expression became more and more embarrassed.

As the young master of the Spirit Demon World, he naturally knew how tyrannical the Spirit Demon Guard was.

But now, it's all gone, what does this mean. It means that they no longer have the strength to stop Long Fei.

Before long, Long Fei will hit this spirit Devil's Temple.

Thinking of this, Devil Venerable roared in his heart.

"Shut up for me. It's not you. If you just launched a lore when you discovered them, how could there be something like this? Now, if you have two of them, you can easily threaten us. Are you satisfied with the terrifying existence?" Spirit Devil Venerable almost roared, full of anger.

"Young Master, things may not be so bad. We can ask the Lord of Darkness. How can we say that our spirit world is also a subordinate force of the Dark Council. We serve the Dark Council on a daily basis. Now there are powerful enemies, and the Dark Council will definitely not ignored."

At this time, someone said.

His eyes were full of hope.

Everyone's eyes lit up, as if in the darkness, they finally found a ray of light.

Spirit Devil Venerable was also excited, and as soon as his eyes moved, he would contact the Dark Council.

But at this moment, all the light in the Spirit Devil's Temple suddenly disappeared, and it was reduced to a dark place.

Immediately afterwards, a voice floated down, "The Lord of Darkness has a purpose, starting from today, the spirit and demon world will break away from the Dark Council, and dare to act in the name of the Dark Council. The three thousand worlds under the darkness can be punished as much as possible!"

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