The boundless black hole remains unchanged.

But Long Fei's whole person already felt abnormal. Under the aura, Long Fei felt as if his voice was in a world that was collapsing.

That feeling, empathy.

But in front of him, he couldn't see anything.

"Eternal Eyes!"

Long Fei really couldn't bear this feeling, so he said a word directly.

In an instant, the light of eternal life burst out.

However, what Long Fei didn't expect, before the light of eternal life appeared, a touch of power came down in an instant, directly submerging Long Fei's light of eternal life in an instant, without the slightest trace of existence.

"The Eye of Time and Space!" Long Fei spoke again.

As soon as the Eye of Time and Space appeared, everything in Yang Fan's eyes changed.

No longer empty, no longer a mass of gray, but silently appeared a piece of ashes.

It is endless, and as far as the eye can see, millions of miles are in ruins and ashes. At the same time, I saw two extremely blazing rays of light.

This light comes out!

Long Fei instantly felt the pain of being stabbed in his eyes.

In a blink of an eye, his eyes turned blood red, and two tears of blood burst out from the eye sockets and flowed down Long Fei's eyes.

At the same time, Long Fei postponed and once again turned into a dark, empty space.

"What is that? Could it be a scene that happened before the Endless Time and Space, captured by my Reverse Plastic Time and Space?" Long Fei was infinitely puzzled.

The eye of time and space, what it sees, is not necessarily the present.

Not in front of you either!

Long Fei had this feeling at the moment, that is the picture he saw, definitely not now.

Or not just now.

The kind of sadness and feeling of breaking the mark that he can reach at this moment must be related to the endless dilapidated picture he saw when he first used the Eye of Time and Space.

But his eyes, all the way back to time and space, as if traveling through time and space, saw a scene in the past.

That is, the two blazing rays of light.

But when the light appeared, it was beyond the limit that Long Fei's eyes could bear.

It seems that that kind of power is not something he can touch at all, nor is it something he can see with his eyes.

"No wonder he said that some people came in here without anything." Long Fei sighed in his heart.

Now here, there is nothingness, all power does not exist.

And the reason why he was able to come in with power is probably because of the ruins. If it weren't for the ruins, maybe entering here by myself now would still be the same as the outside.

A state of having no power at all.

"He's helping me!" For a moment, Long Fei had a feeling in his heart.

It is undeniable that Xu does not have any malice towards himself. According to the other party's methods, if he wants to target himself, he can do it backhandedly. But the other party didn't do anything to hurt him in the slightest. Instead, he told himself about the situation here. Obviously, he just wanted to be on the list of Longfei, so that Longfei would not be smeared and know nothing after entering here.


However, he seemed to overestimate Long Fei.

Although he told Long Fei a lot, now enter here. Long Fei still couldn't see anything.

"No, since the Eye of Time and Space can see something, it shows that something happened here before countless time and space." Long Fei analyzed in his heart.

Thinking of this, Long Fei asked directly, "System, can the eye of the system see through this place?"

The eyes of immortality are useless, and directly turn into nothingness, which is unexpected by Long Fei.

And the eye of time and space has also proved that it is useless.

Then the only possibility is the eye of this system.

"Ding, the eye of the system is incomplete and cannot be used." This time, the system did not hesitate. However, the answer given made Long Fei feel helpless.

Can't use it!

"System, are you kidding me? Although there is only one eye of the system, it has not been used before. Why can't it be used now?" Long Fei asked.

Full of contempt.

"Ding, the space where the player is now is no longer within the universe. If the eye of the system wants to see through this space, only the whole body can do it." "Ding, Friendly Reminder, the system has already sensed this In the layer space, there is a horror that cannot be analyzed by the power of the system, I advise the player to stop the loss, if you continue, you may be in danger." The system explained, and mentioned


Long Fei's heart trembled! This is not the first time the system has reminded me. Before entering this layer of space, the system has already reminded me, but at that time, I was too late, and I didn't even say the word "abandonment", so I went directly to the unprecedented place of return to the ruins. middle


Now, inside this black hole, the system is prompted for the second time.

While thinking, Long Fei was also full of helplessness.

He secretly thought to himself that this is some kind of immortal luck. He came to save the two people by himself. Now the two of them are fine, but he is in such a terrifying predicament.

At this time, the system prompts again

"Ding, the system has detected that the player's Internal Energy is disappearing."

"Ding, the system will enter the repair state, after half a month."

"Ding, please keep on living, player."

The system sound kept appearing, and after the last sentence was spoken, it disappeared immediately.

But Long Fei already felt the seriousness of the problem in his heart.

Keep going!

These words are shocking.

"Damn, system, don't lose the chain, at this time, repair the wool!" Long Fei was anxious and shouted.

Unfortunately, there was no response at all.

Long Fei wanted to cry without tears.

However, he suddenly felt that what the system said was not an exaggeration at all.

Because at this moment, the other powers in him are also dissipating.

Flesh power, heaven and earth destiny power, time and space and Taoism...

All the power of the aviation in which he was in, at this time, disappeared quietly.

In other words, now he has become an ordinary person again.

"Is this going to kill me?" Long Fei's heart instantly exploded, his nerves tense to the extreme.


He didn't even feel the existence of any power, but the power in himself disappeared without a trace.

This change made Long Fei feel extremely terrifying.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Long Fei's mind.

"Returning to the ruins! The body of returning to the ruins!"

Long Fei suddenly thought of the ruins he saw before!

Before returning to the ruins, everything goes to zero.

And this kind of power is obtained in a place.

This also means that he is now being eroded by this power.

And there are only two results, either he also becomes the body of returning to the ruins, or he is returned to zero by this kind of power. Completely dissipated and merged into this space.

"Damn, don't help people to the end, tell me directly, it's alright." Long Fei cursed inwardly.

But now, it is too late to think more.

Immerse yourself in the moment.

Now, he has to be calm, he has to capture this power.

Only in this way can it be possible to transform in a desperate situation. However, the more Long Fei forced himself to calm down, the more he could feel that his body seemed to be dissipating, becoming nothing, becoming illusory, as if The next moment would just disappear without a trace...

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