Long Fei felt that he could no longer feel his own body now, and vaguely, he seemed to be able to see his own body illusory, with particles floating in front of his eyes.

Particle physical power!

As early as in the original Yang God world, he had already raised his physical body to this level and crossed the other shore.

Unexpectedly, even this kind of power is now broken down.

"Damn, is it really over?" Long Fei was instantly flustered, and he felt that the whole world was not very friendly.

This result is also far beyond Long Fei's expectations. He still has too many things to do. If it ends like this now, Long Fei will be extremely unwilling.

He never thought that he would capsize in this world.

Even Long Fei was a little annoyed in his heart. If he gave the other party a negative answer before, even if he didn't enter here, maybe nothing would happen.

But now, it's too late to say anything. It is now a state of no choice.

Now he can only watch his own body become nothingness.

Suddenly, in the dark, Long Fei had an illusion in his heart.

It was clear that his physical body had collapsed, and all the power had disintegrated, but he could feel that his own body was still there.

"Is it an illusion?" Long Fei suddenly thought to himself.

But soon, Long Fei denied his own conjecture. For the current him, it is impossible for illusions to affect his mind.

Even if his power is gone now, the majesty of his body is still there, the power of illusion is like a pediatrician to him, and it can be destroyed at the click of a finger.

Thinking of this, Long Fei immersed himself.

What he needs most now is calmness. Mania and anxiety can only make him sink deeper and deeper, and he will soon be lost.

"When the power disappears, the physical body disappears. If according to the normal law, The next moment, my spirit will disappear. And I can still stay awake now, either because I am the eternal soul, or because this power does not It's not what I thought, everything is back to zero." Long Fei thought to himself, analyzing it bit by bit.

All he has to do now is wait.

If his soul really disappears, then it proves that the power here is really the power of returning to the ruins, and everything that enters this place must return to the ruins and return to zero.

Soon, minutes passed by.

Long Fei was also waiting and became calm.

During this period of time, he has not felt the existence of his own. Although his consciousness is still awake, it seems that he can no longer feel his body or the slightest shadow of him.

In other words, he disappeared.

Everything has disappeared, including his body, has disappeared between heaven and earth.

It's just that he still has a thought that his soul is immortal, and he can perceive some.

But at this moment, the soul of this thought suddenly felt the pull of some kind of power, as if to swallow his soul.

"It seems that one thing is right, everything here will be returned to the ruins."

This is the last thought of Long Fei's soul power.

The next moment, even this thought disappeared.

Everything has returned to calm at this moment.

But what Long Fei didn't know was that he was in this space at this time. In a certain corner, there is still a particle of dust suspended, which is indistinguishable.

It seems to have been integrated into this world.

And in this dust, is a space.

System space!

Inside, Chi Xue and Tu Shan Xiaorong stayed quietly, they couldn't feel the slightest breath outside, and even their eyes couldn't see the outside at all.

"You said, is the adult okay now? I can't feel the breath of the adult anymore?" Chi Xue asked.

Inexplicably, they immediately lost all perception.

Moreover, the entire space was suddenly plunged into darkness, and nothing could be seen, but their strength could still see through this darkness.

"We are still alive." Tu Shan Xiaorong said lightly.

"Hey, I'm asking you, sir, you said we..." Chi Xue was a little helpless, sighed, and just wanted to speak, but suddenly reacted again.

Yes, they are still alive.

Even if they are still alive, will something happen to Long Fei?

Totally impossible!

Because they are in Long Fei's system space, if something happens to Long Fei, they will be the first to die.

And now that they are still alive and well, it has already explained everything, that is, Long Fei is still safe and sound.

If something happened to Long Fei, they must have been implicated long ago, and they can't die any longer...

Returning to the ruins space, the whole world is in silence.

There is no figure, and there is no flow of breath, as if this is a vacuum, and nothing exists.

Time just passed by.

As long as eternity.

Suddenly, one day, there was a sigh in this space.

Then, the sound became louder and louder, and after a while, it was like breathing, and it was continuous.

Gradually, a light spot suddenly appeared.

With the appearance of this spot of light, the entire space has changed, and in an instant, the nails become extremely bright, as if a little light ignites the entire space.

Immediately afterwards, a second spot of light appeared.

Then in an instant, the two light spots were directly connected into a line. Then, the second line, the third line...

Countless rays of light are paved, staggered, and finally converged into a single plane.

Then the second side, the third side...

In the blink of an eye, they converged into a human shape.

And this person is Long Fei.

Long Fei looked at the space in front of him with a calm expression, his eyes were clear, without the slightest turbulence.

But the picture presented in front of him is no longer empty.

But half barren, half new.

"The two pictures seem to be merged together, but we don't know the space-time distance in the middle. That half is barren and represents the return to the ruins. The new half represents Return to Self."

"Everything in the world, if it dissipates, there will be fusion, and if there is destruction, there will be new life, just like the change of dynasties, the prosperity and decline, and the three-point and three-joint. This principle also applies to Universe."

"It's like the renewal of the system, the former power will be directly returned to zero, that is, return to ruins. But if it can usher in an update, it will be a new life, and it will be Return to Self."

"Just like me now, I have returned to the ruins, remodeled from zero, and thought Return to Self!" Long Fei stood in the void, looking at the world in front of him, the corners of his mouth were deep.

The next moment, his eyes looked into the distance. "It turns out that Universe is also facing the change of old and new. But this time, it has caught up with my era." Long Fei looked at the changing scenery in the distance and thought to himself.

After a long time, he sighed and shook his hands, "Dragon blood... Dao Fa... System... Heaven and Earth Fate..."

Long Fei spoke lightly as if calling.

Then grab your hands!


Endless power erupted in this space, and then instantly merged into Long Fei's body.

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