Ye Muchen glanced around, tapped his toes, and returned to the 70th floor lobby at an extremely fast speed with a whoosh.

At this time, the hall had already become chaotic and smoky, with countless gravel powder shaking wantonly in the air.

Ye Muchen looked at the four people whose broken bone blades were nailed to the wall. Blood spurted out from each other's mouths and chests. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not move at all.

Each one of them looked at the figure that suddenly appeared in front of them as if they were dying, their hearts already half cold.

"Tell me why you want to kill me? Who sent you here!" Ye Muchen seemed very casual and didn't care about the already chaotic scene downstairs.

Even the siren sound is extra harsh in this area, which also means that psychic weapons will arrive soon. But it seemed that Ye Mukang no longer had the intention to care about that.

"If you have the guts, kid, kill us now. Ahem, it's a joke. We admit that the little "830" looked at you, but you will definitely die. If you kill Jikong, soon more and more people will be killed." Come find me, haha, we’ll wait for you below!”

One of the men kept coughing and wheezing and roaring weakly.

"Do you know what you did? Huahai, Huabin Martial Arts School, and General Jigui will never let you go. You and the Ye family will all go to hell soon. Haha, they will all die. Are you afraid?

The other man was spitting blood from his mouth and roared with all his strength. His hoarse voice seemed to want to vent his dissatisfaction.

"Haha, that sounds great!" Ye Muchen grinned. Turning around, the terrifying power of his four legs suddenly exploded, slamming into the four people who were nailed to the wall.

This terrifying force made the bodies of the four people dent. The hot airflow turned all the hair of the four people into ashes, and the blood sprayed out as if it was free of charge.

The terrifying power directly smashed the wall with their bodies, and the four of them quickly fell from the Liandong Building.

Countless people below looked at the huge sound from the tall building above, and saw four black spots falling towards them at an extremely fast speed, and countless people swarmed away.

Many people were gasping for air. Everyone knew that if they were hit by such a height, they would definitely die.

For a moment, the streets were filled with screams and chaos, hundreds of cars rear-ended each other, and screaming crowds made it a hell on earth.


In the blink of an eye, the four of them seemed to be in free fall, hitting the road hard, creating several deep pits in the street. Countless body parts and limbs flew into pieces, and their flesh and blood sprayed into the sky like mud.

The people who were closer were splashed with blood, looking at the four deep pits tremblingly, confused.

"What on earth is going on? Is this jumping off a building?"

"How did they fall from the building? It's so scary for me to commit suicide."

"What happened in Liandong Building? Why did people die one after another?"

Many people now regard these people who died in extremely tragic circumstances as employees of Liandong.

At this time, many people in Liandong had already arrived on the 70th floor. They were all speechless looking at the stern figure in front of them.

Ye Muchen didn't care, walked to the wall casually, and looked down condescendingly.

Then he turned his head and curled up the corner of his mouth, and the endless sound of wind whizzed past him. His expression remained unchanged and his heart did not beat. The spiritual energy in his body was circulating at a high level, and the terrifying hot flames enveloped him.

The next second, Ye Muchen jumped down from the broken wall of the 70-story building.

"Damn it, that kid is crazy. What can you say without having to jump off the building?"

"This is the 70th floor! Even if a strong man of martial arts level falls, he will not die but will be disabled. But that kid...

The internal staff of Liandong and the senior management of the organization who had just arrived were all dumbfounded. Everyone was awakened by Ye Muchen's actions.

He rushed to the cave in astonishment and stared blankly at his figure rushing down, like a missile that sprayed flames, attacking downwards with great momentum.

The body erupted with scorching red flames, which made countless people feel incredible.

The crowd below broke out in cold sweat and roared one after another.

"Ni Ma..."

"What the hell, are you still coming?"

"It's so damn crazy..."

The people on the ground, who had been frightened for a long time, looked at Ye Muchen jumping down from above, and felt that the black spots wrapped in the red stream were getting clearer and clearer.

Countless people opened their mouths. It was indeed one person, but what was different from before was that this person didn't seem to be falling, but seemed to be flying towards him.

"Hey, be a good boy, everyone, look, [that man can actually change his trajectory!"

"Oh my God, really, someone jumped from such a height and could control the airflow and the resistance of falling?!"

"This is definitely a powerful man from Huahai who defies the heavens. Could it be that these people were all influenced by him..."

The next second the crowd kept exclaiming...


Ye Muchen instantly fell to the ground. The terrifying force of the fall was centered on him and spread quickly. The approaching crowds, vehicles and surrounding shops were directly overturned to the ground.

The glass shards were shattered by the ferocious airflow, and the people who didn't have time to lie down had already been scratched, with blood flowing freely.

The ground was cracking at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye. Many people who had recovered slowly stood up with difficulty and looked at Ye Muchen in horror, as if they were looking at a monster.

No one thought that this person would be so young and fall so low. It was simply more terrifying than the scenes on TV. This was real and achievable, and the other person didn't even feel the slightest discomfort.

What's even more frightening is that he seems to take everything indifferently.


Many people gasped, and many were really frightened. The scene after scene was shocking, and everyone looked at Ye Muchen without daring to take a breath.

Ye Muchen looked into the distance and clearly saw the Ye family and psychic armed men coming here.

All the people who came looked at the scene in front of them and closed their mouths one by one. Ye Batian stood not far away and watched his grandson burst into tears. He knew that everything Ye Muchen did was for the Ye family.

Ye Changsheng wanted to say something, but he hesitated. He knew that he had failed as a father, and he had never wanted to understand his son. He would only blame Ye Muchen constantly when things happened.

0.6 Psychically armed, Ran Qi looked at Ye Muchen and everything around him. This shock was more exciting than watching a special effects blockbuster.

Then he said to Mr. Ye Batian: "I'm sorry, Mr. Ye. It seems that I have to ask Mr. Ye to go to the Armed Forces Department today. We have to conduct an investigation. This has caused chaos in Liandong Street and has a great impact. .”

Ye Ning knelt down when he heard that, looking at Ye Muchen, his heart was filled with self-blame, all because of himself, all because of himself.

"No, you can't touch my son. My son is innocent and they forced him to do it!" Lin Meiru kept roaring like a madman.

However, the Ye family were all stopped by people coming with psychic weapons.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye, please come with us!"

Ranqi motioned for others to go up and take Ye Muchen back, but Ye Muchen didn't seem to hear clearly, and even the constant roars of the family members and the noisy crowd around him gradually became blurred.


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