As more and more psychic armed men approached, Ye Muchen still stood there without any reaction, while the surrounding crowd did not even dare to take a breath.

They had never seen such a battle before. The crowd who came to Houxi to watch was unclear. The psychic armed forces actually used so many people to arrest someone. Why did they arrest him?

Everyone couldn't help but have doubts in their hearts. At least they didn't understand what just happened.

And the people around them all seemed to be starting to answer questions.

"Mr. Ye, we just want you to be investigated!" Ran Qi stood in the distance and looked at Ye Muchen, who didn't respond at all, with sharp eyes.

"Take it down!" Ranqi roared angrily.

Soon the psychic armed men came to Ye Muchen, and saw Ye Muchen moving. A violent momentum surged out, and he grabbed one of them by the neck with his backhand and raised it high.

A handful of bone spurs instantly shot out from the palm, directly piercing the opponent's head from bottom to top, and then threw it away, hitting several people.

Bang! Several people were knocked to the ground by the huge force.

Everyone was shocked when they looked at this bloody scene, not because of how amazing his actions were, but because he actually killed the psychic armed men in full view of everyone.

Not to mention the ordinary people, even the Ye family looked at Ye Muchen in disbelief. Ran Qi and other people who came here saw the situation, and their expressions condensed: "The Ye family really played a good hand, what's the matter? Let’s explain it later!”

The actions of the psychic armed group were extremely stupid in Ye Muchen's eyes at this moment.

With murderous aura roaring all over his body, he instantly arrived in front of the approaching people. He waved his arms vigorously, and the power of violent muscles emerged.


Along with the endless screams, the faces of dozens of psychic armed men twisted in pain, and blood flowed down their cheeks and dyed their pale skin red.

As soon as they turned around, they fell to the ground one by one, losing their breath of life.

Ye Muchen didn't hold back at all, and solved the dozens of people surrounding him with every move. The scarlet blood stains reflected his cheeks and whole body, and the scattered blood stains

It looks very eye-catching in the dazzling sunlight.

Many people watching had already broken up and fled. After all, who knew whether the murderer in front of them would take action against them, or whether they would be the next to die.

Seeing this, Ye Batian, Ye Changsheng, and Lin Meiru and the others who came from the Ye family felt turbulent waves in their hearts.

"Catch him, life or death. "!" Ran Qi shouted angrily, with overwhelming anger appearing.

Ye Muchen's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, a sudden change occurred, and a hole opened in the wall of a shopping mall not far behind him like an explosion.

A huge waterspout with a diameter of more than three meters was violently shot out, and a harsh crackling sound was heard. Wherever the solid waterspout touched, subtle ripples suddenly appeared in the air.

This waterspout came very unexpectedly, and Ye Muchen couldn't help but be shocked. Ye Muchen felt that the power contained in it was extremely powerful.

When the blue waterspout came close to his eyes, Ye Muchen raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, his eyes suddenly lit up, his hands quickly and methodically attracted the soul, and he shouted softly: "Shadow Soul! Shadow Mist Kill!"

In an instant, waves of black mist spread around like a tide, and then an arrogant black shadow rose from the ground and lowered in front of him.


The blue waterspout suddenly exploded like a rushing dam, hitting a tough cliff, splashing countless water droplets.

In the flying dust, the surrounding shopping malls, shops, various buses and vehicles, and the walls and iron sheets several centimeters thick were turned into powder in the aftermath of the attack.

In an instant, the tall buildings turned into open-air ruins. Ye Muchen looked at the person who came, who could use large-scale soul skills in broad daylight. Ye Muchen knew in his heart that this person was extraordinary.

He saw the figure exposed in front of him that he had seen before, a skinny old man with eyes like an eagle, wearing a neat blue robe [with two patterns of psionic words printed on the robe!

"How can this be?"

Everyone with psychic weapons looked at Ye Muchen, and even Uncle Ying, who is called a hunter in his headquarters, could easily withstand the tyrannical attack?

Several people looked at each other and felt a little incredible. The technique just now was the most powerful soul technique that Uncle Ying had been famous for for a long time. The young master of the Ye family in front of them was not subdued. This result was unacceptable to them.

The people present in the Psychic Armed Forces Department quickly analyzed the current situation in their minds. If they delay and fail to capture the opponent, they will definitely be severely punished.

However, Ye Muchen didn't care at all how many strong men would come to Ruixu, and saw countless bone blades growing on both sides of his body, "Bone soul, fake Ning Blade!

I saw countless bone spurs sprouting from Ye Muchen's body, some even up to one meter long. Every time they struck quickly from incredible and tricky angles, the bone blades danced faster and faster with their arms and body.

Such a difficult action is definitely not something ordinary people can do. An overwhelming and violent attack was launched against dozens of people.

In addition to the fast and strange attack, the bone blade extended from Ye Muchen's body can also rotate 360 ​​degrees like a drill to increase its lethality.

Dozens of people joined hands to defend themselves. As Ye Muchen's waving frequency reached the point of blur, more and more people continued to retreat.

Swish, swish, swish!

In an instant, the bodies of more than 30 psychic armed personnel were forcibly severed from the middle by sharp bone blades!

"."Water soul, water disaster!"

Following Ying Dong's words, the temperature in the air suddenly dropped, and a strong murderous intention settled on Ye Muchen in front of him.

The gates of the dam seemed to be opened between the palms of both hands. The next moment the two large blue mouths opened, countless water flowed across the sky.

The moment the water came into contact with Ye Muchen's violent hot breath, it turned into countless water vapor (money is good) molecules rising up. Countless people seemed to be shocked by the scene in front of them, and they all stood on the spot.

Ye Muchen just chuckled: Shadow Soul, strangle!"

Ten black shadows emerged from the bodies of the remaining psychic armed men, growing crazily. Naturally, they were not stupid and tried to break out of the shackles of the shadows.

"Close!" Ye Muchen spat out one word clearly.

The next second, the continuous black shadows in front of him instantly broke through the ground and stretched out, wrapping around the position where those people were moving.

The scene at the moment was extremely spectacular. No matter how these guys tried to escape, they would be hit by the attacks that followed.

A series of pitiful screams rang in his ears, and dozens of people turned into food for the shadows and disappeared from Ye Muchen's sight. With such a big movement, even a blind person could tell that a large-scale battle was taking place on Liandong Street.

All of a sudden, everyone rushed towards this place, and there was a lot of noise. .

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