The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 821: Late Holy Tribulation

Behind Yuwentuo invisible.

Liu Ce still has a sense of urgency. Although there is Yuwen Tuo, the strength of Dahan is not enough to defend Handu.

By the way, the previous lottery draws are not without good things. For example, I got two enhanced cards. Can strengthen the level of treasures.

For example, the Guardian Sword Array of the Han Capital, the Heaven Destruction Sword Array.

"System, I want to strengthen the Heavenly Destruction Sword Array."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully strengthening the Heavenly Slaying Sword Array. The current level is Intermediate Holy Rank!"

"Continue to strengthen."

Liu Cedao.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully strengthening the Heavenly Destruction Sword Array, and the current level is high."

The system prompt sounds.

Well, the current Heaven Destruction Sword Formation should be much stronger. Liu Ce was very satisfied. Immediately opened the attribute panel of the Heaven Destruction Sword Array.

Formation: Sky Destruction Sword Formation

Level: Holy Order Advanced

Description: A supreme sword formation from another continent. Can kill all warriors below the holy realm. There is also a great threat to the strong in the holy realm. Integrating into the sword formation allows users to leapfrog challenges across four big realms.

Four great realms?

Liu Ce's eyes lit up.

If you can improve your cultivation a little bit, it will be perfect.

Liu Ce's current cultivation base is in the mid-stage of the Yijie Realm, not even the Holy Realm. Even if he crosses the four realms to confront the enemy, it is impossible to be the opponent of the semi-divine realm martial artist.

These four realms are relative. When it comes to the holy realm, the so-called big realm becomes a small realm. Therefore, Liu Ce now knows that his current combat effectiveness is still not enough.

Liu Ce can only enter the system mall to find treasures that he can break through.

Liu Ce searched the system mall, and finally. I found the one that suits me best now. Advanced Advanced Card

"System, I want to improve the Taishang Demon Body Art."

Liu Ce said to the system.

"Ding! The host is sure to use a high-level advanced card to improve the Demon God Art?"

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce said silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully upgrading the Taishang Demon God Technique. The current level, the first stage of the late stage."

The system prompt sounds.


Liu Ce felt endless energy bursting out of his body. Every bone in his body seemed to be strengthened.

Liu Ce hurriedly ran the Taishang magic formula.

Half an hour later

Liu Ce opened his eyes.

"The strength is much stronger again."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

Liu Ce is both physical and martial arts. You only need to improve your physique, and you can improve your cultivation at the same time. Therefore, it can be said that the increase in Liu Cexiu's level far exceeds the imagination of normal people.

Liu Ce checked his current attributes.

He has improved his physique by fifteen points. In other words, Liu Ce can now raise five small realms. Three physical points are needed to improve a small state.

"System, I want to improve my cultivation."

Liu Ce said silently in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, he has been promoted to five levels in a row, his current level. The late Holy Tribulation Realm."

Terrifying energy poured out from Liu Ce's body. It made Liu Ce feel that that powerful force was almost out of control.

This kind of taste is indescribable for Liu Ce.

What Liu Ce can do now is to operate the Emperor Dao Sacred Dragon Art again and again. This force was suppressed. Finally, after half an hour, all the power was finally suppressed.

Liu Ce felt his current strength. It is totally different than before. He felt that he was now, as if one punch could blow up a mountain. This kind of refreshing feeling with powerful power is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Liu Ce subconsciously opened his own attribute panel

Occupation: Emperor Han

Techniques: Xuanwu Body Forging Jue (the ninth layer peak) Emperor Dao Shenglong Jue, Taishang Demon God Jue (the late first layer)

Cultivation: Late Holy Tribulation Realm

Martial Skills: Hundred Sword Jue (Transformation Realm) Dou Zhuan Xingyi (Transformation Realm) Xiao Li Feidao (Transaction Realm) Galaxy Breaking Fist (Transaction Realm) Fengshen Leg (Transmutation Realm) Stealing Heaven, Changing the Sun and Seizing Sword Style (Dacheng)...Sword Twenty-Three (Consummation)

Secret Method: Promise Fury (Xiaocheng)

Physique 250

Summon Gods and Demons: Guan Yu, Yuhuatian, Lu Bu, Mangui, Sima Buping, Duan Tianya, Dugu Qiuqiu, Gan Mingzhu, Absolute Wushen, Sete, Worshiping the Lord of the Moon, Yuwentuo, Wuming...

Martial arts points: 800

Treasure Box: None

National Transport: 29045423200

Available National Shipping: 20727632000

This attribute has changed a lot from before.

In the later stage of the Holy Tribulation Realm, this cultivation base, coupled with the enhanced version of the Heavenly Destruction Sword Formation, even if the Sea Demon Clan sent two gods and demons, it should be enough to deal with it.

Liu Ce muttered.

at the same time

The magic island beyond the endless sea

Above the magic island, at this moment, above the magic temple. The sea demons are holding a clan meeting. Said the sea demon clan is a clan, but in fact, the sea demon clan is a **** situation. On the entire Demon Island, the Sea Demon Race can also be called the Sea Demon Country. The patriarch of the sea demons. Terran prefers to call it the Demon Emperor.

But at this moment, the Demon Emperor is sitting on the black chair. The look is gloomy.

"Huh. Until now, our Sea Demon Race is still coming home. The clan has already sent someone to urge us to take the Human Race Continent as soon as possible."

The Demon Emperor said in a cold voice.

The elders of the sea demon clan below and a group of high-level officials bowed their heads, not daring to speak. Indeed, facing a small human race, the current sea demons can be said to be far stronger than any period in history. But on the contrary, facing a human race whose strength is deteriorating, they have repeatedly failed to win. They felt extremely ashamed. Feel ashamed of your Majesty the Demon Emperor.

"Elder, what do you have to say?"

The Demon Sovereign looked at the Sea Demon Clan Great Elder Yun Zhe and asked coldly.

"Weichen is ashamed."

Yun Zhe lowered his head and looked ashamed.

"You only know how to be ashamed. I want to ask, what countermeasures do you have against the Human Race Continent?"

The Demon Sovereign asked.

"Weichen has no countermeasures yet."

Yun Zhe made up his mind to stop talking. Otherwise, it will fail again at that time, and his Majesty the Demon Emperor must still look for him. Anyway, there are so many high-level sea demons. There is also no need to ask him to be this early bird.

The Demon Emperor frowned slightly, looked at the prime minister Duza next to him and asked, "Duza, how about you?"

Duza glanced silently at the great elder Yun Zhe who was with the old **** beside him, and knew that he couldn't learn from this old guy, otherwise his majesty would really be crazy.

"Your Majesty, there are actually a few ways we can go now."

Du Zha coughed dryly.

"How many roads?"

The Demon Sovereign didn't expect that Duza would say several methods at once. So he looked at him with some interest and asked, "Prime Minister Du, you said."

"Your Majesty, in fact, we can wait until the will of Heaven in Huawu Continent is further weakened, and then you only need to reign on Huawu Continent, and all problems will naturally be solved. The human race of Huawu Continent is definitely a warrior without a Divine Tribulation Realm." Du Take a serious road.

"Then do you think, how long will it take for the martial artist of the Divine Tribulation Realm to enter the Huawu Continent now that the will of Heaven is weakened?"

The Demon Sovereign asked quietly.

Du Zha felt the tremendous pressure in the eyes of the Demon Emperor, and then lowered his head and said: "Your Majesty, we have calculated it, it will take about one month."

"No. The clan can't wait anymore. January is too long."

Duzha said coldly.

"Your Majesty, in addition to this method, we can also send a top killer, or a warrior in the semi-god state to the Huawu Continent. The current Huawu Continent, let alone a warrior in the Divine Tribulation, is not even a warrior in the semi-god state. There will be, because before the Huawu Continent, it was impossible to give birth to a warrior in the semi-god state."

Duza said.

"Hahaha. Prime Minister Du, previously we estimated that the human race was unlikely to have a semi-sacred warrior, but in the end there was no warrior in the holy realm, and there was even a holy realm peak. You are so sure that there is no half of the human continent. God?"

The Great Elder of the Sea Demon Clan Yun Zhe said with an extremely disdainful expression.

"That was an accident. Weichen suspected that it might have something to do with the temple. But now that the upper heaven temple of the temple has been defeated by our clan several times, it is overwhelming. How could it be possible to send a demigod warrior to the Huawu Continent, so, This is our opportunity."

Duza's expression was determined.


The senior leaders of the Sea Demon Clan nodded slightly. Even Yun Zhe did not refute. Because although Yunzhe and Duza had something to do with each other, it was not the right thing to the person. At this moment, I also feel that Duza's analysis makes sense.

"Prime Minister Du, you are planning to assassinate Emperor Han, what good ideas do you have?"

Asked the devil.

"Weichen recommends someone, and that person is Yun Hui."

Duza said.

"Yun Hui?"

The Great Elder of the Sea Demon Clan Yun Zhe raised his brows, how could this old guy pull his nephew out. That Yunhui is his nephew. In the Yun family, Yun Hui is a generation of geniuses.

"Old man Du, what do you mean. Yun Hui is my nephew?"

Yun Zhe glared at Duza.

"Elder Yun, we don't avoid relatives when we promote good people, and if my relatives are suitable, I won't avoid them. Yun Hui's affinity for dark elements is the highest among the younger generation of our Sea Demon Clan. We also worship Master Dark Demon as our teacher. , And even awakened the Dark Demon. He is already the top assassin of our Sea Demon Clan. If he takes action, the success rate will be greatly improved. After all, we have to deal with the Emperor of Han, and we don’t have many opportunities."

Duza looked serious.

"This one……"

Yun Zhe frowned. According to him, he didn't want his nephew to take action. After all, the Sea Demon Race has repeatedly suffered in front of the Human Race, or in other words, suffered in front of the big man. This big Han Emperor is definitely a dangerous person in the hearts of the sea demons. Duza naturally didn't want his nephew to take risks. But now he has no reason to oppose his nephew Yun Hui.

After all, if Yun Hui is his nephew aside, Yun Zhe would not want his nephew to take action. He just looked at His Majesty the Demon Emperor with a pensive look on his face. Obviously, the other party was also moved. This made Yun Zhe. Anxious. He still hopes to work harder.

"Your Majesty, although Yun Hui is very talented in some aspects, he is too young. I am afraid that he has defeated His Majesty's expectations."

Yun Zhe stood up and said with a serious expression.

"Elder Yun. I know your sense of protection for your younger generations, but now our Sea Demon Race is the time when he is most needed. There is no experience to cultivate, this time is a good opportunity, otherwise you will keep hiding under your wings. , There will never be experience."

Duza said solemnly.

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