The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 822: Assassinated

Yun Zhe was speechless. I don't know how to argue.

"Well, I have decided."

The majestic voice of the Demon Sovereign said faintly.

"Yun Hui made the move, but his target is not only the Emperor of Han Dynasty. Du Zha, you go ask my two uncles, they should retreat in the near future. The hidden danger of the big man must be eliminated as soon as possible."

Demon King Road.

"According to the purpose."

Yun Zhe also had no way to stop it at this moment. His gaze glared at Duza fiercely.


At this moment, Liu Ce is extremely comfortable. During this period, whenever he had time, he would spare some time to accompany his two pregnant wives.

Wang Xiruo has been pregnant for August. Murong Qingwu was a little later, and it was July. At this moment, Liu Ce had already imagined in his mind what his two children looked like when they were born.

"Your Majesty, who is the child born like?"

Wang Xiruo leaned against Liu Ce's arms and asked.

"If it's a girl, it must be like you."

Liu Ce looked at Wang Xiruo with a petting gaze.

"Why not be like your majesty?"

Wang Xiruo looked at Liu Ce curiously.

Murong Qingwu at the side also listened curiously.

"Hahaha, because if it's a girl, it must be as beautiful as you guys."

Liu Ce laughed.

Murong Qingwu and Wang Xiruo are shy on their faces, but their hearts are as sweet as honey, because your majesty is praising them for their beauty, and women who are pleasing to the face are nothing more than that.

"What about the boy?"

Murong Qingwu looked at Liu Ce with a smile.

"The boy must be like me."

Liu Ce did his part.

"Why is this?"

Murong Qingwu and Wang Xiruo also looked at Liu Ce, with curious expressions in their eyes.

"Because if I were a boy, I would be as handsome and domineering as me, and I would be able to inherit my foundation well in the future."

Liu Ce smiled.

"Thick face."

Wang Xiruo and Murong Qingwu took a sip.

Gan Mingzhu and Su Mingyue all smiled.

It's just that Gan Mingzhu and Su Mingyue both looked enviously at the belly of Wang Xiruo and Murong Qingwu. The two women Su Mingyue and Gan Mingzhu were extremely envious when they looked at their stomachs that had not been able to get bigger. After all, as women, there is no one who doesn't like children. They also like children, but their stomachs are unbelievable.


After the Emperor Tianming was captured, the Sea Demon Clan fell completely silent. But in this regard, Liu Ce did not dare to neglect. After all, the strength of the Sea Demon Clan, Liu Ce is still very strong, and must not be underestimated.

Liu Ce has been waiting for the counterattack of the Sea Mozu.

"Your Majesty, are you still worried about the current situation?"

Guo Jia did not know when he came behind Liu Ce.

"Well, now I am carrying the rise and fall of the human race on my shoulders, and I dare not slack in the slightest."

Liu Ce shook his head.

Guo Jia silently looked at the young man with slightly red eyes. In fact, he was not yet weak at the moment, and at their time, he was not a true adult. But at your age, it is too heavy to shoulder the rise and fall of the human race.

"Okay. Fengxiao, I know you have a good drink, and our monarchs and ministers have a drink at night.",

Liu Ce smiled to Guo Jia.


Guo Jia readily agreed.


But Liu Ce and Guo Jia didn't know that outside the Han Palace, a man in black stopped in the darkness.

But the guards of the Han Palace did not find each other, even if the distance between the other party and them was less than 50 meters. As if this person does not exist.

"Hmph, a group of native chickens can actually block my Sea Demon Race, it's ridiculous."

Just when the man in black was about to step into the Han Palace.

The man in black stopped, as if he had discovered something.

"Well, this is?"

The man in black suddenly discovered something wrong.

"This is a sword formation? And it's a sword formation of very high rank?"

The man in black seemed to have noticed something, his expression moved. The sword formation that can pose a threat to him is definitely not low in rank. Therefore, the man in black also knows something at this moment.

"It's a bit famous. It seems that I can't even enter this Han Palace without resorting to some means."

The man in black murmured.

This sword formation seemed to be aware of the hostility of the men in black, and the sharp sword formation was faintly opening. Fortunately, the man in black took a few steps in time and at the same time condensed his breath. In this way, the sword formation was not really untouched.

The wine is over thirty years old. Guo Jia fell drunk, but Liu Ce was still sober. Yuhuatian has already sent someone to come.

"Thousands of families in the West Factory, Liao Qianbai sees your Majesty."

A black-faced warrior walked in front of Liu Ce.

"Well, Liao Qian, what happened to the actions of Endless Sea?"

Liu Ce carried his left hand with one hand.

"Your Majesty, we sent a total of more than three hundred elites from the West Factory. After a month of exploration, only less than 30 people came back. Our West Factory has roughly constructed some sketches based on the sketches drawn by these factory guards. But. ..."

Speaking of this, Liao Qian said with a look: "Your Majesty, we have only constructed the first half here, and haven't explored the second half."

"Huh? Why is this? Why did you just explore the first half and then give up halfway? Who killed the factory guard we sent?"

Liu Ce looked at Liao Qian and asked.

"Your Majesty, our group of people explored in general, and we encountered a ship of the Sea Demon Race. Therefore, our people retreated decisively. But the other party chased them. Our people had to separate and flee, and in the end there was only a small one. Some people returned to the Huawu Continent."

Liao Qian said to Liu Ce.

"Well, this matter is so important. It should be Yuhuatian who personally sent this information to me. Why did you send it?"

Liu Ce looked at Liao Qian.

"Your Majesty, Governor Yu was seriously injured, so he is now letting the humble position come."

Liao Qian said seriously to Liu Ce.

"What, what's going on?"

Liu Ce frowned slightly.

"As for the rest of us, the remaining 30 Xichang and factory guards were attacked by the Sea Demon Clan when they were approaching the Huawu Continent. But Governor Yu personally led his army to meet us. In the end, although we desperately The protruding encirclement, but Governor Yu was seriously injured."

Liao Qian said, lowering his head, looking uncomfortable.

"Damn the sea demons."

Liu Ce was also angry at the moment.

"How is Yuhuatian now?"

Liu Ce looked at Liao Qian and asked with concern.

"Supervisor Yu hasn't woken up yet."

Liao Qian lowered his head.

"Well, bring your sketch."

Liu Ce said to Liao Qian.


Liao Qian took out a picture scroll. His hands meant to unfold the picture.

Suddenly, Liu Ce sensed a hint of murder.

This murderous intent came very suddenly, because it was in the Han Palace, so Liao Qian didn't have any defense at all.

"Ling Bo stepped slightly!"

Although Liu Ce didn't know what happened. But with his ability to react, he used his body skills to the extreme at the most critical moment.

It can be said that Liu Ce's Lingbo Weibu has already cultivated to the realm of transformation. The whole person turned into an invisible smoke.

However, the opponent's speed is not weak. The most important thing is that the opponent is one step ahead of Liu Ce. His dagger took Liu Ce's chest straight.

Fortunately, Liu Ce's response helped it. In the end, the dagger did not fall on Liu Ce's chest, but slashed across his chest.

"Cough cough cough..."

Liu Ce felt a scorching sensation emerging from his wound. Instantly paralyzed his whole body. He couldn't bear it anymore, and suddenly appeared a hundred meters away. He covered his chest, and his expression was extremely pale.

"Who are you?"

Liu Ce looked at Liao Qian.

In fact, Liu Ce didn't need to ask, he knew that the other party was definitely not from Xichang, and should be an impersonation. Now, the ones who dare to risk the greatness of the world to attack oneself are undoubtedly the most likely members of the Sea Demon Clan.

"You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that today, you will definitely die."

Liao Qian gave Liu Ce a grinning smile.

Liu Ce felt a strange energy burst out of his body, as if he was about to swallow his whole person. He felt as if his body was a little numb.

The ghost guard also obviously reacted, and was coming from all directions. But although the speed of the ghost guard is fast, it still needs time to react.

It's a long story, but it just happened in a short period of time.

Although Liao Qian also sensed that the big men were coming from all directions. But he was sure that he could be before the masters of these big guys arrived. Kill the Emperor of Han.

Liao Qian once again assassinated Liu Ce's place.

"Magic Tower!"

Liu Ce released the magic tower and stood in front of him.

"Boom!" A sound.

Liao Qian's second knife was blocked by the magic tower.

Just when Liao Qian was about to stab the third knife.

Suddenly, a solidified force burst out in the void. This terrifying force froze the entire void in an instant.

"this is?"

Liao Qian was horrified.

This terrifying force made Liao Qian feel a great deal of pressure. It needs to be known that he is also the youngest generation of Sea Mozu, the most talented genius for tens of thousands of years, and he is also a holy realm warrior.

But in front of this power, he felt that he was extremely small.

"Shadow clone technique."

Liao Qian used his secret life-saving method. Turned into countless blood shadows, flying out in all directions.

Suddenly, a horrible sword light cut through the void, like lightning, containing the power to destroy everything.

Under this sword light, Liao Qian's blood shadow was annihilated in an instant.


A muffled hum sounded.

Then a **** light flew out and disappeared into the palace.

Then a young man in black appeared, it was Yu Wentuo.

The surrounding ghosts and guards almost followed Yuwen Tuo. Encircled from all sides.

"His Majesty……"

Ghost Shenwei and Yuwentuo came to Liu Ce.

It seems that because of the appearance of Yuwentuo and the ghost gods. Liu Ce relaxed for a moment. Suddenly, I felt black and fainted.

It is precisely because of this that the bizarre destructive energy in Liu Ce's body exploded more intensely.

"His Majesty."

Yuwentuo seemed to notice the strangeness in Liu Ce's body, and quickly put his hand on Liu Ce's body. After discovering the weird ability and domineering in Liu Ce's body. His complexion suddenly changed.

With this kind of power, even the demigod Yuwen Tuo was a little helpless. At best, he can do his best to suppress this weird power.

"After the notice, the whole city of Handu is under martial law."

The ghost guard led the crow to anger.

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