The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 827: The assassination of the saint

Arriving in the dungeon, at this moment, a corpse is lying horizontally on the ground.

"Your Majesty, the humble job has already been checked, and there is no poison in his mouth."

Weng Taibei said helplessly.

"He committed suicide not by poison, but by secret methods."

Liu Ce said blankly.


Weng Taibei was stunned for a moment, knowing that his majesty was so knowledgeable that he could not compare with him.

"Your Majesty, so, this time it's useless to catch this Sea Demon Race alive."

Weng Taibei was a little depressed.

"Not at all."

Liu Ce didn't explain, he just released Xiaohuang.

Xiaohuang squatted on Liu Ce's shoulder, looking at the corpse on the ground, spitting out a snake letter.

"Little emperor, is there a way to find where this person has been before?"

Liu Ce asked Xiaohuang.

Liu Ce naturally knew that Xiaohuang had a keen sense of smell, especially since Xiaohuang had a high blood awakening now. The talent in this area should be stronger.

"Yes, but there are too many people in Handu, and the smell is mixed. Xiaohuang's sense of smell will be greatly disturbed. I am afraid it will take a while."

Xiaohuang said to Liu Ce.

"It's okay, just do it."

Liu Ce smiled at Xiaohuang.

"It's the boss."

Xiaohuang shot away.

Although he didn't know what effect the snake beside him could play, Weng Taibei was relieved to know that his majesty did not blame himself.

When Liu Ce was about to return to the palace, he suddenly heard a shocking news. The saint was assassinated.

The news changed Liu Ce's expression suddenly. Immediately rushed to the branch hall of the temple in Dahan. Liu Ce's face was gloomy and terrible. The assassin of the Sea Demon Clan was extremely provocative to the big man. He had just assassinated himself, and now he was attacking the saint again, which simply did not put the big man in his eyes.

And Liu Ce heard the news that the saint was assassinated when she came out of the Han Palace and was about to return to the temple. This made Liu Ce a little self-blame. At that time, he should have sent a **** and demon by the saint's side to protect her back. At that time, I was indeed negligent. But now, even if Liu Ce regrets it, it is too late.

"Assassins of the Sea Demon Race, when I find you, I will definitely skin you cramps and smash your corpse into thousands of pieces."

Liu Ce gritted his teeth.

Liu Ce arrived at the branch hall of the temple at the fastest speed. Because he knows that if the other party assassinates the saint, it is very likely that they will also use the kiss of the devil. If that is the case, the saint is now at stake.

Coming to the temple sub-temple, the light guard in the temple looked extremely sad and the atmosphere was very tense. However, after seeing Liu Ce, the other party still performed a routine check.

Although this does not seem to respect Liu Ce a little. But Liu Ce also knows that this time is a very moment. In doing so, it is also to prevent the spies of the Sea Mozu from mixing in.

After checking and verifying his identity, Liu Ce was put in.

Liu Ce went straight to the residence where the saint Shiya was.

At this moment, dozens of Light Guards outside are closely guarded like an enemy.

"How is the saint now?"

Liu Ce asked a high priest in the temple.

"The saint is very dangerous now, still in a coma."

The high priest hurriedly said to Liu Ce.

"Take me in, maybe I have a way."

Liu Ce said to the high priest.


The high priest naturally did not dare to doubt Liu Ce's words, and quickly invited Liu Ce into the room.

At this moment, in the room where the saint is, there are several priests healing the saint. It's just that the expressions of these pastors are extremely solemn now, and it is clear that the treatment has not gone smoothly.

At this moment, Luo Fei was anxious like an ant on a hot pot, especially after knowing the kiss of the demon god, she was even more desperate. After all, the kiss of the Devil God is so powerful, she knows it very well. In the history of the temple, many high-level officials died under the kiss of the devil.

"Is there really no way?"

Luo Fei asked helplessly to the priest beside him.

"Hall Master, I'm sorry, we tried our best. This Demon God's kiss is powerful, you should be very clear. Let alone us, even in the Sea Demon Clan, there is no antidote. The previous assassin obviously knew the saint You will die under the hands of the Demon God’s Kiss, so after you arrive, you don’t have to make a second hand. It is calculated that there is no antidote for this Demon God’s Kiss.

The priest sighed.

"But, but she is only twenty years old, is she going to die like this?"

Luo Fei said sadly.

Luo Fei also used the holy water, and then reluctantly held Shi Ya's breath. Otherwise, Shi Ya would have died at this moment. Luo Fei is very clear about the dominance of Demon Kiss. But she still couldn't tolerate her disciple who was watching her die just in front of her.

"Perhaps, I have a way."

A low voice sounded.


Luo Fei was also taken aback by the sudden appearance of the sound, and hurriedly looked towards the place where the sound came from, and found a young man in black pacing in from outside. This person was not the Emperor of Han, but who came.

"Di Han, do you have a way?"

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce with some surprise.

"His Royal Highness was poisoned by the kiss of the Demon God?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Exactly, how do you know?"

Luo Fei was a little surprised.

What kind of poison is in Shi Ya, she only just learned about it. It didn't spread out at all, how did Liu Ce know this.

"It's fine, this pill is called Jiuzhuan Po Erdan. This pill can cure the poison of Demon God's Kiss."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"This is impossible. The Kiss of the Demon God is extremely overbearing, and there is no antidote at all."

A priest quickly rejected the Tao.

"Yes, Emperor Han, are you deceived? This pill is fake."

Another pastor followed.

"It won't be fake. I was assassinated before, and I was also poisoned by the kiss of the demon god. I was taking the poison of the nine-turn Po Erdan detox. Therefore, this pill is true or false, I naturally know very well. ."

Liu Ce said sternly.

"What? Emperor Han, you are also poisoned by the kiss of the devil?"

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce in shock.

"It's not the time to talk about this, let's let the saint go to the next rank nine to break Erdan."

Liu Ce looked at Luo Fei and said.


Luo Fei naturally would not refuse.

Just when Luo Fei was about to take the Nine Turn Po Erdan to serve Shi Ya, one of the priests on the side quickly stopped and said to Luo Fei: "Hall Lord, there is no antidote to the kiss of the devil. Don’t take it lightly. Believe in others."

Liu Ce was also angry at the moment. He looked at the pastor coldly and said, "You don't believe me, do you have other ways to save Shiya? If not, just get out of me."


The pastor was suddenly a little angry when Liu Ce scolded him like this. They are the priests of the temple, and they are in charge of medical treatment in the temple. It can be said that the position in the temple is very detached. If it wasn't for Liu Ce, they would have jumped out long ago.

"Okay, don't say it. Now the main hall master has no choice. And the main hall main believes that Emperor Han will not make jokes about this kind of thing. The main hall main believes him."

With that, Luo Fei took Liu Ce and gave the 9th Rank Po Erdan to convince Shi Ya.

Soon, Luo Fei could clearly feel that Shi Ya's originally strong black aura suddenly became thinner and stopped expanding.


Luo Fei's expression was overjoyed.

The two priests on the side also looked at each other. The Lord Luo Fei sensed that they could also be sensed as a priest, but to make them believe that the kiss of the Devil God could be cured by a pill, they still chose to believe it. Although Shiya had indeed taken the pill given by the Emperor of Han Dynasty, the two priests believed that whether the saint could really detoxify them was still controversial.

Moreover, the two pastors believed that the possibility that the pill given by Liu Ce could rescue the saint Shiya was still very low. When the time comes, if the Saintess can't wake up, they are ready to come and taunt the Emperor of Han Dynasty.

"Emperor Han, how long will it take for Shi Ya to wake up?"

Seeing Shi Ya remained silent, the Lord of the Temple Luo Fei couldn't help asking Liu Ce.

"Three days."

Liu Ce said to Luo Fei.

"It will take so long?"

Luo Fei frowned slightly.

"This is pretty fast. This terrible and poisonous Palace Master doesn't know."

Liu Cedao.

"That's true."

Although Luo Fei did not see Shi Ya wake up, she could still clearly feel that the poison in her body had been suppressed. This relaxed slightly. Suddenly, Luo Fei thought of something and looked at Liu Ce and asked, "Emperor Han, you said earlier that you also got the kiss of the sea demon clan's demon god?"

"Well, this time, the Sea Demon Clan also came prepared. If it weren't for my fate, I would probably not be able to stand here and talk now."

When Liu Ce said this, his expression was slightly gloomy.

"Did the assassin catch it?"

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce and asked.

"This assassin is a bit cunning and hasn't been caught yet, but please don't worry, the lord, if something like this happened to my big man, I will give you an explanation."

Liu Ce said with a solemn expression.

"Well, do you need the help of our temple?"

Luo Fei looked at Liu Ce and asked.

"I don't need it for the time being, but if I need it, I won't be polite."

Liu Ce nodded.

"Well, if you need any help, Handi, please speak up."

Luo Fei said.

Luo Fei also hated this sea demons assassin who nearly killed her disciple and made her disciple still in a coma.

"for sure."

Liu Ce left in a hurry. Because of the news from Xiaohuang, it still locked the approximate range of the murderer.

After Liu Ce returned to the imperial palace, he dispatched all the warriors in the Hall of Gods and Demons. The area designated by Xiaohuang was sealed off.

The area designated by Xiaohuang is in the southern region of Handu.

This place is considered a wealthy area in Handu. Dahan's Xiduo officials all have real estate here. And the real estate here is not eligible for ordinary people to buy. Certain identity conditions are required to allow purchases.

If the people of the Sea Demon Clan were here, then Liu Ce knew that someone within Dahan must have been bought. This time, after catching the murderer of the Sea Demon Clan, the Dahan officials must be rectified internally. Otherwise, these people will be lawless.

Yun Hui has just returned to his residence at this moment

He was naturally the one who assassinated the saint of the temple. Originally, he was going to sneak into the temple quietly, and then attack the saint and the master of the temple.

But I didn't want to, but the saint of the temple left the temple first and came outside the Han Palace. For Yun Hui, this opportunity is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Otherwise, Yun Hui's current injuries have not yet healed. To venture into the sub-temples of the temple also poses a lot of exposure risks for him. Fortunately, this time, the saint Shiya left the temple by herself, otherwise Yun Hui would have to spend some tricks.

After stabbing Shi Ya with a strange kiss. Yun Hui found that the guard of the big man and the light guard of the temple had arrived. Because the injury had not yet healed, and Yun Hui had a lot of confidence, the other party would inevitably die under his own poison. Therefore, Yun Hui evacuated immediately.

However, Yun Hui discovered that he could not contact his subordinates who were in charge of connecting with him in Handu.

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