The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 828: Tiannudan


Yun Hui's expression changed abruptly, and he thought to himself: Murderous intent, I feel a murderous intent, could I be in danger?

"Could it be that Dahan's people found this place, but it's wrong, I have never exposed, how could Dahan's people find this so quickly?"

Yun Hui was a bit weird.

Suddenly, a terrifying force fell from the void. This is a huge palm print.

Cover the sky and the sun. It seems that there is a **** pattern on the palm print.


Yun Hui couldn't care about the injured body, and wanted to use his body skills to avoid it.

However, at that moment. The surrounding void seemed to be frozen by a force.

"Damn it. Is it a demigod?"

Yun Hui sensed the breath he had sensed before in the Han Palace. Only at the time, he was still a little unsure. Until now, Yun Hui was already a little certain, and this person was indeed the person who had been sensed in the Han Palace before.


No matter how hard Yun Hui struggled, before this force, it was so small.


Han Palace

Wang Chun hurriedly walked into the imperial study room where Liu Ce was.

"Your Majesty, great news, the assassin has caught it."

Wang Chun bowed his head to Liu Cedao.


A smile appeared on Liu Ce's face.

Liu Ce knew that this time Xiaohuang had made his first contribution again. If it wasn't for Xiaohuang, it would have been so easy to catch this assassin so easily.

"Come in."

Liu Ce said to Wang Chun.

Soon, Yuwentuo walked in from outside with a black-clothed youth. The young man in black is unusually tall. It was about two meters tall and was covered with a black coat. She wrapped her body tightly. It is Yunhui, the genius of the young generation of Sea Mozu.

"You assassinated me?"

Liu Ce stood up, carrying his hands on his back, and paced in front of Yun Hui.

When Yun Hui saw Liu Ce in front of him, he felt extremely incredible. It seems that he didn't expect that the other party was not dead.

"How is it possible, how can you not die, it is absolutely impossible."

Yun Hui looked at Liu Ce in shock.

"It seems that you really assassinated me. How many lives do you think you have?"

Liu Ce looked at Yun Hui in front of him with a ferocious expression.

A terrifying murderous intent was locked on Yun Hui in front of him. ,

"Tell me, how many accomplices do you have, maybe I can give you a happy one?"

Liu Ce looked at Yun Hui blankly.


Yun Hui laughed loudly. As if to hear the funniest joke in the world.

"Have you laughed enough? You can continue to laugh if you haven't laughed enough."

Liu Cehao looked at Yun Hui in front of him in his spare time.

"Emperor Han, don't think that you have won. When the will of Heaven is further weakened, His Majesty the Demon Emperor will rule the entire Huawu Continent. At that time, it is the death of your big man. You still let go of this young man sensibly. For this reason, you can ask His Majesty the Demon King to give you a way out."

Yun Hui looked at Liu Ce's arrogant way.

"It's interesting. Originally, I was still thinking about whether or not to do this, but seeing you so confident, I can give you a chance. I won't kill you."

Liu Ce looked at Yun Hui in front of him with a faint smile.

"What do you mean?"

Yun Hui looked at Liu Ce in front of him. Although the other party said he was going to let him go, how did Yun Hui feel that the other party's appearance seemed a little bit ill-intentioned, which made Yun Hui feel uncontrollable. Can't help looking at Liu Ce with some worry.

"Yuwentuo, take this to him."

Liu Ce took out a pill.

"According to the purpose."

Yu Wentuo took the medicine. Although he didn't know what medicine his Majesty took out, he naturally wouldn't ask more. Just follow your orders.

For some reason, I saw the pill that Liu Ce took out. Yun Hui's expression felt extremely scared, as if he had seen something terrifying.

Yun Hui struggled hard, even if he died, he didn't want to take this pill. But in front of the demigod Yuwentuo, all his struggles were in vain. Soon, he was forced to take the pill.

Suddenly, a terrifying force burst out from his body. This force whizzed into his body like a mountain.

Especially Yunhui's brain. It feels like an invisible seed is taking root and germinating. This made Yun Hui feel extremely horrible. As if the next breath, his head was about to explode.


Yun Hui was so painful that he couldn't help rolling on the ground. That feeling is beyond imagination.

Liu Ce looked at him indifferently. Liu Ce bought this medicine in the system mall. It cost him 100 million yuan for the national fortune.

What pill is so expensive?

This is Tian Nu Dan. It is a super upgraded version of Dan Enslave. Because the ordinary enslavement pill, even the martial artist of the Nine Tribulations Realm cannot control it, let alone this Yun Hui is a warrior of the Holy Realm.

And this day, Nu Dan is a warrior who can control the holy realm, turning the opponent into a slave who is attached to himself. At random, although the national fortune of 100 million yuan is a bit expensive, it is still worthwhile for Liu Ce.

After all, this day Nu Dan can make a holy realm sea demons surrender himself. Of course, the most important thing is that Liu Ce didn't want to attack the city for himself from the opponent, but wanted to get news from the Sea Demon Clan. Or from the Huawu continent to the road map to the magic island.

If you want to reverse the situation that Human Race Continent has been holding on to the Demons for tens of thousands of years, you need to reverse the situation that has been passively beaten. Therefore, knowing the route to the Demon Island of the Sea Demon is the most important thing, but now this news, Liu Ce needs to get the information from the important officials of the Sea Demon.

The young man in front of him, even in the Sea Demon Clan, a young man whose cultivation talent was far superior to that of the Human Clan, was able to become a holy martial artist at this age who seemed less than thirty years old, which was enough to prove his talent. Therefore, Liu Ce can determine that the opponent must have an extraordinary position in the Sea Mozu.

Yun Hui wailed for an hour before finally calming down. The red light in his eyes gradually disappeared.

"Yun Hui pays homage to your majesty."

Yun Hui got up from the ground, came to Liu Ce's face blankly, and saluted him.

"Free and flat body."

Liu Ce said lightly.

"Speak out everything you know about the Sea Demon Race."

Liu Ce said to Yun Hui.

"According to the purpose."

Next, Yun Hui said everything he knew about the Sea Mozu.


Liu Ce frowned slightly, and suddenly condensed.

Although Liu Ce knew the strength of the Sea Mozu was very strong, he did not expect it to be so strong. Because Yun Hui told Liu Ce that the Demon Sovereign of the Sea Demon Race had already broken through to the Divine Realm, but was limited by the will of the Heavenly Way of the Huawu Continent, so he could not descend on the Huawu Continent for the time being.

Moreover, the Sea Demon Race has several warriors in the semi-god state. Two of them will arrive on the Huawu Continent in the near future, heading to Dahan.

All these news, Liu Ce felt solemn.

Although Liu Ce knew that the strength of the Sea Demon Race was far greater than that of the Human Race, he still didn't have any intuitive feelings. But now from what Yun Hui knew, Liu Ce already understood that the strength of the Sea Mozu was far above his own imagination. The Human Race has not yet started a full-scale war with the Sea Demon Race, but in this battle, the Human Race has a long way to go.

"Your Majesty, in fact, this time the Sea Demon Race has to take the Huawu Continent with all its strength. In addition to its own needs, this is also the requirement of the Demon Race clan.

Yun Hui suddenly told a heavy news.


Liu Ce's heart was shocked.

"This is what I heard from my uncle. It is still a secret in our Sea Demon Race."

Yun Hui said faintly.

Yun Hui said that the look of our Sea Demon Race was very natural. Obviously, he had been brainwashed by Liu Ce's medicine. I don't think there is anything wrong with speaking like this.

"Do you know, what's the secret in this?"

Liu Ce said to Yun Hui.

"I don't know, maybe only my uncle Yunzhe will know about it."

Yun Hui said.

"Well, starting today, you can go back to the Sea Demon Race. As soon as you have any news, find a way to get it."

Liu Ce said to Yun Hui.

"According to the purpose."

Yun Hui said.

"Go, be careful when you go back, don't contact me if you are not completely sure."

Liu Ce said to Yun Hui.

This Yunhui is a national destiny worth one hundred million, and Liu Ce must also need a small one.

"According to the purpose."

After Yun Hui left, Liu Ce sorted out some news he had received from Yun Hui, and frowned.

Because Liu Ce didn't get a route map from the Huawu Continent to the Haimozu from Yun Hui's mouth. Because Yunhui came from a channel that could only be used by the Sea Demon Race. It is said that only the sea demons can survive in that environment. Human race will undoubtedly die in less than half an hour. Perhaps only human warriors above the Nine Tribulations Realm can survive in that environment. After hearing the news, Liu Ce suddenly lost interest.

Maybe Liu Ce can find a way to crack it from the system mall, but if you want to conquer the sea monsters, it is not enough to rely on high-level warriors. There must be the cooperation of the army to sweep the sea demon clan's plowing hole. But in this case, even if Liu Ce had more national luck, it would not be enough. Is Liu Ce still going to let Xichang find a route suitable for humans to walk.

As for whether Yun Hui would lose his life when he returned to the Sea Demon Clan because of the mission failure, Liu Ce wasn't worried. After all, Yun Hui also told Liu Ce that he has an uncle who is a great elder in the Sea Demon Clan. Even if the time comes, His Majesty the Devil Emperor will punish him, but with this uncle, he will not lose his life. What's more, as Yun Hui is one of the top geniuses of the young generation of the Sea Demon, the Demon Sovereign should not embarrass him too much.

What Liu Ce had to face now were two demi-god martial artists from the Sea Demon Race.

This is the top priority now. Although Liu Ce had been prepared, he was under a lot of pressure in the face of two demigods from the Sea Demon Race. After all, the current big man, there is only one warrior in the semi-divine realm on the bright side.

A few more days

Inside the Imperial Study Room of the Han Palace

"Your Majesty. There is news from the temple. His Royal Highness has awakened."

Wang Chun carried the whisk in from outside.

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