The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 881: Earth God Tier Treasure Chest

"Hmph, Emperor Han, it seems that you have never put the temple in your eyes?"

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce.

"Where does this start?"

Liu Ce smiled faintly.

"Where do you start? You are such a big driver of the Han emperor. The master of the temple has not seen you the Han emperor even when he arrives in the Han capital or even outside the Han Palace. How could you, the Han emperor, become a holy emperor? , I’m going to show you the holy emperor’s driver in front of the main hall master, right?"

Du Qian said coldly.

"Oh, it turns out that the Lord of the Palace is so caring about people who are imaginary. In my eyes, the Lord Luo Fei is the kind of person who doesn't care about superficial vanity. I admire this deeply. "

Liu Ce looked very surprised.


Du Qian was humiliated by Liu Ce's turn, and suddenly became a little angry. But thinking of the purpose of coming to the big man this time, he had to hold back.

"Emperor Han, this time I came to discuss something with you."

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce in front of him, his expression serious.

"Oh, Palace Master Du made it clear."

Liu Cedao.

"Ma Longguo, Great Zhou Dynasty, Great Yanzong, Tianqingzong, don't you know what happened to Emperor Han?"

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce.

"Oh, what happened?"

Liu Ce looked at Du Qian in surprise.

Du Qian was really vomiting blood out of Liu Ce's appearance, and this guy even pretended to be in front of him. It's really hateful.

But Du Qian still patiently said: "The Emperor of Han. I heard that you have frozen the assets of the chambers of commerce in the above-mentioned countries in the Hanmeng League and other regions, and also prevented merchants from coming to these countries to do business? Is there such a thing?"

Liu Ce patted his head, looking puzzled. Looking at Du Qiandao: "I really don't know about this matter. I will invite the minister of commerce under his command to come."

"Wang Chun, go and invite Da Sinong."

Liu Ce shouted.


Wang Chun walked out immediately.

Soon, Lu Gao, the great hannong, walked in from outside and stood in front of Liu Ce after meeting with Liu Ce.

"Master Lu, the hall master said, you prevented our Great Han and the chambers of commerce in the Han League from going to the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Great Yanzong, and the Tianqingzong for commercial activities, and you also frozen the funds of the chambers of commerce in these places? Is there such a thing? "

Liu Ce looked at the big Sinong in front of him seriously and asked.

"It's true, but there is a reason for it."

With that, Lu Gao explained to Liu Ce in detail.

"Oh, Palace Master Du Qian, this is no wonder. The freezing of funds is normal. We Dahan and Hanmeng have frozen some funds with unknown origins and unknown assets in the country. It is completely reasonable and legal. As for preventing our Dahan Chamber of Commerce from going to the above This is not a strange thing everywhere. Master Lu explained that since the chambers of commerce of our Hanmeng League go to these countries and are treated differently, and tariffs are imposed, we naturally need to prevent the chambers of commerce from going to these places. After all, these places are not welcome. It’s not normal for our big-handed business group to not go if they are not welcome."

Liu Ce speaks eloquently.

Du Qian suddenly became a little angry, and this big man pushed three, five or six. This kind of Tai Chi pushing hands made him somewhat unable to adapt.

"Emperor Han, we know that people don't talk secretly. How can you let go?"

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce.

At this moment, Du Qian's tone slowed down, already showing some weakness.


Liu Ce's eyes flickered, and he looked at Du Qian in front of him and said: "In fact, it is very simple. Our big man and the business group in the Han League have suffered unfair treatment in these places. Naturally, they need to apologize, the culprit. We need to give an explanation, otherwise our big Han and the business groups in the Han League will regard these places as restricted areas."

"Emperor Han, are you trying to completely tear your face with our temple? This is not good, don't you guys worry about angering the temple?"

Du Qian looked at Liu Ce threateningly.

"Hallmaster Du, is this threatening me?"

A cold stern flashed in Liu Ce's eyes.

"I will leave the words here, what do Palace Master Du think, listen and respect, and see off the guests."

Liu Ce said unceremoniously.


Du Qian suddenly became a little upset. The Emperor of Han dared to issue an order to chase himself off, which was too courageous. As a temple, it has never been so insulted, which is simply too much. Du Qian did feel that he was greatly humiliated.

"Emperor Han, let's wait and see."

After speaking, Du Qian turned and left.

Du Qian was unwilling to compromise, so he prepared for the temple's personal intervention. But Du Qian didn't expect that with the temple's personal intervention, the small forces in those countries did not really compromise. Because the sanctions imposed by the big man have already moved their roots. Although the intervention of the temple made them feel jealous, it also aroused the anger of these forces. On the surface, these forces express tameness, but in the dark they are openly and secretly opposed to the above. Instead, these sects and the country were in chaos.

Under the scorching forehead of the temple master, although he also took many measures, he did not stop the country in the end, and the riots were getting bigger and bigger. This also made Du Qian angry. Revenge against the big man was brewing in his heart.

Dahan Han Palace. Liu Ce is now practicing the forging heart

Waves of transparent white light burst out from Liu Ce's body.

Half an hour later

Liu Ce seemed to have broken some shackles, and the white light surrounding him trembled slightly, slowly disappearing from the Baihui acupoint above Liu Ce's head.

"Well, yes, I finally awakened the seeds of Spiritual Dao and Illusion Dao Law."

Liu Ce murmured.

Awakening these seeds made Liu Ce's mental power even stronger. Moreover, the awakening of the seed of the illusion law made Liu Ce stronger to resist the illusion.


Suddenly, Liu Ce noticed a messenger talisman flying from a distance. Fell on his hand.

This is a talisman sent by Chongwei.


Liu Ce opened the messenger and checked it, his expression suddenly became solemn.


There is only one content on this talisman. Soon, the forward of the Demon Race will come to the big man. There is a strong man in the late stage of transforming gods.

"Later stage of the God Realm?"

Liu Ce's expression suddenly became serious.

The late stage of the God Realm. That is undoubtedly a huge pressure on the big man. After all, the later stage of the Transcendent God Realm can definitely crush the big man.

"It seems that we still have to continue unpacking, otherwise it will be absolutely worrying when faced with the later stage of this demons' transformation into the gods."

Liu Ce narrowed his eyes.

"System, I want to open the Earth God Rank treasure chest."

Liu Ce said to the system in his heart.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, successfully opening the Earth God-level treasure chest."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get a premium lucky card +1"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the Void Lord Summoning Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, for gaining the domineering look and hearing!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Five Elements Magic Array!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get the best advanced card +3 (only for gods and demons!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting a heavenly palace."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, get +1 from the beast egg"


Liu Ce cares most about the gods and demons, and he hasn't paid much attention to other rewards for the time being. Only when he saw the name of the empty son, he couldn't help but be shocked.

Who is the emptiness son? That is a certain plane that can fight against the Great Sage Qitian. Although it was just a few tricks, it once made Qi Tian Dashengdu a little bit disadvantaged. It can be said to be very good.

Unexpectedly, he could summon all the emptiness. Although this guy is only an exorcist, his strength is definitely not to be underestimated, especially his empty swordsmanship, which is known as unparalleled in the world.

Liu Ce quickly checked the attributes of the empty son.

Sure enough, the strength of the empty son is the late stage of the transformation of the gods.

"Very well, with the empty son, the big man has confidence again."

This time it really was an earth **** level treasure chest. Although there are not many rewards for treasures, many of them are very practical, and Liu Ce is generally satisfied.

Advanced Lucky Card: The upgraded version of the Intermediate Lucky Card, which can increase the lucky value within one hour after use.

Seeing and hearing color domineering: one of the three atmospheres of a certain world. After the host is fused, the five senses of Cocoa can become sharp. It can detect the aura of surrounding creatures and the domineering emotion of changes in emotions. It can also be used to predict and avoid danger. The island is called the heart net.

Five Elements Magical Array: Holy Step Array, within the Array, virtual and real are inseparable.

Premium Advanced Card: Allows the gods and demons summoned by the host to advance to a large-level card, each of which can only be used once. Restrict the use of God Realm and below.

Tiangong: A mysterious building on a certain plane, which has a mysterious effect. Can fly long distances.

Divine beast pill: Divine beast eggs to be hatched.

Liu Ce is a little curious if this is the egg of the gods and devil.

It's just that Liu Ce didn't even know what kind of beast the beast egg belonged to, or how to hatch it. After all, Liu Ce is a human. How can humans corrupt beast eggs?

"System, what kind of beast is this?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"The host will know it after hatching, now there is no comment?"

System Road.

"But how do I hatch?"

Liu Ce asked.

"If the host wants to incubate this sacred beast egg, he still needs to sign a contract with the other party."

System Road.

"Um, sign a contract?"

Liu Ce asked the system somewhat puzzledly: "The other party is just an egg, can you sign a contract?"

"Naturally, it is possible. After the egg hatches, it will be very difficult for you to sign a contract with the other party."

System Road.

"So hanging?"

Although the system did not say clearly, but from the tone of the system, this egg is undoubtedly hanging very much. This also made Liu Ce curious about the identity of this sacred beast egg.

"Then how to sign a contract?"

Liu Ce asked the system.

"The host drips blood on the surface of the egg until there is a reaction. Remember, the host has only one chance."

System Road.


Liu Ce didn't talk nonsense, and began to bite his **** and put it on top of the sacred beast egg.


Liu Ce found that his **** was stuck on the beast egg. Then a swallowing force swallowed his blood.

"this is?"

Liu Ce was a little surprised. Isn't a drop of blood enough?

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