The Strongest Violent Emperor

Chapter 882: Emptiness

But then, Liu Ce was slightly shocked. The sacred beast egg began to devour his blood crazily.

"I wipe it, it's enough. If you **** it down like this, you haven't come out yet, your master, I must die."

Liu Ce said quickly.

It seems to have heard Liu Ce's heartfelt voice. The sacred beast egg finally stopped sucking his blood. Started to stop.

What's amazing is that Liu Ce feels like he is establishing some kind of wonderful connection with the other party.

"the host."

A voice that seemed very immature came from within the sacred beast egg.

"Well, is that you?"

Liu Ce was a little surprised.

This is worthy of being a sacred beast egg, who can speak before he is born.

"Yes it is,"

Liu Ce felt the other party's very excited emotions.

"How can you get out of the egg? What should I do?"

Liu Ce asked.

"Master, you just need to devour energy for me every day."

The voice inside the sacred beast egg said.

"Well, don't worry, Master, I will find a way to let you devour more energy."

Liu Ce already had an idea in his mind.

The current Huawu Continent, or the big man, does not lack energy. The current cultivation environment of Dahan has long changed. Even far beyond the previous imperial dynasties. Some aura of aura.

Liu Ce returned to his bedroom

In the palace, set the spirit gathering array. This is the best spirit gathering array. Can strengthen the concentration of aura in the gathering spirit formation ten times.

Feeling the rich aura around him, an extremely excited message came from the sacred beast egg.

Liu Ce believed that this sacred beast egg could hatch soon.

Walking out of his bedroom, Liu Ce ordered the surrounding guards that no one could step into his bedroom without his order.

"System, I want to summon Prince Void."

Liu Ce said to the system.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the summoning of Master Void is successful, and Master Void will arrive in a stick of incense."

The system prompt sounds.

"Well, I don't know how this emptiness boy will appear on the stage?"

Liu Ce shook his head, thinking that in the original world, this empty young man was an extremely funny person, and he wouldn't go wherever he was to invite four old women to carry the sedan chair for him.

Of course, this possibility should not be great. Although Prince Void is a bit arrogant, in front of him, it is still not like that.

"Wang Chun."

Liu Ce shouted.

Wang Chun followed Liu Ce all the time, and when he heard his call, he jumped out from nowhere.

"His Majesty."

Wang Chun lowered his head.

"Go and find two adults, Fei Peng and Zhonglou."

Liu Ce ordered.

"According to the purpose."

Wang Chun left immediately. ,

Inside the Imperial Study Room of the Han Palace

Soon, Feipeng and Zhonglou came to Liu Ce.

"Meet your majesty."

Feipeng and Chonglou bowed to Liu Ce.

"Flat body."

Liu Cedao.

"Fei Peng, Chonglou, you have joined me for a while. The contribution to the man is obvious to all."

Liu Ce looked at Feipeng and Zhonglou Road.

Fei Peng and Chonglou were a little curious at this moment, I don't know why your Majesty suddenly invited himself and others to come. But still looking at Liu Ce.

"As a reward, I want to improve the cultivation base of both of you. After all, you have been stuck for a long time in the early stage of Transforming God Realm."

Liu Cedao.

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Fei Peng and Zhonglou were overjoyed.

Both of them are cultivators, and they are naturally very eager to improve their cultivation. And they knew that the initial stage of the transformation of the gods to the middle stage of the transformation of the gods was a card. Even with their talents, it would not be possible for them to break through for dozens or hundreds of years. So when they heard that your majesty wanted to improve their cultivation, they were naturally overjoyed. When they first came to Dahan and entered the Hall of Gods and Demons, they heard that His Majesty had supernatural powers to improve the cultivation of martial artists out of thin air, and the realm would not be unstable. They thought to themselves that when his Majesty could improve their cultivation base, they didn't expect that this opportunity would come so soon.

"System, I want to use the advanced card to improve the cultivation of the scaboo and the heavy building."

Liu Ce pretended to point a finger on Fei Peng and Chonglou's foreheads, and then said silently in his heart at the same time.


Fei Peng and Zhonglou felt a surging energy burst out of their bodies at the same time. Hundreds of skeletons exploded in his limbs.

"You consolidate your cultivation in my imperial study room."

Liu Ce gave orders to Feipeng and Chonglou.

At this time, Feipeng and Zhonglou could not be rude, and immediately sat down cross-legged in front of Liu Ce.

"Your Majesty, the empty son said."

Wang Chun shouted.

"Okay, there's a third candidate."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

There are three advanced cards. Naturally, it is necessary to give the three people with the strongest cultivation base. The cultivation base of Young Master Void is in the late stage of God Transformation Realm, plus this promotion, he can reach the peak of Transcendent God Realm.

"Empty meets your majesty."

The empty son came to Liu Ce.

"Free and flat body."

Liu Ce smiled at the empty son.

"Thank your majesty."

The emptiness boy stood up.

The emptiness son looks like a talent, so he is very close to Luo Zhixiang. It looks very funny. Of course, although the emptiness is extremely funny, it cannot be denied that the opponent's strength is pretty good. When Monkey King didn't really fight him seriously, he also suffered a lot. It can be seen how strong the empty swordsmanship of the empty master is.

"Empty, although you have just come to the man, I still want to give you a meeting gift, hoping that you can contribute to the man."

Liu Ce said to the empty son.

"Thank your majesty."

The emptiness boy was overjoyed immediately.

Even the excited body trembled a little.

It should be noted that the emptiness also knows that it is not easy to practice. Don't look at his appearance about twenty-seven or eighty-eight. In fact, it is already over 500 years old. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is an old monster. However, he had been stuck for fifty years in the late stage of the Transcendent God Realm. The further the practice goes, the more difficult it is. But spiritual practice is like traveling against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. Therefore, the emptiness boy dare not slacken in the slightest. Unexpectedly, when he went to Dahan at this moment, the Emperor of Han would send himself such a gift, which made Prince Xu extremely grateful to the Emperor of Han.

"Okay, don't move."

Liu Ce's hand pretended to nod on the forehead of the empty man.


Sure enough, a surging energy burst out in the body of the empty man.

The complexion of the empty son changed, he immediately meditated cross-legged, and began to control the energy.


An hour later

The emptiness son smoothly consolidated his cultivation base.

"Is this the peak of God Transformation Realm?"

A hint of joy flashed through the eyes of the empty son.

"Empty, thank your Majesty for the gift, and vowed to do his best for the man and die."

The unbearable excitement of the emptiness son said to Liu Ce.

"Okay, remember your words."

Liu Ce smiled.

At the same time, Feipeng and Zhonglou also came behind Liu Ce and thanked Liu Ce.

"Get up."

Liu Ce smiled slightly.

Needless to say, Fei Peng and Zhonglou also broke through to the middle stage of the God Transformation Realm, and this cultivation base was a lot stronger.

However, Feipeng and Zhonglou were a little curious when they saw the empty son standing next to Liu Ce. Especially when the two felt the powerful aura on each other's body, even far surpassing them, both of them were a little surprised. After all, Feipeng and Chonglou knew that their cultivation bases were among the best among the big guys. Never thought that at this time, there was an extra guy whose cultivation level was still higher than that of others. This also made the two feel a bit of pressure from competition.

Especially the heavy building, there is a strong will to war against the empty man.

"Who is your excellency?"

Chonglou came to the emptiness.

"I am an empty son!"

The empty man shook the folding fan in his hand.

"Void Prince?"

Feipeng smiled slightly and said, "I see your face is indeed a little empty. It is worthy of the name."

The empty son heard this, suddenly a little depressed.

"Master Void, can you dare to fight this seat?"

Chonglou looked at the empty man and asked.

"You are not my enemy and your majesty. What's the point of fighting with you?"

The empty man shook his head and said.

"Why are you so grind, I feel you are very strong, and I want to share the victory with you."

Chonglou looked at Young Master Void, and a strong warfare flashed in his eyes.

"What's the use of this false name? If you like it, then just give it to you."

The emptiness son said calmly.

"I|Grass, are you a man?"

Chonglou was about to vomit blood, how could such a grind person have such a powerful cultivation base. He is a militant himself, and he likes to speak with his fists. It's not his character to be so hard.

A few days later

There is a huge battleship above the big man

At this moment, Liu Ce, who was in the Han Palace, narrowed his eyes. Muttered: "Come here so fast."

On the next breath, Liu Ce disappeared in place.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Liu Ce was suspended outside the Han Capital.

"Devil Ba Yan."

A warrior walked out of the demon's flying boat. Looking at Liu Ce blankly.

Dozens of warriors of the demons appeared in the void. A powerful aura erupted from every warrior of the Demon Race.

Especially the aura on Ba Yan's body is even stronger. Reached the late stage of the God of Transformation.

At this moment, even Liu Ce, who had been prepared, felt a suffocation for a while.

Sanctuary in the Holy City

The lord Du Qian was also looking at the direction of the Han Capital where Liu Ce was.

"Unexpectedly, the big man provokes such a powerful enemy. In the later stage of the transformation of the gods, I don't know how the big man will respond?"

Du Qian smiled slightly.

"Hall Lord, are we really just asking? After all, this is the demons who have come to our region?"

The high priest asked.

"Excuse me, how do I intervene, the current master of Huawu Continent is not our temple. Moreover, the opponent's cultivation base is transformed into the gods, which has far surpassed the strength of the master of the temple. Going now is just to die. Now the veritable ruler of Huawu Continent is justified by a big man who takes action."

Du Qian said lightly.

In fact, although Du Qian said it was high-sounding. But in his mind, the Han Emperor of the Han Dynasty was dead. In the late stage of the transformation of the gods, even in the Temple of Heaven, he could rank in the top three. How could the imperial dynasty of Huawu Continent be the opponent of the warriors in the later stage of the Hua Shen realm?

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